Friday, November 7, 2008

Friday Letter 11-07-08

If you are unhappy with the photo you receive, please send the complete package with your child on Monday for a re-take. They will not re-take without this package. They ask that you do not request a re-take for reasons such as “didn’t like the shirt.”
Order forms for make-ups are available in the SMASH office. Order forms and payment must be presented when photo is taken. Call Janice or Wende with any questions. 310-396-2640

Dear SMASHing Families,

From “My legs are shaking like a Chihuahua” while walking across a high wire 50 feet off the ground to “YEAH we did it!” while getting everyone over a 12 foot wall, Candis and I marveled at the fun quotes and incredible acts of camaraderie, team effort, leadership strategies, and bonding exhibited during the 8th grade trip. If you want a glimpse of what transpired, join us Wednesday, November 12 at 8:45 am for an all-school assembly slide show about the trip.

Also please note that SMASH and Muir will be participating in an earthquake drill on Thursday, November 13 at 10 am. This “Great Southern California Shakeout” involves all schools, city agencies, community organizations, and local businesses. It is an important opportunity for us to practice what we would do during and after a real earthquake. You can help by discussing earthquake preparedness at home. More information is at Please know that in the event of an actual earthquake, we will be releasing students at the “reunion gate” on the 5th Street side of campus. We will only sign students out to persons on your child’s emergency card. Now is a good time to update your emergency card if you have not done so already.

Truly Yours,

SMASH ARTS Program still needs donations
Clean white t-shirts (sm, med, lrg),
colored lightweight fabrics and
small handheld instruments.
Donation box in the office. Thank you!

Dear SMASHing families
For our 8th grade project we will be transporting school supplies to underprivileged kids in Mexico. These kids are just like us, except they need school supplies. This can create great opportunities for them. We need your help to get these supplies. Please bring in used/new school supplies to the office where there is a blue bucket labeled school supplies waiting for you. We know we can count on you!
Thanks, Siena Landay and Poppy Denyer

reDiscover Center offers one-day camp
with artist Kristy Pace for kids ages 5-10
Veterans’ Day, November 11 8:30am to 3pm (SMASH closed that day)
recycled art, theater games, visit nearby Wade Park bring your own lunch,
we provide healthy morning snack. $60 per child ($100 for 2 siblings)
call or email to reserve your child's space or 310-393-3636

reDiscover and Global Groove present Culture Crafts
Tuesday & Thursday drop-in classes 3:30 to 6pm; $15/hour
Drop your child off for a fun recycled art project while you finish your days errands.
reDiscover 12958 W Washington Blvd LA, CA 90066

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year
January 14, from 9-10 am
February 4 & 18, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery
(K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students.
Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery
(1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)
Applications will be available in January online, at tours and in the main office.

During the past 2 months, Core 1 has been settling into many routines. By sharing some of our morning routines in this letter, we hope to emphasize the importance of coming to school on time and to clarify what is happening during this time.

Students should arrive to school between 8:15 and 8:30. During this time, the classroom doors will open and the children can begin their morning responsibilities. This includes: putting their belongings in their cubbies, doing the Morning Message, and signing up for projects. When they are finished, they should also have a few minutes to say hi to their friends, check the daily schedule, settle down with a book, or discover something new in the classroom. This is also a critical time for the teachers to check-in with parents and consult with students about different projects and activities. This 10-20 minute window is an essential foundation to the rhythm and activities of our classroom. All children should remain in the classroom after the doors have opened to help them settle down for morning activities. We would appreciate your help encouraging all children to be in the classroom at this time.

Children are expected to complete their morning responsibilities by 8:40. This is when the teachers will call their circle groups to Morning Meeting, a time for songs, rhymes, community building, and planning (for the day and other events on our calendar). We share family artifacts on Fridays and have all-school “Morning Meeting” assemblies on some Wednesdays. Morning Meeting occurs throughout the school every day at the same time. Parents are encouraged to stay and participate in our meetings as much as possible. It is a fun way to begin your day, and it is a wonderful reminder that you are an essential part of our community.

Thank you to all of the parents who work so hard to get your child to school on time, and thank you to the parents who have been helping the children get settled in the morning. It is so important that each student feels prepared and comfortable before our community activities begin. Thanks for your support!!

Candis, Chrysta and Jackie



In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, our focus continued on nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Each child made color-coded list of words. Their nouns were written in red, the adjectives in blue, and the verbs in green. Students were able to conference with their advisor about their reading and writing progress.

In Government, we learned about the Electoral College and began individual campaign posters that used adjectives to convince others to vote for us for Core 2 President. Ari and Nathan G. shared their real world voting experience with us on Tuesday.

In Math, the 2nd graders exploring coupons and how different combination can save money. The 3rd graders used their arrays to show the dimensions (2 by 5, 5 by 2).

In Science, the children measured some of the major bones in their bodies. They should know: skull, clavicle, sternum, backbone, rib cage, humerus, radius, ulna, hipbone, femur, patella, tibia, and fibula.

Thanks to all the families who gave us scratch paper! Thanks to Rylie’s John for taking care of our tie-dye shirts!

Wanted a parent/parents to work with us calling to arrange field trips. See Laura ASAP.

Ingrid needs help cutting out fabric for our SMASHing figure sculptures. Ingrid would like this work done by Wednesday, November 12. See Laura or Jayme to volunteer for this at home project.

Upcoming dates and events:
Tuesday, November 11 – School Holiday
Tuesday, November 18 - School Picture Re-take Day
Wednesday, November 19 – Pupil Free Day
Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28 – Thanksgiving

Have a glorious weekend!

Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:

At the beginning of the year we discussed our writerly lives and learned how to live like writers, using our Writing Notebooks to capture thoughts, ideas, memories, and moments. We learned that writers take time every day to write--even if they don’t have anything to write--because they need to write a lot of stuff they won’t ever use to get to things they will want to use for written pieces. We continue to practice these skills as part of our daily writing homework. If writing can be put into two general categories, they are narrative/story writing and non-narrative/essay writing. Our first unit focused on narrative writing.

For the past 4 weeks, we have been practicing how to write a Small Moment story. A small moment is like a personal narrative story, but focusing in on one specific moment within a larger event--usually covering 30 minutes or less. The emphasis of this unit is on the Core 3 Writing Process and writing craft. Our writers are publishing two Small Moment pieces. The first piece allowed us to guide them through each step of the writing process, making sure they tried the strategies taught to them (using various tools for brainstorming; nurturing with some pre-writing exercises and planning out their stories with a timeline or a target; writing a rough draft; revising by stretching out the important part, adding details, and/or including internal thinking/feeling; editing with specific spelling and punctuation strategies: and publishing their pieces). The writers received feedback on the process through small group and one-on-one conferences. The second piece allowed the students to apply what they’ve learned from the first piece to take another small moment idea through the process independently. This allows us to assess if the students learned and internalized the strategies we taught them. We’re looking to see if, without direct guidance, a writer is able to transfer their learning. Do they show growth? Do they use the writing process to help make their writing better? Can they edit and proofread for spelling and punctuation using the strategies that we’ve taught them? They have checklists to know what is expected in their writing. For now, we do not expect published pieces to be perfect—as they are an important part of the assessment process and we need to see what they can and cannot do independently. Please do not edit their work. They may have writing homework to work on their Small Moment Independent Writing Piece--nurturing, drafting, revising, editing or publishing…otherwise your child should collect an entry in their writing notebook.

You’re invited to join us on Friday at 9:00 11/14 for our Small Moment Publishing Party!

Have a great weekend!,
Tamara, Genie & Malaika

Super Secret Lined Paper Peeps (Kurt’s Advisory): I’m back! Let the serious fun commence… But seriously, we need to connect. To that end I will be phoning around and am considering having a drop-in night where we may connect in person. Email me if you would like to get together as an advisory group. If enough interest exists, I’ll do the scheduling thing.

Ciencia: It is good to be back at SMASH. Thank you for the hugs, thoughts, and gifts. In these tough times it is a tremendous gift you have offered me with your care. Thank you from the bottom of my newly expanded heart.

We will be having a Yosemite informational meeting on Wednesday, November 12 at 6:00 in Core 4.

Please ask to see your child’s science daily pages at least once a week. This weekly homework is short but important to the ultimate retention of science concepts. In addition, ask them “how many clarifying questions did you ask in class today.” Discuss current topics with them. If you commit to this you will be doing much to enhance effective habits on their part. Should your learner be struggling, I have sent home a paper detailing how they may get support for your information and signature.

Acting Skeptical: Math 6/7: Over this past week, the mathematicians discovered they should analyze survey results and collected data with a critical eye to help make appropriate inferences. They started to see that mathematicians act skeptical in these situations and use strategies to determine a conclusion about the presented information. By engaging in activities involving real world examples (historical election references and posted advertising like “Less than 50% peanuts” on a jar of mixed nuts), the students saw how valuable these skills are in our daily lives. The mathematicians also took time to plan the next steps of their personal inquiry projects. They decided the types of surveys they will use and the samples of the population that they will ask.

Algebra: Due to the eighth grade trip, Algebra only met once this week. In that allotted time, the mathematicians worked on two tasks. They took time to reflect on their performance throughout Unit 1, and they started to correct their Unit 1 test. By submitting test corrections and thorough proofs of each missed problem, they could possibly earn back half of the points they missed on the test. As a group, we also looked at ways to improve our study habits and at various resources that the mathematicians can use to support their Algebra work. These habits included asking clarifying questions, being an active class participant by approaching me both during and after class, seeking out the textbook and online resources, and meeting with peers. Please urge the students to act responsibly with those habits.


SMASH Site Council Minutes
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In Attendance: Laura Sherman, Daniel McGee, Candis Berens, Jackie Boyd, Jessica Rishe, Holly Wright, Tamara Mugalian, Jayme Wold, Jila T, Kezia Miller, Jeff Knight

Absent: Tracy Saltzam, Kelly Kulsrud, Malaika Boyer, Elizabeth Grossman

Agenda Adopted: Moved by Dan McGee, Seconded by Jessica Rishe, Approved

Approve Minutes of last meeting: (11-5-08) Moved by Dan McGee, Seconded by Jackie Boyd, Approved as filed.

Community Participation: None

Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)

Principal’s Report
8th Grade Trip occurred this week. Developed leadership skills and self-reflection. Participated in ropes courses, team-building games, and other activities.

Student Reports –
Core 3 – They have voted on student council representatives and will vote on site council positions soon. Core 4 will vote on these positions soon.

Next meeting is Friday, November 7 at 8:45 am. Many fundraisers happened in October – we don’t yet have final calculations of money raised.
Halloween Carnival was very well attended.

Student Council –
Meetings will begin as soon as possible – as soon as all representatives have been chosen in all cores.

Old Business:
Admissions Policy – District Legal Team has referred to California State Education Code 229, which states that we cannot give preferential or disparate treatment for one sex due to imbalance or to set up equal numbers.

New Business:
Site Improvement Plan: Continue Review progress towards goals –

6. Goal: Community Service Projects
Students will identify needs in the community and create action plans to address needs within the community.
This is facilitated by Kurt 2 times a week for supports related to 20 hours of outside of school service and by Candis 2 times a week for writing instruction around service action steps. Connections between 8th grade retreat reflections and service ideas have been made.

7. Goal: Increase Health and Fitness –
After school activities – 2 8th graders may be offering fitness activities in
In class activities - have begun, such as Core 2 is studying the Human Body and Fitness. The children are learning about different body systems and connecting this knowledge to community healthy snack and other community traditions. Core 3 is also learning about nutrition and participating in a healthy community snack. Core 1 is eating snack and lunch in the classroom to help encourage healthy eating habits.

Jila Tayefehnowrooz reported that a company is interested in providing prepared food for our school. This would provide healthy, organic food choices. They are already working with charter schools and 1 school district. This is not a site decision, but a district level decision through the food services division. They are considering, but must consider federal and state cost and nutritional requirements.

8. Goal: Mathematics
Word Problems/Computation
We have adopted a district-approved curriculum called Everyday Math.

9. Goal: Authentic Assessment
Continue school-side assessment that incorporates portfolios, narratives, family conferences, etc.
Staff recently completed family conferences and will be completing student narratives in December.

10. Goal: Reading / Language Arts:
Achieve 3000 has been very useful in providing information and research materials at each student’s reading level. The costs will not be paid by the district after December 2008. It is also offered at John Muir, and they are interested in possibly sharing the costs.

After school intervention has occurred the last 2 years for Core 2 and 3 students, usually in the spring. This program would be more helpful if it started earlier in the year.

11. Goal: School Climate continues to be developed through our Responsive Classroom development. Family Service Counselors are working with small groups in all cores. Middle school students have not yet been trained in peer mediation.

Change Meeting from 12-10 to 12-17: Moved by Dan McGee, Seconded by Jackie Boyd, Approved. Site Improvement Plan will be emailed prior to the meeting.

Community Participation:
Jeff Knight and Holly Wright would like to create a stronger gardening program at SMASH to connect with our science and health program. Most participation is currently after school, but could potentially be used during school as well. There are 2 grants to support this: one is focused on water conservation, another is about healthy food production. This will involve extending the existing beds and getting the students more involved.

Adjourned: Moved by Candis Berens, Seconded by Jackie Boyd, Approved.

The League of Women Voters
Santa Monica-Malibu Council of PTAs
Advocating for the Health, Education
and Welfare of All Children

How it Impacts Our Schools

The League of Women Voters of California Education Committee (PK-12)
The League of Women Voters of Santa Monica and
Santa Monica-Malibu Council of PTAs

Invite you to a Forum with
Incoming Chair, Assembly Education Committee
And a Panel of Education Leaders
Darline P. Robles, Ph.D., Superintendent
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Tim Cuneo, Superintendent
Santa Monica-Malibu USD
Pam Brady, President
California State PTA

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Santa Monica-Malibu USD Board Room
1651 – 16th Street 2nd Floor
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Are you:
Frustrated with the state budget process?
Worried about its impact on our schools?
Advocating for increased school funding?
Calling for more accountability? Transparency?
Asking why next year may be worse than this year?

HEAR from education leaders. SHARE your thoughts.

Questions? Email:; (phone) 310-720-8761.

This event is a School Finance Exploration Project community engagement forum
made possible through the generous support of the William & Flora Hewlett Foundation

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