Friday, November 5, 2010

NOVEMBER 5, 2010


Dear SMASHing Families,
Be sure to look for a hard copy of a letter from me your child is bringing home today. It explains recent legislation regarding a school’s state testing scores known as API (academic performance index) and has implications for SMASH.I reviewed the contents of this letter and answered questions at Site Council 11/3 and will review it and answer questions again at the PTSA meeting this Wednesday 11/10 8:30am in the Music Room.

On another note, for families who are interested in having your children receive individual counseling, groupsupport (changing families group, friendship groups, competitive nature group, school transitions group…), or have parent consultations, please note that we have 2 social workers from Family Service of Santa Monica and one art therapist from Campion Mental Health Services with us this year.
Annie Wilson is a licensed clinical social worker with a background in early childhood education, as well. She also recently completed a year-long psychotherapy training. has been working at Family Service of Santa Monica for the last 9 years in various capacities. has done preschool consultation in the past and currently works at Roosevelt Elementary and Samohi seeing students for therapy, working with adults and children at the agency, and coordinating and running groups for the Reflective Parenting Program. has a small private practice in Santa Monica and is a parent of two school age children.
Cybele Zavala is our School Social Work Intern for the 2010-2011 school year. is currently attending University of Southern California to obtain a Master of Social Work degree and Pupil Personnel Services Credential, with a concentration in Families and Children and School Social Work.
Tracy Sway is our Art Therapy Intern. She says art therapy uses creativity and art-making to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages.
Self-expression through art helps people resolve problems, develop communication skills, reduce stress and increase self-esteem and self-awareness.
Contact your child’s teacher or leave a message in the counselors’ mailbox in the front office if you’d like somecounseling support for your family.
Counseling Hours:
Cybele Mondays 8:30-1:30 and Wednesdays 8:00-11:00
Annie Mondays 10:30-1:30
Tracy Fridays 8:00-1:00
Sun, Nov 7 - Daylight Savings Time ends - Set your clocks back 1 hour
Mon, Nov 8 - 9:00-10:00am - SMASH School Tour
Wed, Nov 10 - 8:30am - PTSA Mtg
Wed, Nov 10 - All Day - SMASH at Santa Monica California Pizza Kitchen (must bring Flyer attached today)
Thurs, Nov 11 - Veterans’ Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Fri, Nov 12 - District Furlough Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Tues, Nov 16 - School Picture Retakes
Wed, Nov 17 - Teacher Contract Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Mon-Wed, Nov 22-24 - 8th grade trip to Camp Hess-Kramer
Wed. Nov 24 - Early Dismissal - 1:30pm
Thurs & Fri, Nov 25 & 26 - Thanksgiving Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED
CORE 1: Dec 1
CORE 2: Dec 8
CORE 3: Dec 15
CORE 4: Nov 10
CORE 3: Dec 10
Seriously Funny Kids—TV Show Interviews
On November 15 at 3:00, LMNO Productions will be at SMASH interviewing children interested in appearing on a new television show called Seriously Funny Kids, which will air early in 2011 on Lifetime Television. Their new show will feature supermodel and supermom Heidi Klum (Project Runway) interacting with children and bringing out the hilarious and often insightful things they say.
If you would like for your child to briefly interview for the show, no special preparation is needed for the interview, and normal school attire is fine. The interview shouldn’t take longer than 10 minutes.
This is an optional activity. If you would like your child to participate, please complete and sign the consent form sent home in today's attachments. They can only interview children whose parents have completed the form entirely.
SATURDAY, NOV 6 - 9:00am - 3:00pm
Clover Park (25th & Ocean Park Blvd)
Free microchipping & registration (while supplies last); Low-cost vaccinations;
training demonstrations; registration & licensing information; animal adoptions; pet contests and prizes.Pets are encouraged to attend - but must be on leashes or in pet carriers. For information visit
Ocean Park's Annual Membership Meeting, and Budget Discussion
with City Manager Rod Gould
Monday, November 8 6:00-9:00 p.m. SMASH/John Muir Auditorium
This is the opportunity to let our City Manager know what issues are important to you, and how you believe our local tax dollars should be spent. You will have a chance to see our annual city budget and learn what's being spent now and what's being projected for the next fiscal year.
A light supper will be served.
“Bringing Hip Hop Back To The People”
Saturday, November 6 - Barnum Hall Theatre
Conference & Concert 9:00am - 10:00pm All Ages Welcome
Tickets: $15.00 Pre-Sale, $20.00 at door
For information call 310-396-7101 or visit

Santa Monica Civic Center Parks & Palisades Garden Walk + Town Community Workshop - Schematic Design Review
Saturday, Nov 13 at 1:00pm
SAMOHI Cafeteria (Enter through 4th, 6th & Pico or 7th & Michigan gates)
At this joint meeting of the Recreation and Parks and Planning Commissions, be among the first to see the revised design for both parks. Give feedback to the design team from James Corner Field Operations.
reDiscover Center’s Annual
Refreshments will be served!
December 4 & 11 from 10:00am to 1:00pm
12958 Washington Blvd, Culver City
$5.00 per person
Sign up for the SMASH Camping / Cabin Trip in the office by DECEMBER 3rd,
the price goes up $10 per family after winter break.
ptsa news
president’s message
Dear SMASHing Parents,
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and with the passage of Props. Y + YY we have a lot to be thankful for.
While we have been distressed for much of the year, as we were confronted with the prospect of budget cuts and loss of programs and staff in our school district, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. We are very fortunate that many families stepped-up and got involved in this very important campaign in support of our children’s education.
To those of you who placed a lawn sign, made phone calls, walked precincts or helped in other ways, thank you for your efforts and for contributing your very valuable time. We appreciate that you chose to be “…active citizens in a democracy…” and we are very grateful for your involvement.
In addition, we must also recognize that there were other parents in our school district, who took leadership roles and helped spearhead the Yes On Y + YY campaign. The leader of the campaign and prime organizer of efforts to get our parents involved was Shari Davis, the current President of the Santa Monica Malibu Council of PTA’s. Shari led weekly meetings at campaign headquarters and kept in regular contact with the leaders of the PTA’s and PTSA’s throughout the district to organize volunteer efforts on behalf of the campaign. In addition, there are two
Grant Elementary parents, Thelma and Margot, Santa Monica Malibu PTA Council legislative representatives, who worked tirelessly on the campaign, and also deserve our appreciation.
In the future, we should look back on this year and reflect positively on the community spirit and involvement exhibited. From the time when we first learned about the pink slips that many SMMUSD staff received earlier this year, it has been a rollercoaster ride that we will not soon forget - Measure A, the Save Our Schools campaign, Project Lemonade, Yes On Y + YY. Go ahead, take the weekend off. We all deserve it.
Thanks again to all who pitched-in.
Dan McGee

ptsa annual family investment drive
The SMASH Annual Family Investment Drive is moving forward. For those families who have made investments or commitments, thank you, thank you, thank you. If you haven’t made a commitment for your Annual Investment, we ask that you please make a commitment today, for whatever amount your family can afford. Donations can be made by check, Paypal or credit card. Annual Family Investment (AFI) envelopes are available in the office. Your investment helps pay for classroom teaching assistants, reading and math specialists, the SMASH fine arts program, science equipment,technology upgrades, professional development and so much more. If you have any questions, contact Marni Ayers Brady ( or Helga Schier (

SMASH bash
If you missed the sign-up to attend a SMASH Bash event, please note that many events still have openings. Please contact Marni Ayers Brady ( at your earliest convenience and let her know what event you would like to attend. If you didn’t have a chance to experience a SMASH Bash last year, don’t miss out this year!

SMASHing meetings
Our next PTSA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 10, 2010, at 8:30 am., in the music room to the left of the cafeteria. If you have never attended a PTSA meeting, please stop by. For those who are regularly involved we look forward to seeing you a the meeting.

Wednesday, November 10th, 8:30 am. PTSA meeting in the music room (Room to the left of cafeteria).

Terracycle your leftover Halloween candy wrappers and bags.
Did You Know the City of Santa Monica accepts juice boxes (aka aseptic packaging) in their blue bins?! For more info, email Mimi at

Parent Teacher Student Association
Reminder: They’ve arrived –
SMASH Phone and Business Directories
Pick yours up at the office. One copy per PTSA membership. Also pick up a PTA membership card. The card provides a username and password to the national PTA website, allowing you access to valuable member benefits and resources.

If you haven’t already joined the PTSA, you still can. Pick up a PTSA envelope at the office and
submit your check ($8 per membership), payable to SMASH PTSA. You get one Phone & Business Directory for each membership purchased.

Questions? Email Catherine Lerer (mother of Molly McGee/Core 2 and Sadie McGee/Core 1) at

Catherine Lerer, PTSA Membership V.P.
Daniel McGee, PTSA
Jessica Rishe,President Principal

Happy November...Dates to Remember!
There is no school on:
Thursday, November 11 (Veteran's Day)
Friday, November 12 (District Furlough Day)
Wednesday, November 17 (Professional Development for SMASH Teachers)
Thursday, November 25 (Thanksgiving)
Friday, November 26 (Thanksgiving Holiday)

November Birthday Bash on the 19th at 11:45am
If your child was born in the month of November, or missed last month's bash, your child will be celebrated this month in their very own birthday ceremony. Please sign up in the Magic Garden to bring a healthy snack to share with the Core 1 community. Friday, November 19 at 11:45am

Upcoming Field Trips
•Join Graciela for a Big Blue Bus field trip to Bourget Brothers (the natural stone location on Colorado & 18th) The children will observe natural stones used for building material and will be able to see the processing of cement at the plant next door from the Bourget Bothers parking lot. We will have a Q&A session with Anthony, a building materials expert. A big thank you to Debbie, Alani's aunt for helping us plan our field trip! PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE MAGIC GARDEN TO ACCOMPANY US! We will take three trips over three days:
November 15 (Sparkling Stars), November 16 (Sliding Penguins) & November 18 (Crazy Chipmunks)
•Wednesday, November 24: Walking Field Trip to the Beach! Join us for our Art Study with Julianna to observe Michele Oka Doner's public art sculptures. We will create our own sculptures alongside her work. Please sign-up in the Magic Garden if you will like to accompany us. We will go in three shifts between 8:45am-10:30am.

Have a wonderful weekend! There will be no Friday Letter or Friday Folder sent home next week.
Candis, Chrysta, Graciela, Jackie, and Karin
Advisory News
: This week our Leadership focus was on the “R” in CARES, Responsibility. We discussed the following questions, talked about what words we could use to work together at break and recess to play games and sports, how to play with a variety of friends without hurting feelings, and what the word “fair” means. What can we do together to help PE, Break, and Lunch playtime be more fun, fair, and respectful for everyone? How can you as an individual help? Ask your child what they notice about PE and recess—what makes it fun and what makes it not so fun. ***Family HW: have a discussion about play vs. competition and how to be inclusive with a variety of friends.

RW: The students continued studying the characters in their Just Right books and our read aloud chapter book: Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume. Fudge is quite a character. ***RW HW: Core 2 students, continue reading for at least 30 minutes at home each day (independent reading, reading aloud to a family member, and listening to a read aloud all count).
WW: This week the students began the process of writing a realistic fiction story by brainstorming and collecting ideas of people, places, things and animals that they care and know about. ***WW HW: Core 2 students, make a list of 3 experiences you’ve had that could make a good realistic fiction story (for example: a birthday party, a family trip, changing schools, moving, getting a new pet, having a sibling, etc.)
Laura’s 3rd graders
worked on assessments for Unit 1, Trading Stickers and Combining Coins. Next week we are beginning Unit 2, Surveys and Line Plots. 3G Math HW is a large packet of review work. They have their addition cards and a letter explaining the importance of practicing addition combinations. Since next week is a short week this math homework is due on Friday, Nov. 19.
Tamara’s 4th graders took the final assessments of this unit to see how much they have learned about multiplication so far. There will be two more multiplication units this year. 4G Math HW this week is a preview of some of the work from the next unit. Since next week is a short week, it is due Wednesday, November 10.
Word Work: This week Jayme joined us while we worked on spelling, reading strategies, and parts of speech/sentence diagramming in small groups.
Theme: We worked with Jayme doing leaf rubbings and classification. With Laura, the students read about the 4 regions of California that have distinct plants, animals, and physical features. They continued practicing putting the information into their own words, which they discovered is easier if they discussed it with another student first. Ask your child what they learned about these regions.
The 4th graders began a 10-session unit of dance with Contra Tiempo, a professional dance troupe. This activity is available through a district grant and replace PE for the fourth graders on Mondays.
Wish list: sandwich size baggies, left handed children’s scissors, 4 mouse pads

Dates to Remember:
No Friday papers on November 12!
Thursday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day, no school
Friday, November 12 – Furlough Day, no school
Tuesday, November 16 – Make up picture day
Wednesday, November 17 – Pupil Free Day/professional development for staff, no school
Thursday and Friday, November 25 and 26 – Thanksgiving Holiday

Tamara, Laura, Jayme, Nadja, and Karin

Science w/Carrie:
It's been a busy science week. Our trip to the California Science Center was a huge success. The children really enjoyed the scavenger hunt through the World of Life exhibit. We all learned a lot about the human body and had time to check out some of the other exhibits. Thank you to our chaperones for making the day so smooth and fun! Back at school we
started using our online resource at We had some technical difficulties so only one group got to watch the video about elements. The other group will watch it next week. This is an online resource of fabulous academic content for kids (and adults).Check it out when you have time. There’s a great "home resources" section. We will be using it at school and all of the students have accounts that they can access from school or from home. From time to time I will be sending assignments to their accounts.

They will always have time to complete the assignments at school but they may work on them at home as well. When they first log-in, they have the opportunity to enter a parent's email address so that you can be notified about the site.

Please contact Discovery Education at any time regarding privacy questions or concerns, or to request to review what personally identifiable information has been provided by their school. You may also contact them at any time to request that we delete the personally identifiable information of your child and disallow any further access.
Discovery Education 1 Discovery Place Silver Spring, MD 20910
Phone: (800) 323-9084 Email:

Science: Optional assignment: Log on to, check out the website and complete the second worksheet that goes along with the assigned video. Due date extended to 11/15 due to technical difficulties for one group.

Theme: began our journey into making roofs by looking at different roof designs. students need to decide what kind of roof they want to make and spend some time practicing it using scratch paper. week we will focus on making the roof.

6th gr Math w/ Carrie: We continued our investigation of Prime Factors, LCM, and GCF. are learning how to use Prime Factors to help us determine LCMs and how to use our knowledge of factors and multiples to solve complex word problems. Monday we will do a progress check to see how well everyone is understanding the material.
6th gr Math w/ Erin: On Wed. students learned about the differences between Horizontal Graphs and Vertical Graphs. On Thursday students worked on a midpoint assessment so that I (and they) can better see their comprehension of the Data About Us unit.
5th gr Math w/ Genie: We delved into the world of division. We are looking at problems like 378÷21=___. We started with making a tower of 21 (skip counting by 21 which was easy because there is a simple pattern to follow). And that allowed us to see how many 21's fit into 378. We are really connecting story problems with division and multiplication problems. If you come across real life division or multiplication story problems, share them with your child. Today a mid-term assessment with my comments was sent home. Please read the comments, sign it, and have your child return it. Thanks!

Social Studies & Geography w/ Erin: This week in Social Studies we discussed how communities often divide people into groups and how some groups may have more rights than others. After reading the Dr. Seuss book, The Sneetches, students brought up their own contemporary and historic examples of community divisions by race, gender, sexuality, and age. The students learned many things from each other in this insightful discussion. Many members of the class seemed particularly interested in the rights of woman and girls in communities around the world. Geography we finally got our giant 101 piece map of North America put up on the wall. Come check it out!

Reading & Writing Workshop w/ Genie: As writers, we are publishing our personal essays either neatly written or typed. There is an option to also video record the essay in class as some news reports are essay-like and sometimes personal, as can be heard on NPR. While we edit, we are looking at conjunctions and prepositions and learning they are words that relate words and
sentences and often act as transitions. As readers, we are studying archetypes and big ideas often found in fairytales, myths and fables. Ask your child what they are.

Optional assignment: Log on to, check out the website and complete the second worksheet that goes along with the assigned video. Due 11/8
Social Studies: Complete 4 questions from Thurs if they aren't finished (most students finished in class)
6g Math: Due 11/8 – 3 ACE Exercise 28 (both sides)
5g Math - Packet #9 is DUE 11/19—note there are 2weeks to turn in. Good time to catch up on old packets!
Theme: Due 11/8 - Decide what kind of roof you want and practice making it using scratch paper
Reading - Read every day for 30min—Log in pages/write at least 1 question every day
Writing – Personal Essay publishing due date Tuesday, 11/9

Dates to Remember:
Sun, Nov 7 - Daylight Savings Time ends - Set your clocks back 1 hour
Wed, Nov 10 - All Day - SMASH at Santa Monica California Pizza Kitchen (must bring Flyer attached today)
Thurs, Nov 11 & Fri Nov 12 - Veterans’ Day & District Furlough Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Tues, Nov 16 - School Picture Retakes
Wed, Nov 17 - Teacher Contract Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed. Nov 24 - Early Dismissal - 1:30pm
Thurs & Fri, Nov 25 & 26 - Thanksgiving Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED
Core Four Trips: The traveling trend continues with three superlative days this week at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium and a fine sojourn to the House of Blues in Hollywood. At the aquarium we pursued biology topics with the 8th graders and chemistry with 7th graders as prep/review work for the first round of Ocean Literacy Projects. Both groups did exceptionally well performing the hands-on oceanographic sampling that we learned last year with our
aquarium partners. We will be returning to these marine science experts for a total of seven days this year to further explore chemical cycling and marine biology. These pier activities are central to our field science program and are really fun. Please, join us in early January and again in April to get a look at the engaging learning that is happening. At the House of Blues we considered the fascinating history of Jazz in the United States and the role of Los Angeles’
club scene on the development of the local music industry. Thank you to the many parents who helped us pull this rewarding schedule off!

Skills Focus Comes Next: Having finished the social curriculum, we are focusing upon fundamental academic skills such as; reading comprehension, quality written communications, careful calculation, and carefully presented work products. Our intent is to help our SMASH students evolve from doing “just enough” to becoming self-motivated seekers of “continuous improvement” even as we model our expectations for high quality in every circumstance. For
example; we are going back into writing pieces that were dashed off and providing mini-lessons in how to revise for clarity, content, and quality of expression. We shall continue this work up to the holidays. In essence, we will show them how to seek quality and expect their “best effort.” By now you may be thinking, “how may I help my child given this SMASH culture of continuous improvement?”
Helping middle school students form a Habit of Continuous Improvement
Research and our experience here at SMASH suggest three strategies parents and teachers may employ to helpstudents become highly effective learners despite the many distraction of middle school.
· Encourage them to ask questions frequently! Active questioners retain over 50% of the available material from a learning activity. We are elevating this to an evaluation point for narratives given the critical role of questions in learning. (Habit of creative and persistent questioning)
· Provide a model of deliberative, thoughtful, work habits. They are watching our every move and will value what we do! (Habit of persistence)
· There is only one guarantee of effective work habits for people who are undergoing the brain wrenching of young adolescence and who push back on the people who love them; create a structure and routines for them.
This may be done by using tutors (highly effective in settings from SMASH to Crossroads), check their work yourself three times weekly (Not normally effective given the time demands most parents face), or by making school visits part of your routine (Normally effective despite making the student crazy in the short term).

Dates to Remember:
No Friday Letter next week
Sun, Nov 7 - Daylight Savings Time ends - Set your clocks back 1 hour
Thurs, Nov 11 - Veterans’ Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Fri, Nov 12 - District Furlough Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Tues, Nov 16 - School Picture Retakes
Wed, Nov 17 - Teacher Contract Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Mon-Wed, Nov 22-24 - 8th grade trip to Camp Hess-Kramer
Wed. Nov 24 - Early Dismissal - 1:30pm
Thurs & Fri, Nov 25 & 26 - Thanksgiving Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED

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