Friday, August 31, 2012


Dear SMASHing Families,

Many people needed to adjust to the earlier August start date of this school year. While the reasons were shared publicly at the time, as a reminder, the SMMUSD School Board adopted our 2012-13 school calendar with this earlier start date approximately 1 ½ years ago in order to support our high school students. High school students are now able to take final exams for first semester before Winter Break to have a study-free vacation, benefit from the additional weeks of Advanced Placement instruction before taking the National exam, and are now able to enroll in college coursework during the summer.

Now it is time for us to work together to inspire our kids to be knowledgeable active citizens by modeling proactive civic participation ourselves.

November 6th is a great time to show your child one way to make a difference in our community: by being an informed voter. November 6, 2012, you will have the chance to impact public education with your vote regarding:

SMMUSD School Board Members

Santa Monica City Council Members

Measure ES, a SMMUSD School Bond Measure

Prop 38 school funding measure in the California General Election

As a family, take time to:
1) Read the Qualified Candidates Statements for Santa Monica City Council and Santa Monica Malibu Unified School District School Board, by going to:

2) Read the published information regarding Measure ES.
MEASURE ES: LOCAL SCHOOL MODERNIZATION, ACADEMIC IMPROVEMENT AND EARTHQUAKE AND FIRE SAFETY BOND. To improve academic instruction and school safety by modernizing high school classrooms and campuses, repairing aging elementary schools, ensuring every school meets current earthquake and fire safety standards to protect students, and constructing, acquiring, modernizing, and/or repairing classrooms, sites, facilities, equipment, computers, and learning technology to raise student achievement, shall the Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School Districtissue $385,000,000 in bonds at legal rates, with independent fiscal oversight, mandatory audits, and all funds for Santa Monica and Malibu schools.

3) Talk to PTA Council leaders to learn more about Prop 38.
It is designed to raise $10 billion a year for schools. All proceeds of Prop 38 will be put into a secure trust fund to be distributed evenly on a per-child basis to every public school. If you want to see the amount of money that would be allocated for SMASH specifically, go to

4) Register to vote in this election if you have not already done so.Voter registration forms are available on-line at: to register today.

As it says in our vision statement on our web site, “At SMASH, we strive to help children become active citizens in a democracy that is still being shaped.” Taking family time to learn about local candidates and school funding helps us all, students and adults alike, “be a part of that shaping in ethical, moral, creative and thoughtful ways.”
Truly yours,

Free tutoring on Monday and Wednesdays from 3-6pm at the Church in Ocean Park during the school year. The tutoring program will include dance, art, drama, musical instruments- for those who wish to participate. Please contact Janet McKeithen at Thanks to Charmine Davis-Johnson for connecting the SMASH community to this great resource!

Sustainable Works 3-Week Green Living Workshops
Did you know it takes more than 2,400 gallon of water to produce a pound of beef? You save more water by not eating a pound of beef than you do by not showering for 6 months. Join us at a FREE Sustainable Works Green Living Workshop and learn more fascinating facts as well as environmental solutions that will save you money and positively impact your family, community, and ultimately the planet!

We offer FREE food; drink and parking at every session so encourage your friends to join you for this fun, educational opportunity.

You can attend the Monday series, Wednesday series or Saturday series or, if you prefer, complete the entire series in one week by coming on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Monday Meetings, September 10th, 17th & 24th - 7:30pm-9pm or
Wednesday Meetings, September 12th, 19th & 26th - 7:30pm-9pm or
Saturday Meetings, September 15th, 22nd & 29th - 10am-11:30am
Virginia Avenue Park - The Patio Room
2200 Virginia Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404

Free resource saving tools
Energy saving light bulbs, Reusable shopping bags, healthy energy bars, and much more...
Check out to sign up for an upcoming workshop.


All students are to be off campus, in a supervised class or playground access, or be supervised by their parent or caretaker within 15 minutes of school dismissal. Students may not wait to be picked up outside the school gates after this time. This is a safety issue—thanks for your support.

Please take advantage of this FREE, supervised afterschool playtime. Sign ups are available in the SMASH office, or at Sign up even if you may only use it once or twice during the school year.
Grades 1 & 2 - May stay 30 minutes after school, beginning at school dismissal. Children in grades 1 & 2 may remain on the playground after 30 minutes if they are playing with an older sibling (grade 4 and up) or are accompanied by a parent or caregiver.
Grades 3-8 - May stay for up to 2 hours and 15 minutes after school, beginning at school dismissal. For SMASH it would be until 5:15pm Monday-Thursday and 3:45 on Fridays and all early dismissal days (1:30pm). Playground Access is not available on rainy days, during hazardous outdoor conditions or when field space is limited due to a school special event. All children who participate must sign in and sign out daily. Children may not return to the playground once they sign out for the

Mon, Sept 3 - Labor Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Tues, Sept 4 - 6pm - Core 1 Forum
Tues, Sept 4 - 6-8pm - instrument night, Lincoln Middle School at 1501 California Ave
Wed, Sept 5 - 6pm - Core 2 Forum
Wed, Sept 5 - 6-8pm - instrument night, John Adams Middle School at 2425 16th St
Tues, Sept 11 - 5pm - Catalina parent mtg.
Tues, Sept 11 - 6pm - Core 3 Forum
Wed, Sept 12 - 3:30pm - Site Council mtg.
Wed, Sept 12 - 6pm - Core 4 Forum
Wed, Sept 12 - 7pm - Yosemite parent mtg.
Mon, Sept 17 - Admissions Day - SCHOOL CLOSED


Core 1 Forum: Tuesday, September 4 from 6:00 – 7:45pm.
This is a great night for parents to learn more about the Core 1 curriculum and about what we do on a daily basis.This will also be an opportunity to sign up for a volunteer job or for a time to help in the classroom, and to sponsor new items to support our curriculum.

Childcare will be available in Anne’s Room #425 (formerly Laura’s Core 2 classroom), thanks to Malaika and Core 4 student volunteers. Suggested donation for childcare is $5 per child. Please pick up your children by 8:00pm.

Welcome to Core 1!!
Core 1 is becoming more familiar with the routines and materials in the classroom so we can be independent and creative thinkers. We have also been focusing on our community so we can support one another in our endeavors and every day living.

Circle Groups: The children are quickly getting comfortable with their new circle groups. Candis’ group has named themselves The Rainbow Roads. Chrysta’s is The Diving Dolphins, and Graciela’s group is The Surfing Gummy Bears. Next week, we will begin rotations during Projects time so that they children have a chance to work with other Core 1 teachers. The children will stay with their circle group friends while rotating to the other classrooms for special projects.

If you’ve made arrangements for your child to go home with someone else, please make sure you send us a note. Or you can post your note on the “Family Notes” bulletin board in the Magic Garden (Candis’ Room).

All Partners need a change of clothes (in a bag with his/her name) in case of spills, slips, or occasional accidents.Please continue to check your child’s bag, for they will need to be replenished when they are used.

If you have not yet turned in your $25 donation for classroom supplies, it would be really helpful if you did so next week. Thank you to all of the families who have had a chance to make their donation. High-quality and creative resources enhance the learning of all of our children.

Birthday Bash: August & September birthdays will be celebrated on Friday, September 14, 11:45-12:15. Families are invited to celebrate your child’s birthday with the entire Core 1 community! Expect an invitation next week, indicating the snack your child would like to share at the Bash. Please bring the snack on the morning of our celebration to The Golden Galaxy (Graciela’s Room), and we will prepare it during projects.

Wish List (a few suggestions if you happen to be at the store):
Hand Sanitizer, Tissue, Sponges and Scratch Paper

Candis, Chrysta, Graciela, Nadja & Laura



***Core 2 Forum is NEXT WEEK!***
Please join us Wednesday, September 5 from 6:00-7:30pm as we explore a day in the life of Core 2! Parents will be experiencing reading, writing, and math in similar ways that students would. There will also be Q&A time to get all those burning questions answered.  The Forum is a great time to meet teachers, other parents,and get to know what Core 2 is planning for this year. Hope to see you there!

Childcare will be available in Anne’s Room #425 (formerly Laura’s Core 2 classroom), thanks to Malaika and Core 4 student volunteers. Suggested donation for childcare is $5 per child. Please pick up your children by 8:00pm.

We’re off to a great start in Core 2! We are practicing routines, getting used to our new advisory rooms and teachers, and having fun learning more about ourselves and each other. Welcome to our 3 new SMASH students: Phoebe, Lola, and Shira! Summer souvenirs are just one way that we are finding out how each person spent their summer vacation. If you haven’t brought something in to share, make sure you do so next week. Your adventures have been exciting to hear about!

We are spending some time “launching” our reading and writing units. Each person has been working on creating a “Book Brochure” that highlights their “Old Favorites”, which can be any kind of book (picture, read aloud, Just Right, non-fiction), as well as what is in their book basket/bin as Just Right Books. If there are Just Right Books that you have at home, please bring them in to enjoy or read them at home for at least 30 minutes per day as reading homework.

Core 2 Readers and Writers will be using a Literacy Journal this year to respond to their reading, keep track of their questions/wonderings during reading, and write their “seed” ideas for later use in writing projects. Students will be personalizing and making each journal “their own” by decorating with pictures, drawings, and other items to represent themselves. These items will be glued down and covered with tape, so each picture should be a COPY instead of the original. Bring in your items next week to get the decorating started!

Math: Jayme and the 3rd Grade Mathematicians have been visiting The Sticker Station to practice our addition and subtraction skills and show multiple ways to represent their thinking. Tamara and the 4th Grade Mathematicians have been working with things that come in groups and arrays to practice multiplication. Both grades have a Math Homework packet that is DUE next Friday, September 7. No need for homework stress! Do what you can and bring the packet back in to class if you need any help!

A SMASHing shout out to Shira’s Bailey for arranging a fun-filled field trip to Books & Cookies!

Have a relaxing, long weekend! See you Tuesday!

Tamara, Jayme, & Karin Tamara


Core 3 Forum, Tuesday, September 11 at 6pm!
We hope for 100% parent attendance! $25 for supplies due!

Parent meeting for Catalina trip is at 5:00pm Childcare will be available in Anne’s Room #425 (formerlyLaura’s Core 2 classroom), thanks to Malaika and Core 4 student volunteers. Suggested donation for childcare is $5 per child. Please pick up your children by 8:00pm.

Thanks for all your back-to-school support!
We had 100% Walking Permission Slips in on Mon. so everyone could enjoy our wonderful trip to Books and Cookies! Thanks to Matt Green & Ron Furukawa for chaperoning. We enjoyed learning about Chudney Ross' writing process & many were excited to get a signed copy of her book.

Upcoming field trips: School bus trip to downtown, Homeboy Industries, on Mon. 9/24, from 8:30-2:30. Free walking Diavolo Dance Troupe concert @ the Broad Theater on Friday 9/28, 9:30-1:00. Please email Genie and Erin if you can chaperone either or both of these field trips. Catalina for 6th graders, 10/8-10/10.
6th Grade Math with Mimi began the Prime Time unit which focuses on factors and multiples. Some of this is review and will help set a solid foundation for future units. We learned the Factor Game and the Product Game which students are to teach and play with someone at home. This week, 6G also have a HW sheet dealing with the two games and factors. It is due Friday, 9/7.

6th Grade Math with Erin: This week we began our two-dimensional geometry unit. Students reviewed the concepts of line, line segments, sides, vertices and the various properties of polygons. On Friday students sorted a set of polygons into groups with common properties.

5th grade Math Workshop with Genie: We have started the year with a little algebraic work looking at data and graphs and how rates and change work. Please remember that 5th grade math homework is distributed on Fridays and are due the following Friday. Please help your child find a good system to complete their homework. Students recommend looking through the packet over the weekend and start a part that is easiest. That way they can ask questions on confusing parts before Friday. A little each day is recommended. If this homework packet causes stress at home, please come talk to Genie about the issues to make a plan that can work for your family.

Science with Mimi: Core 3 was introduced to our Code Blue unit. We were introduced to six body systems and gave input on which we would like to study. We also talked about note taking and took notes while listening to information about the human body. The next few weeks will be spent learning about our specialties through research and other group projects.

Social Studies and Geography with Erin: We introduced our fall unit-The 2012 Election and the local and national issues that relate to it. On Monday students brainstormed about what issues/problems matter to our nation. Over the coming six weeks students will hear from speakers and specialists from organizations regarding immigration, education, the environment, animal rights, gay rights, healthcare, and homelessness, amongst other issues. We will also be taking field trips to various community organizations. After the students hear about each of the issues, in mid-October they will choose an issue that they want to study further. From here they will engage in a research/outreach project of their choosing. The goal is for students to get a better idea about why we should and how we can participate in politics and community life. We welcome parent speakers who have specific knowledge and experience with various issues or the political process. If interested, email me: On Wed we began looking into issues and policies surrounding animal rights. Students (in the Orange group - Blue will watch next week) watched clips from the documentary, "Street Dogs of South Central." Next week we will have a speaker from Animal Advocates Alliance come to speak with the class. In Geography this week we started work on our North American map. Please stop by to look at our work in the coming weeks.

Reading and Writing Workshop with Genie: We've launched Reading and Writing Workshop! Please support your child in their daily reading of a just right book by reminding them to do 30 minutes of reading every day. Make sure it's a book they understand, enjoy and finish! They will keep track of how many pages they have read. We decorated our writing notebooks. Ask your child to see their personalized notebooks. We would also love if each child could have a parent work on a piece of writing about a memory of your child at any age. We are planning our memoir publishing celebration on Tues, Sept 25. We hope you can have your short 1-3 page story about your child ready to share by the 25th. One parent can write the memory, it could be a joint writing piece, or each parent can write their own memory of their child. Kids do enjoy reading their parents writing.

Art: Our Artist-in-Residence, Juliana, has launched our visual arts unit, Puppets! Would your family like to sponsor our Core 3 Visual Arts Project this year? Please contact Genie if interested. Also your child may start trying to gather material for their puppet. Please talk to them about what materials you could recycle from your house. We could use 'monster' fur and fleece, buttons, trimmings, cloth for puppet clothing, yarn, wire, glue gun, wire cutters, and anything else you think could work. JoAnn Fabric gift cards and coupons are welcome too!

Homework:6G math: sheet dealing with the two games and factors is due by Fri, 9/7.
5G math: packet #2. Due 9/7/12 (Packet #1 is over due.)
RW: read every day for 30-40 minutes (around 100 pages a week)
WW: collect at least 2 more ideas in writing notebook that could be memoirs over the weekend.
Genie: Erin: Mimi:

Working with adolescents is rewarding once consistent routines, clear accountable language, and pathways to success are learned and utilized by students. Teaching habits of mind serves our children’s developmental/learning needs will help them thrive as they navigate the challenging and rapidly evolving learning environment of the 21st century.

Our students have three primary developmental needs that manifest themselves in vigorous attempts to push caring adults away even as the children attempt ever more risky behaviors on a daily basis. These developmental needs are simple and deserve support in the form of consistent language, clearly articulated goals, and a structure for “accountable talk.” Habits of Mind provides support in each of these instances.

• A quest for Autonomy is a prime driver as seen by the closed doors, frequent refusal to verbally engage, and preference for anything to associated with their peer group, but not with adults. It may also be seen in their ability to take on new responsibilities, provide leadership to others, and in a drive for social justice.

• A sense of Competency is constantly on their mind; in their egocentric world everyone is constantly judging them against a standard only they may see. What is true is that they are amazingly competent under the right circumstances and within clearly defined roles. A world of orderly routines and habits creativity and feelings of competency.

• Fun, fun, fun is the word most often heard when you ask what motivates this age group. As play is nature’s teaching method, learning games, balanced with more traditional direct instruction, are both age appropriate and a fine way to reach normally reticent learners.In essence, we think that sending kids with effective habits of mind and heart out into an ever-changing world makes a lot of sense and will allow them to develop to their full potential. In closing consider these words from authors Costa and Kallick:

“A "Habit of Mind” means having a disposition toward behaving intelligently when confronted with problems, the answers to which are not immediately known. When humans experience dichotomies, are confused by dilemmas, or come face to face with uncertainties--our most effective actions require drawing forth certain patterns of intellectual behavior. When we draw upon these intellectual resources, the results that are produced through are more powerful, of higher quality and greater significance than if we fail to employ those patterns of intellectual behaviors.”

Let us know what you think!

Enjoy the long weekend!



REMINDERS:~ The Core 4 Forum is Wednesday Sept. 12 at 6:00pm. This will be an adults only meeting. We would like to provide child care for younger children utilizing 8th grade students. If you think you will take advantage for a younger sibling or think your 8th grader would like to assist, please let me know. There will be no more than 3 - 8th grade child care providers so whomever lets me know first will be scheduled. Childcare will be available in Anne’s Room #425(formerly Laura’s Core 2 classroom), thanks to Malaika and Core 4 student volunteers. Suggested donation for childcare is $5 per child. Please pick up your children by 8:00pm.

~Yosemite Parent Meeting, Wednesday, Sept 12 at 7:00pm. Deposits for Senior. trips are due. Please be bring them to the Forum if you have not already gotten them to Heather. Or drop them in the office any day before then. 1/2 deposit is $425. Please make checks out to SMASH PTSA and note in the memo "Sr. class trip". Thanks!!!

~ The core 4 staff has emphasized the importance of parent involvement in our children's education/evolution. It has been requested that if you have any time this year, you please drop by the classroom. More will be discussed about this at the Core 4 Forum

~ Music will be Tues/Thurs 9:00 for strings and 9:15 for winds/choir.

Jazz band is Fridays 1:45-2:45 in the music room.


Friendship & Bullying
The UCLA Family Commons
Friendship & Bullying
Tuesday, September 11 7-8:30 PM

As anyone knows who has ever watched (or helped) toddlers play together, children aren't born knowing how to be friends. They have to learn – which they do, by trial and error, all through the elementary school years.

We address bullying in the context of natural learning about friendship. Even the most compassionate children engage in bullying at one time or another (perhaps with a sibling). Even the strongest children may sometimes be teased in a way that makes them feel bad. None will get through elementary school without seeing others be bullied.
We offer parents tools and information they can use to help their children build healthy connections, learning:

- How to tell when someone is a good friend

- How to be a good friend to others

- What to do when someone makes a mistake in friendship

We also cover essential topics for parents, such as:

- How to tell if a child is bullying or being bullied

- Knowing when to notify parents, teachers or administrators

- Creating a "bully-free" home environment

Part of The UCLA Family Commons Parent Seminar Series at SAMO's Kids Club
Location: Santa Monica Place Community Room
Instructor: Rebecca Eberlin, PhD
Date & Time: September 11, 7-8:30 PM
Free Talk


Hello SMASH parents,

Welcome back to school! At the end of last year I sent out the following email (below) about coming into our Core 3, 6th Grade math classes to share about how you use math at your workplace. If you have already responded, thank you! I will be getting back to you ASAP to schedule a visit. If you did not get a chance to read the email or respond before, now is your chance. We would love to hear about your experiences and inspire our mathematicians. Thanks! Erin I was speaking with a few of your fellow SMASH parents at beach day about how they use math in their professions. The conversation began when another parent and I were commenting on some of the math we learned in high school that we never use in real life. A third parent joined us to explain that he uses that exact type of math in his job as a cameraman. That got me thinking, wouldn't it be interesting, practical, and beneficial for the students to see how adults use math in their various jobs? It is through these face to face interactions that students can learn how their schooling applies to the real world. This year in our sixth grade math class I would like to invite any SMASH parents into the classroom to share about how they use math at their jobs. I'm envisioning a short sharing session, followed by questions, and then some real world math problems (tailored to a 6th grade level) that the students can solve with their math partners. But I am open to different formats as well. The more hands-on, the better! I will be teaching math on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:00 - 10:15. If this is something you would be interested in coming in to talk about with our Core 3 sixth graders, please email me and let me know about what you would like to share with the students regarding mathematics in you work. We can then schedule some dates that are mutually agreeable.

Thanks! I'm looking forward to bringing the real world into our classroom.
Erin Haendel
SMASH Core 3 Social Studies/Math Teacher

Dear SMASH Community,

I would like to express my many thanks to all the students, parents, and staff at SMASH for the memorable years of music that we have shared. I am particularly proud of the development of the middle school program over the past three years, which I feel deeply connected with, and know it will continue to thrive in future years. The support of music at SMASH is truly remarkable and I hope to help foster the program's growth by building a great relationship with SAMOHI. I have recently been offered and have accepted a Director of Bands postion at the high school, and I am both excited and nervous about this new endeavor. I hope to take with me some of the great teaching experiences that I have had at SMASH and apply them to a new community. I will greatly miss all of my students, who I have learned so much from, but I take comfort in knowing that I may see many of them again in the upcoming years! I will also miss working with Jessica and the entire staff at SMASH. Jessica is one of the truest leaders I know, (who I have known since my BTSA days!), and I want to thank her publicly for all she has meant to me. I can't tell you how lucky we are to have her…

Kevin McKeown
Director of Bands, Santa Monica High School
Conductor, SMC Wind Ensemble
Conductor, UC Irvine Wind Ensemble

PTSA President’s MessageWell, we are off to a great start this school year! The kids are happy to be back with friends and parents – you have filled out AND turned in another year’s worth of school forms. You deserve a 3-day weekend! Just a few announcements before you head out for the Labor Day holiday:
\ANNUAL FAMILY INVESTMENT: If you have not already made your AFI contribution or commitment, please take some time to do so as soon as possible. We request that everyone participate no matter how small or large the donation. If you have any questions, please contact Marni at

WE NEED YOUR EXPERTISE, ENERGY AND EMAIL ADDRESS! Please take a moment to look at the user-friendly volunteer sheet that you will be receiving by email. Just click through and tell us how you would like to help out the SMASH community. It only takes a minute of your time and it will leave you feeling GREAT for the rest of the day!

KEEPING IT GREEN: Don't Trash It, Terracycle It! Things we normally throw away are recyclable through SMASH has raised over $800 Terracycling in two school years! Cores 1, 2 and 3 have Terracycle bins for collecting the following items: toothpaste tubes, toothbrushes/toothbrush packaging, chip bags, granola/energy/cereal bar wrappers, drink pouches like Capri Sun, candy wrappers, writing instruments, antibiotic creams/ointment tubes, Elmers Glue bottles/sticks, personal/beauty care packaging, healthy food packaging (ex Trader Joe's Apple Crushers), cereal bags, cheese packaging, and tortilla/ tostada packaging . You can also give your Terracyclables to Mimi Lichterman, Core 3 mom. For a printable pdf of Terracyclables, email Mimi at

BUY LOCAL, SAVE $ AND SUPPORT THE BUSINESSES THAT SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS: To learn more about this, please visit: and click on “Buy Local Back To School Deals.”

YOU CLEAN OUT, SMASH CLEANS UP! It’s time to clean out the closets, people! The Rummage Sale is around the corner (October 20th) and we welcome your gently used clothing, household items, books and more. Stay tuned for more info on this event!

PROP 38 will be on the November ballot. It is designed to raise $10 billion a year for schools. All proceeds of Prop 38 will be put into a secure trust fund to be distributed evenly on a per-child basis to every public school. Learn about the allocation that would come to S.M.A.S.H. from Prop 38:

Enjoy your weekend,David Saltzman and Jamee Tenzer

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