Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4, 2013

  Dear SMASHing Families,
As I recently told all of the 4th through 8th graders during a series of “Rules Meetings” last month, I care about students and families all the time: before, during, and after school, during vacations too.  I have SMMUSD rules and policies to follow at certain times, and again, I care about your children and you all the time.  With that in mind, a handful of what I’ll call “Parent Etiquette” requests have come to my attention during recent informal conversations with parents at the camping trip, on the yard at drop off and pick up times, and through recent reflective conversations with SMASH staff members.  Here are five parent-to-parent etiquette requests that I have heard, that I am taking to heart, and that I thought I would share:
1.   Post on-line photos or footage of your child only. Some families are more comfortable than others with      Internet exposure of their child. Be mindful about posting images of other peoples’ children without their     parents’ explicit permission.
2.   Host screen-free hangouts/playdates. Confirm with the visiting child’s family first if video games, a movie,   or social media are ok to be accessible at your house.
3.   Model calming, kind and caring communication.  Speak directly to a fellow parent or staff member if you have a concern.  Avoid making assumptions about another person’s motive.  Refrain from gossiping on the yard or via social media postings. We prioritized this in the 2013-14 SMASHing Staff Social Contract where we agreed to:  “Be proactive in our mindful communications and actions. Practice kindness and recognize    others’ positive intentions and qualities.”
4.   Provide non-sugary snacks.  Promote good nutritional habits amongst our growing kids.
5.   Practice supportive cross-parenting.  Notice a child left out of hangouts?  Try to include him/her.     Know of a teenager alone in the high risk hours of 3:00-6:00pm?  Invite him/her to join your family for the afternoon. Let’s keep all of our SMASH children safe and included. 
I promise to do my best as a SMASH parent and staff member to follow the above suggestions in order to care for the cognitive, emotional, nutritional, and social well-being of all of our children.  Thank you, as always, for your partnership.

We have lots of great SMASH events coming up this year
and we need your help to pull them all off!
Below is the link to the volunteer sheet
With lots of fun ways to chip in
There are jobs big and small
Good for one, good for all
You can see it is purely win-win
Check it out here:

Mon-Wed, Oct 7, 8, & 9 - Catalina Field Trip
Mon-Fri, Oct 7-11 - Bike it Walk it Week
Wed, Oct 9 - 3:00pm - Site Council Mtg.
Wed, Oct 9 - 6:00pm - SMASH PTSA Mtg.
Sat, Oct 12 - 9am-1pm - John Muir Elementary Rummage Sale
Mon, Oct. 14 - School Picture Day - Forms went home today
Thur, Oct 17 - 10:17am - The Great Shakeout - full scale earthquake drill
Fri, Oct 18 - 9:45am - Catalina trip assembly
Fri, Oct 25 - 1:30-2:30pm - Halloween Carnival

Flyers went home to all students today!  Don’t be late - you will miss the class photo
Payment MUST be made at the time the photo is taken - Lifetouch does not accept late orders.
To pay by credit card, complete the paper order form. 
Bring your form with the online payment code to school
Or bring the completed form with your check made payable to Lifetouch, or the exact amount in cash.
We CANNOT make change. 
All children will be photographed for their school ID at no charge.

Notes from your PTSA. . . .
Don't Forget to Mark Your Calendars for the first PTSA Meeting of the year!
It's right around the corner: Wednesday, October 9th at 6:00pm in the school library. There's a lot going on right now and this is the place to learn about it. Please join us! - SMASH PTSA
Let's Support John Muir's Rummage Sale &
get rid of the stuff we don't need anymore, at the same time!
Clean stuff out of your closets and drop it off on Friday, October 1l from 8:15a to 4pm - 2526 6th street!
Attend the Rummage sale on Saturday, October 12th from 9:00am - 1:00pm
Admission is FREE but if you want dibs on the really good stuff,
show up at 8:00am and pay the early bird entry: $5
All proceeds benefit the Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation and John Muir Elementary
Are you running in the SM 5000? We've got 8 SMASH families running!
 Please join them
Race Day Schedule
5k starts at 8am;  -  10k starts at 8:30am   3k family walk starts at 8:45
Tot Trots (free for kids 7 and under) starts at 9:30 at the finish line
Meeting Point & “Spirit” Wear  Each school and sports team will have a sign at the starting line so that you can meet up with your school friends! Race liaisons – please come get your school sign from me at the starting point. They are basic white posters attached to stakes. Let your schools know about this. Encourage students, families and staff to wear your school t-shirts or other gear, too!
Parking Parking is available for a fee at the 2600 lot, next to the starting line just south of Ocean Park Boulevard on Barnard Way. If you want to park here, you must arrive by 7:15am. The roads around this area close after this time for the race. Other parking lots should be open around the area; just be aware of the road closures after 7:15am.
The Cool Down When you’ve finished the race, head to the Santa Monica Pier for the Cool Down, the post-race event, for fun and a pancake breakfast! Coffee will be provided by Caffe Luxxe. The Santa Monica High School Jazz Combo will be performing, as will a Samohi student DJ. Tons of giveaways from vendors, too!
FREE Bike Valet This year save money and gas and ride your bike to the starting line at Ocean Park Blvd. and Barnard Way. Performance Bike Shop will be on hand! Get your warm up in and be good to the environment.
SKECHERS Reward Tent Stop by the Skechers Rewards Tent at the Cool Down Expo in your Skechers Performance gear to get your cinch sack filled with Clif Bars, discounts off your next SKECHERS purchase, Skechers Performance hat and more! Don’t miss out—random bags will include big ticket items like a Nutribullet or Skechers Performance footwear vouchers!


Morning Meetings
Morning Meeting is an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for  success socially and academically. Each morning, students and teachers gather together in a circle for approximately twenty minutes and interact with one another during four purposeful components:
1.     Greeting: and teachers greet one other by name and practice offering hospitality.
2.     Sharing: share information about important events in their lives. Listeners often
       offer empathetic comments or ask clarifying questions.
3.     Group Activity: participates in a brief, lively activity that fosters group cohesion
       and helps students practice social and academic skills.
4.     Morning Message:read and interact with a message written by their teacher.                                         
       The message is crafted to help students focus on the work they'll do in school that day.
Participation in Morning Meetings
It makes us happy to see that many parents and siblings are staying for Morning Meeting. We appreciate your participation beyond observation.

Please keep in mind some ways that parents can assist in morning meeting.
1.   Sing enthusiastically.
2.   Share with children or other parents during "turn and talk" times.
3.   Help a child get to the rug.
4.   Sit close to a child that seems less engaged than usual.
5.   Whisper an affirmative guideline like "Wait for your turn to talk" or "Keep your hands, feet,            
     and body to yourself."
6.   Help your visiting toddler child participate appropriately by keeping him or her within your arm's
     reach. Their attention span is shorter and they may need to leave before the end of the meeting.
Other Reminders

Please label your child's clothes, food containers (lids and cups), lunch napkins, lunch boxes, and water bottles.   Check the lost-and-found hooks outside Chrysta's window and the lost-and-found-table outside her door.
October Birthday Bash

We will be celebrating October birthdays on Friday, October 18 at 9:45 AM in The Magic Garden (Graciela’s room).If your child’s birthday will be celebrated, we’d love for you to join us!The birthday children are invited      to bring a fresh fruit or vegetable (as it was purchased) to school at 8:30. They will prepare the fruit or vegetable by washing it, cutting it, and presenting it during Projects Time from 9:00-9:45. Birthday families are invited to help at that time.At 9:45 the whole core will gather in Graciela’s room for a story, a poem, and a song.At about 10:00 the children will snack on the fruits and vegetables that were prepared by the birthday children. We will need parents to help to set-up the buffet tables on the small yard, to serve the food, and to help the children clean up.Our reusable dishes will need to be taken home by a birthday family to be washed in a dishwasher.Please let Graciela know if    you can help or if you have any questions.Her e-mail address is a great weekend!
Graciela (                                                    Chrysta (                                    Christian (ccarter@smmus.og)  & Nadja

Have you ever wondered what it is we do all day, every day in Core 2?  Well, wonder no more…here is the Core 2 Schedule (times/lessons may change based on student needs, schedule changes, special events, etc.).  We have indicated ideal times for Core 2 parents to join the fun.  Please let us know if you’d like to volunteer during Art or Theme or if you have a special project of your own you’d like to lead.

8:30 - 9:10 Advisory
Morning Meeting
4G – w/Tamara
3G  - w/Jayme
8:30 - 9:20
3G- PE
4G- Music
9:25 - 10:15
4G- PE
3G- Word Work w/T
 (Jayme Prep)
8:30 - 9:00
Advisory MM
9:00 - 9:35
#Group A PE
9:40 - 10:15
#Group B PE
8:30 - 9:10
3G- PE
4G- Music
9:25 - 10:15
4G- PE
3G- Math w/J
 (Tamara Prep)
Advisory MM
4G – w/ Tamara
3G  - w/Jayme
9:45 -10:15
Assembly /Community Group Morning Meeting/
Community  Snack
10:15 - 10:30
10:15 - 10:30
10:15 - 10:30
10:15 - 10:30
10:15 - 10:30
10:40 – 11:40
*Theme Projects
11:45 - 12:25
10:40 - 11:40
4G – w/Tamara
3G  - w/Jayme
11:45 - 12:25
10:40 – 12:25
4G – w/Tamara
3G  - w/Jayme
10:50 – 11:30
3G - Music
10:40 - 11:40
4G – w/Tamara
3G  - w/Jayme
11:45 - 12:25
10:40 - 12:25
Choice Choices
12:25 - 1:05
12:25 - 1:05
12:25 - 1:05
12:25 - 1:05
12:25 - 1:05
1:15 – 2:40
1:10 - 1:35 - T Library
1:35 - 2:00 - J Library
2:45 - 3:00
1:15 - 1:30
Quiet Time
1:30 - 2:40
2:45 - 3:00
1:15 - 2:00
*Group A Art
2:10 - 2:55
*Group B Art
2:55 - 3:00
1:15 - 1:30
Quiet Time
1:30 - 2:40
2:45 - 3:00
1:15 - 1:30
Friday Papers
#Tamara and Jayme alternate being Group A or Group B each week.                                           
*These would be great times for parent volunteers to come in to lend a helping hand or do a project!
Jayme:                                                       Tamara:
Tamara, Jayme, & Malaika
$25 donation for art supplies, please!
Field Trips: Thanks Nina, Beck, Kathleen, Marni, Bianca, and Liz for coming to the library with us!
~Permission Slips the next 3 field trips need to be turned in by 10/11!
Need chaperones for the following trips:
~Fri 10/11 to UCLA's Royce Hall, AXIS Dance Demonstration Performance. This connects beautifully to our mid-year integrating thematic unit on Inclusion as we become part of the audience and watch as this performance "changes the way we think about dance and the possibilities of the human body forever. The company creates “physically integrated dance”— a contemporary dance form that evolves from the collaboration between dancers with and without disabilities." No chaperones signed up.  Need at least 3 for us to go on the trip!
~Mon, 10/21—LA Zoo Chaperones: Tracy  -Need a few more!
~Fri, 11/1—UCLA weather station Jamee  -Need a few more!
6th gr Math with Erin: This week in math we continued thinking about factors. Students worked in groups to find the longest factor string. Later in the week we worked on prime factorization. When we return from Catalina we will wrap up our factor unit and move on to fractions.
5th gr Math with Genie: We are using the multiple tower of 21 (21, 42, 63, 84, 105, etc.) to look at division and multiplication problems and how we think and solve them just looking at multiples of 21. We are also thinking about the different ways to approach different multiplication and division problems.
Social Studies/Science with Erin: This week in Social Studies students began their country research projects. On Monday we visited the Santa Monica library to get books and learn more about the library and its many databases.     On Tuesday and Wednesday, we talked about responsible computer use and familiarized ourselves with the National Geographic website.  A great resource! On Thursday and Friday we began taking notes on our GRAPES student generated research questions after a mini-lesson on searching the web with Google.
Reading and Writing Workshop with Genie: We are revising and editing our memoir drafts! Check your child's Memoir Writing Rubric. Ask them if you can see it—they usually have it in their writing notebook or homework folder. It is a chart that helps us keep track of where we are in the writing process; what minilessons have been taught; and what is expected in the writing pieces.  Debate research number 3 is going well!  We will have the debates after Catalina and we are hoping by Debate 4 or 5 we will be ready to have a larger parent audience.
Visual Arts with Julianna: We didn't have Claymation this week or next week, but we have begun to think about what our little clip will be, the setting, and how to animate the clay. Clay is such a fantastic form that can be realistic as well as fantastical where a bunny can jump or morph into a lump of clay or a design or unfolds into a whale. If you have clay around the house or want to grab some at a nearby store, it can be a fun family art form to explore.
5G math: packet #7. Due 10/11/13
6G math: Complete questions #24 - #48 in ACE packet.
RW: read every day for 30-40 minutes (around 100 pages a week)
Nonfiction reading sheet—complete front and back by Thursday (10/10)—note change due to Catalina
Genie:                                                              Erin:



We have completed the parent conference period and what a joy these student led conversations have been.  We also have forged new working partnerships with parents who are new to the core four experience. If you missed conference period of this last week, please email us and we shall work you into the schedule as time permits.  Here are some general topics from the conferences that applies to all core 4 students
Homework - If your child say that they do not have any homework, they can work on the following:
Read at least 45 minutes a day to improve reading fluency. 
Complete some math assignments to keep on pace or get ahead. 
Study math/science/humanities concepts on a regular basis (daily or weekly). 
Write in your writer’s notebook several times a week to improve writing fluency.
Organization/Time management: A planner (either a physical book/calendar or digital) is recommended, especially for those students who have many extracurricular activities.  Also, keep binder and notebooks organized.  Update assignment logs, homework logs, and reading workshop notebook.
Balance: Finding a balance between completing assignments, understanding concepts, and continuous practice in order to help construct, retain, and apply new learning.  Also finding a balance between extracurricular activities, school work, family time, and rest.
    1.  7th Grade Math - 7th graders should be at least on section 2-6.
2.  8th Grade Math - One group of 8th graders should be have completed chapter 2 and either 
    beginning  chapter 3 or studying for the chapter 2 assessment; another group should have
 completed chapter 3 and studying for the chapter 3 assessment.  Both chapters 2 & 3 assessments are scheduled for October 9th.
3.  The Yosemite packet is due on October 14, but earlier is always better.  If you did not get a packet or you need a replacement packet, please have your child pick one up from us ASAP.
4.  Letter of Recommendations for private school -  Please get any letters to us as soon as possible.  We will write them between now and Thanksgiving.  After that, we will be shifting our focus on writing narratives.
Important Dates
Monday October 7 to Wednesday October 9 - Darwin at Catalina Island Marine Institute with the 6th graders
Friday, October 11, & 18 - All Core Swimming at the Santa Monica Swim Center
Wednesday, October 23, - Aquarium Field Trip
Friday, October 25 - Halloween Carnival
Monday, October 28 - Aquarium Field Trip
Wednesday, October 30 - Aquarium Field Trip
Thursday, October 31 - Minimum Day, 1:30 Dismissal
Darwin Mendinueto -                                  Pam Dresher -

FYI  - For parents looking for high school alternatives
Areté Preparatory Academy is having their open house
October 9 from 5 to 7pm
11500 Olympic Blvd, Suite 318
Los Angeles 90064


a PTSA "Adults Only" Fundraiser
Sunday, November 17 at 7pm
1418 4th Street
downtown Santa Monica.

SMASH Dad Jake Johannsen
is hosting this night of laughs - he has appeared on the David Letterman Show 43 times (more than any other comedian!) and has done specials for Showtime and HBO. Jake has put together a talented group of comedians and magicians including Greg Fitzsimmons, Laurie Kilmartin, Owen Smith and Derek Hughes. This promises to be a great night of fun and good times. Tickets are on sale for $40 - a bargain for this show.
If you have already bought your tickets - thank you! Please invite and encourage your family and friends outside of our Smash community to come as well. If you haven't bought your tickets - PLEASE BUY THEM SOON! There are about 50 seats left and we are starting to promote the event to the general public. We expect a sell-out and would rather it be sooner than later to avoid promo costs.
This promises to be one of the best nights of comedy that Santa Monica has ever seen.

Visit to purchase tickets. Thanks for supporting SMASH!

Hope to see you there!

Nina Furukawa
SMASH Comedy Night Event Chair

Remaining SMASH Bash Events
Great news - most events sold out during our Fall/Winter SMASH BASH Sign-Up Day last Friday. Even better news: there are a LIMITED NUMBER of spots remaining for two SUPER FUN events that are happening THIS MONTH.    If you wish you sign up (for yourself or your child) please email Marni Ayers Brady ASAP at
Wine Tasting BASH
DATE: Oct 13 (Sun, 4pm-6)
ADULTS ONLY - $25 (Only 8 Spots Remaining)
HOSTED BY: Aiden and Gavin Rogers' Family (Cores 1 & 2)
Wine tasting at SMASH family owned wine store “The Vintage Shoppe.” Includes 4 or 5 wines, artisanal cheeses, charcuterie, olives and fresh breads.
LOCATION: The Vintage Shoppe, Manhattan Beach
Drama BASH with Kristy Pace
DATE: Oct 27 (Sun, 12:30-4) ** Please note new DATE for this event**
KIDS ONLY - $20 (Only 10 Spots Remaining)
HOSTED BY: Olin Burke's Family (Core 2)
Ages 8-14 join SMASH drama teacher Kristy to create a “Play in a Day.“ We'll hear a story, cast our parts, rehearse, learn a song and dance and then stage a "performance" for our parents at pick up. Light snacks provided for kids -- WINE AND CHEESE for grownups during the "Show"!
Please email SMASH Bash coordinator Marni Ayers Brady if you have questions or would like to attend one the      remaining FALL Bashes:


             Turn the SMASH campus into a giant pumpkin patch!
Paint, decorate, and use your imagination to create a spook-tacular Halloween pumpkin.
Bring it in to enter this year's raffle.
Write or tape on the bottom of the pumpkin your full name, core, and your advisor.

You could win one of these GREAT PRIZES:
$50 iTunes Gift Card
Set of 2 Unlimited Rides Wristbands for Pacific Park at the Santa Monica Pier
Set of 4 AMC Movie Tickets
Gift Certificate to ZJ Boarding House (Surf and Skate Shop)
Gift Certificate to Treats Frozen Yogurt and Ice Bar on Ocean Park Blvd.

More prizes to be announced.

Rules and Info:
  • DO NOT carve the pumpkin in any way (carved pumpkins get moldy really fast - ew).
  • Pumpkins must be at least 6” in height (so that they are more visible).
  • Paint, markers, and collage materials (e.g. googly eyes, feathers, popsicle sticks, stickers, leaves…      you get the idea) may be used to decorate your pumpkin.
  • Do not use electric or battery operated gizmos on your pumpkin.
  • Pumpkins must be submitted starting Monday, October 14, through Tuesday, October 22.
  • Pumpkins turned in after October 22 will not be entered into the raffle.
  • One entry per pumpkin. Enter as many pumpkins as you like.
  • Winners and prizes will be announced at the Halloween Carnival on Friday, October 25.    
           You do not have to be present to win.
  • Note that you may take your pumpkin home after the Carnival and still enjoy it for the
    week up to Halloween.


Please donate your gently used costumes to the Costume Drive.
Just drop off your costume in the blue bin outside John Muir’s main office from now until  Friday, October 11.
The costumes will then be on sale starting Monday, October 14.

Saturday, October 5 - Noon to 4pm
The Open House and Health Fair will include booths sponsored by various community groups as well as many of   Saint John’s Health Center departments.  There will be live demonstrations, tours, massages, free health screenings   and entertainment for kids.
Free parking available at lots on 21st Street between Santa Monica and Broadway.
For a complete listing of booths and offerings go to
Saint John’s Health Center
2121 Santa Monica Blvd, Santa Monica

SMASH Site Council Agenda
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
3:30 PM
Adopt Agenda
Approve minutes of last meeting (done via email end of 2012-13)
Community participation
Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
            Principal’s Report
            Student Reports
            Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited to the following):
                        Student Council
Old Business
New Business
            Introduction of Site Council members
Review and update the Comprehensive School Safety Plan
Review schedule of emergency drills for the year.
Review inventory of recently reorganized, restocked emergency supplies
            Site Improvement Plan-Review OLWEUS anti-bullying student survey results in preparation for School Climate goal for Site Improvement Plan
Confirm meeting dates for the 13-14 year (10/9, 11/13, 12/11, 1/15, 5/7)
Community participation (if applicable)


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