Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friday Letter 12-12-08

Dear SMASHing Families,
As our SMASHING Arts Program vision statement says, “Art is important. It empowers students to create art pieces/performances to communicate their thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and knowledge…We want all students and faculty to enjoy expressing themselves through a variety of art forms that are integrally linked to the curriculum.” This week we had incredible Arts Sharings exemplifying the above vision in every Core. Core 1 students, guided by Dian’s guitar, songwriting, and vocals, creatively and joyfully expressed themselves as they sang and brought cheer to the elder residents of Ocean House. Core 2 students, guided by Ingrid’s teaching, animatedly shared the process they went through designing then building sculptures of figures in action. Core 3 students, guided by Kristy’s knowledge of PlayBack Improvisation theater, demonstrated the transformation from improv skits based on issues of concern to them to community service helping animals in need of adoption. Core 4, guided by all three teaching artists, sang songs written around Saffron House elders’ stories of political influence and activism, performed improv skits based on the elders’ experiences and feelings, and held an “Anti-fashion Show” complete with originally designed t-shirts based on community issues they care about.
THANK YOU to the talented team of Dian, Ingrid, Kristy, and Arts Coordinator Marni for leading ALL students to these sharings where arts skills, critical thinking, and curricular tie-ins occurred!
Ingrid has decided that juggling both classroom and arts teaching is an unmanageable set of responsibilities at this time, so we say special thanks for the wonderful trimester she just finished and embrace her as a fully focused classroom instructor. We welcome our new visual teaching artist Julianna. Julianna is experienced working with all ages in public schools and at Otis doing curriculum based arts projects, murals, community gardens, and more. She looks forward to getting to know the SMASH families in January.
Additional thanks to the Book Fair buyers and team of parents running the “store” led by Ofer. We hope those who attended the Family Literacy Night enjoyed yourselves. Finally, if you want to be bedazzled by our students’ mathematical thinking, look for our school board presentation on the district web site.
Have a happy Winter Break

Reflective Parenting Workshops
Available to all SMASH and John Muir parents
Offered by Family Service of Santa Monica
This innovative 10-week workshop series provides parents with a reflective parenting model, which views all children’s behavior as meaningful communication that can be understood. This reflective capacity lies at the heart of sensitive, effective parenting, which research has demonstrated is an effective way to help parents strengthen relationships with their children. Workshop to begin in February (dates to be determined).
Goals of the Workshop: Increase confidence in parenting. New ways to think about children’s behavior. More manageable and effective interventions for difficult behavior.
To register contact Kristen Lemon, LMSW, CLAD
at Family Services of Santa Monica 310-451-9747x2204

Align Center
PTSA news
Happy Holidays!
SMASHing Fundraisers
· Make your Family Donation online. Go to and give what you can! To pay by credit card, check or cash, or to establish a payment plan, please see Janice in the office. For more information, see this week’s flyer. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
· Our Holiday Fair made $2K! That’s fantastic! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!
· Our Scholastic Book Fair was great fun, put books in the hands of our children and into the classrooms… and it made money! We’ll report actual numbers ASAP.
SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009. Let’s clean up and beautify the shared spaces on campus. Volunteers and donations are dearly needed. Contact SMASH parent Helga at or John Muir parent Helene Seisay at
SMASHing Festivities
· Save the Date: Annual potluck dinner on Diversity Night, January 15, 2009.
SMASHing Committees
· The Health Committee has formed a loose network of parents from SMASH and John Muir interested in working on improving the cafeteria lunches. If you wish to join that group, contact SMASH parent Conor Libby (Core 3 Lola Libby Bleser’s dad). The committee organized a presentation by, a company providing healthy, organic and tasty food for children. Feel free to check out their website:
· The Gardening Committee is working with SMASH and John Muir parents and teachers, and hoping to work with CREST to bring learning about growing food to our campus. If you want more information, please contact SMASH parents Holly Wright (Core 3 Rhu and Core 2 Joe Steedman’s Mom) or Jeff Knight (Core 4 Rose Colter-Knight’s dad).
SMASHing Meetings ·Our next PTSA meeting is on Tuesday, January 6 at 8:15AM.

Dear SMASH Community,
In the spirit of the season of giving, SMASH PTSA is reaching out to you for continued support through our FAMILY DONATION fundraiser.
This holiday season will be unlike any in recent history. Although we will start the New Year full of economic uncertainty, we also share high hopes for real and positive changes at home and around the world.
One of the most valuable and everlasting presents we give our children is education. And SMASH is among the greatest gifts of all. But as a public school, we will not be spared the effects of these hard times. California’s budget cuts are likely to be drastic, and so our PTSA needs more than ever to raise the funds for Teacher Assistants, Field Trips, Teacher Education, and the Art and Spanish programs. This holiday season, help SMASH navigate these hard times towards an ever brighter future.
We have good news to report about our current fundraising efforts. The family donations are coming in, and we are proud to announce that we are just over halfway to our goal of $50,000. In past years, the family donation drive ended in December, but this year we must not stop until we reach our goal of 100% participation.
We are extending the deadline to the end of the May. Drop your check in the office, opt for a payment plan or pay by credit card online at The recommended donation is $557.89, but many families are contributing less.
If small donations can elect a president, they can also support a school. This year, it’s the giving that matters, not the amount.
Thank you for your dedication to SMASH. We wish you all a joyous holiday season.

SMASH Site Council Agenda
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
6:30 pm Core 2
Adopt Agenda

Approve minutes of last meeting

Community Participation

Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
Principal’s Report

Students Reports

Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited
to the following):

Student Council


Old Business
Site Improvement Plan
Approve School Site Plan

New Business

Community Participation (if applicable)


Peace and Love from Core 1
Thank you to Miriam Schulman from the Natural History Museum, who visited Core 1 on Friday to tell us all about spiders. This was inspired by some of our students who have been studying spiders in Core 1. Miriam shared a fun slide show, and then we were able to look at all of her spider friends. We even held some spiders!! Please look for pictures and more details about this event in the classroom next to the Home/School table.

Friday, Dec 19 will be a special day for celebrating PEACE and LOVE in Core 1. These Winter Festivities will include special holiday projects all day long. This is a great day for moms and dads to join us – especially since this day often includes food preparation. If you can come for a portion of the day, please let us know. We will conclude with a candle-lit (no flame) Peace Ceremony at 1:00. All families are welcome!!

Reminders & Announcements:
Friday, December 19 is our first school spirit day. Come to school wearing your favorite SMASH gear.
The circle groups will be switching teachers after Winter Break. The Diving Shark Stars will start with Candis in the mornings, and the Flittering Butterflies will start with Chrysta. This may feel different at first, but the rest of the day will stay the same.
Happy Holidays!!
Candis, Chrysta and Jackie

This is the last Friday letter before Winter Break so there will be a lot of information you need to read in this letter. When you return , you will have a new group for advisory. Look for a letter in the mail to let you know.

In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, this week all the children read and discussed their Just Right books with their Core 2 reading partner and their Core 4 Learning Time partner.

In Government, we learned how to highlight information and take notes from a non-fiction source. We need age appropriate resources in all these areas of study, especially about our Governor's role ASAP.

In Math, the 2nd graders classifying information based on physical characteristics. The 3rd graders began How Much Would You Save? This sheet of work will be sent home to finish. Please remind your child to return it by Tuesday, December 16. The 3rd graders will be bringing home all their work from the unit Things That Come in Groups. In these papers will be a packet of work for them to do over the Break. It is due back on Tuesday, January 6, 2009. After Winter Break the 3rd graders will begin a unit called Flips, Turns and Area. See attached letter.

In Arts, the children shared their “action” figures with the SMASH Community. In Writer’s Workshop, they wrote individual letters of appreciation to Ingrid. A huge thanks to Ingrid! We all enjoyed this project. After Winter Break Core 2 begins an Arts rotation with Dian for music.

Thank you to Isabel and Bailey’s Darlene and Nathan G.’s Alison for volunteering to arrange field trips. Please contact them, if you would like to help.

Stop by and check our hook area for any “missing” sweaters, jackets, backpacks, etc. After Winter Break we will be giving them to a charity.

Upcoming dates and events:
Friday, December 19 -- SMASH Spirit Day, wear your SMASH gear.
And last day before winter break
Monday, January 5, 2009 – first day back!

Have a glorious weekend!
Laura, Jayme & Nadja

Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:

In Core 3 we write daily, which leads students to regularly ask, “Does it have to be in ‘book’ spelling?” To which we usually reply, “It’s more important to get your thoughts down.” “Do the best you can.” “Use the resources in the room.” “Don’t worry about spelling until you are editing.” etc. Which leads parents to ask, “How/when do students learn to spell?” Children learn to spell from reading and writing. Books, along with exposure to print in their lives (billboards, labels, interactive media, etc), help them continually see words spelled conventionally. They also learn to spell as writers. If reading is a passive way to internalize how words are spelled, writing is an active way to try out what they have learned. It is a time to write words they know how to spell and attempt to spell less familiar words. Children notice when words look right and begin to use what they know, as well as learned patterns or rules that exist (albeit inconsistently--which is one of my demon words!) in our English language, to help them spell. It’s important for them to understand that there is no spelling rule that works every time.

In Core 3, we teach spelling in a variety of ways, keeping in mind how different children learn and their developmental levels. We have a wide range of spellers, which is typical. A good speller to us is not necessarily someone who can spell all words correctly all the time. Individuals with photographic-type memories are naturally good in spelling. For us, a good speller is someone who doesn’t “cop out” in their writing because they don’t know how to spell beautiful so they use the word nice instead. They write beautiful the best way they can (byutfl, beyoutefull, beutiful). Inconsistencies can actually be a sign of thoughtful spelling, not always carelessness. A good speller utilizes the patterns and rules they’ve learned, sometimes incorrectly. A good speller is a risk-taker who uses different strategies and resources to check their spelling. A good speller knows when a word doesn’t look right, and may or may not be able to correct it independently. Have you ever written a word a few different ways to figure out which way looks right?

At SMASH, we want students to create their own understanding. In all subjects, including spelling, we often start by guiding students through an issue or problem, so they begin noticing patterns, which allows them to form and test theories on what they noticed. Then as teachers, we show them common spelling rules. At this level, we know it’s hard for all students to gain mastery, but we do expect students to be more aware. Sometimes this awareness is uncomfortable, as students realize they are misspelling words. This is only one way to teach spelling strategies to the whole class, which we do in Writing Workshop during editing--linking spelling to the purpose of publishing writing. Another way is more individualized spelling instruction, through small groups and one-on-one conferences. Students can then focus on personal ‘demon words’ or learning spelling strategies that they specifically need.

Families can help students become better spellers by encouraging your child to read a lot and write a lot and by reading and writing in front of your children--sharing when you don’t know how to spell a word and how you know it’s not correct and the strategies you use to find the conventional spelling. Playing word games like crossword puzzles or Scrabble or Boggle or games in the car bring spelling into their lives in a fun way. As your child is working on their Personal Narrative stories over the break, keep in mind that thoughts come first--spelling comes later and should never get in the way of the ideas.

Check out the Core 3 page on the SMASH website for an interesting article on spelling.

No Friday Letter next week! Look for a note from Genie and Tamara about Winter Break suggested reading, writing, and math homework next week.

Have a happy, healthy, restful break!
Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

*Smash “Gear” Day, Friday, December 19—show you SMASHing pride!!!*

Math: 6/7:Put a Lid on It! - No, we are not asking the mathematicians to be quiet, but rather that our Statistics and Data unit is coming to a close! Next week we will explore our last type of display, a pie or circle graph, and then put the final pieces of our Personal Inquiry Projects together. In our Personal Inquiry Project, the mathematicians are ready to make a decision about what type of graph to use, determine conclusions about their data by using their statistical tools (mean, median, mode, and range), and carry out their designed plan of action. Through this independently driven project, the students have been a part of a meaningful experience where they were able to transfer all the taught concepts to a topic they were interested in. Please ask them about their choices that they have made throughout this project! At the end of the week, we will share these projects as well as have a celebration to reflect and to show our excitement about all that we have accomplished!

On the Math Narrative, you will see the various behaviors that we concentrated on throughout this semester. For example, one of the behaviors includes “Mathematicians organize and display information”. These are the areas assessed, and the areas that the students have reflected on. The Math strands or standards that these behaviors fit in are also listed. As stated in last week’s letter, please encourage your child to continue the conversation that we started in the classroom from these narrative pieces. Please let me know if you have any questions upon receiving the Narrative.

Algebra: We finished Chapter two this week. The last part of the chapter involved solving multi-step equations when two variables were present. We also explored formulas and their differences from other equations. The students discovered that formulas work with measurable quantities. On Tuesday, the mathematicians will take their next test. Throughout the unit, we have worked hard to monitor our study habits. Please encourage the students to review these habits of mind as they prepare for the test.

On the Math Narrative, you will see their homework grade (an average of all their homework assignments) as well as their test grades. Please be aware that this narrative may look a bit different than the other Core 4 narratives because it is the only graded class. I am always available to chat if you have questions or confusion!

Super Secret Lined Paper Peeps Advisory: Your sweet children are a gift to the world. Please join us during advisory activities and see them in action. Thank you and happy holidays to you and your loved ones. I will be in Tahoe enjoying the high county and taking some quiet time.

Last Letter of 2008
Enjoy Winter Break!

Kurt, Kelly, Erin & Karin


Skirball Hanukkah Family Festival
Sun, Dec. 14 11:00-4:00 (details in letter)

Site Council Mtg
Wed, Dec. 17 6:30-8:00 pm

SMASH Student Council
Spirit Day: SMASH Pride Day
Fri, Dec. 19
Wear SMASH attire. Details in letter

CREST Winter Enrichment Classes
Begin 1-5-09 Sign up now
Brochure given to students today
for info: or 310-458-8540

Winter Break
Mon, Dec 22 - Fri, Jan. 2
Return Monday, January 5, 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Come to the Skirball to celebrate this Jewish holiday with music, storytelling, puppet shows, art-making, and more activities for the whole family! Everyone is welcome to participate in this fun-filled festival featuring:

•Live music performances by The Stein Brothers •Balloon-twisting by Addi Somekh and Suzanne Haring •A Hanukkah puppet show with Jenny Nissenson •Storytelling by actors from the Screen Actors Guild Foundation •An interactive Hanukkah play in the museum galleries •Art-making workshops with fiber artist Constance Bracewell & performance artist Marcus Kuiland Nazario •Tours, exhibitions, game room, toddler room, an archaeological dig, food, and more!

$10 General; $7 Seniors and Full-Time Students;
Free to Skirball Members and Children under 12
Please note: Noah's Ark at the Skirball™ will be closed during the Hanukkah Family Festival.

Begin January 5 - Space is limited! Brochure sent home today. or 310-458-8540

Wear anything that shows your support for SMASH!!!
You could wear a SMASH t-shirt, sweatshirt, hat, jog-a-thon shirt, superSMASH button.
Or be creative! How could you show SMASH pride?! Make a shirt, hat or button?
Decorate your shoes? Wear SMASH colors –orange or blue?
Thanks for your support—and see you in your SMASH Gear!

Our holiday concert was fun and many families were there to cheer us on.
The Core 1 and Core 4 singers also did a great job at the retirement homes.
Isn’t it a blessing when we can bring joy to others through music? Love, Dian Andrews

Cabrillo Whalewatch - Daily December 26-March
Whale Fiesta - Sunday, January 10:00am - 4:30pm
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium,
3720 Stephen M. White Dr., San Pedro, CA 90731

Santa Monica High School Choir Winter Concert: Motus Perpetuus IV
This concert is titled Motus Perpetuus IV and it is Samohi's fourth annual winter concert of perpetual motion. Students sing from all corners of Barnum Hall continuously and as soon as one group ends, another one begins. In this type of concert there is no applause until after the very last choir performs.
Please join us at this concert on Thursday, December 18th at 7:00 PM in the beautiful, newly restored Barnum Hall--tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors (purchased at the door)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Friday Letter 12-05-08


SMASH Holiday Boutique/Art Affaire TODAY! Admission Free. Dozens of vendors! Dec 5 11:30-5:30

SMASHing Book Fair Mon, Dec. 8 - Fri, Dec 12 Media Ctr

Family Literacy Night Wed, Dec 10 6:00-8:00 pm Auditorium & Media Center

SMASH Board Presentation Thurs, Dec 11 5:30 pm District Office, 1651 16th St
Genie & Core 3 students’ math presentation

Site Council Mtg Wed, Dec. 17 6:30-8:00 pm

SMASH Student Council
Spirit Day: SMASH Pride Day Fri, Dec. 19 Wear SMASH attire. Details to come

Winter Break Mon, Dec 22 - Fri, Jan. 2 Return Monday, January 5, 2009!

Dear SMASHing Families,

We hope you will join us for FAMILY LITERACY NIGHT on Wednesday, December 10.

Start in the Cafetorium at 6:00pm as Kelly leads all of us through a short shared reading experience that highlights key ideas of K-8 reading instruction at SMASH and methods for continuing that deep thinking about books at home.

Then enjoy three more Family Literacy Night highlights:

1) Shop at the Book Fair in the Media Center for new books to add to your home library or give as gifts

2) Visit the “How to Support Your Readers At Home” question/answer/resource table facilitated by Chrysta, Jayme, and Tamara in Core 3. Get some tips about selecting Just Right books, strategies beyond “sound it out”, or questions to pose during family book readings.

3) Listen to our guest readers read aloud books on the Cafetorium stage and steps.

For those who are also interested in showing your SMASH pride and in hearing a 10 minute presentation about SMASH math instruction, join Genie, a few students and I at the SCHOOL BOARD PRESENTATION Thursday, December 11 at 5:30 pm at the District Offices 1651 16th Street at 16th and Olympic.

Finally, once again, MANY THANKS are due to this visionary, committed, organized, and seemingly inexhaustible PTSA crew (lead by Birte for this event) who made a Holiday Boutique full of quality vendors, fun activities for children, and yummy treats possible. For all those who made lighting, power, music, foods, flier distribution, ads, vendors, and most importantly, inspired holiday season fun happen, THANK YOU!

Truly Yours,

FYI - Please be considerate of our neighbors when parking your car. We’ve received calls from neighbors that driveways are being blocked in the morning and afternoon. We have been informed that the police will be called to tow any cars blocking driveways.

What’s Up in Core 1
Four mornings a week, right after Morning Meeting, the Core 1 children have the choice of “Projects” for an hour. Just some of our recent project choices have included: Gardening, Animal Habitats, Exploration of Magnets, Dress-up, Game Strategies, Bookmaking, Weaving and the Study of Line. Some of the projects evolve directly from current student interests. Others are opportunities for the children that arise, or activities around things we feel children have the right to learn. Leaders of these groups have been the Core 1 teachers, parent volunteers, Core 3 students, community members, and the students themselves. Some current and upcoming projects include: observations of worms, how machines work, and a visit from a scientist from the Natural History Museum to talk about Spiders. Ask your child about what they have been studying during “Projects”! It is one of our favorite times of the day.

Reminders & Announcements:
Singing at Ocean House: On Wednesday, December 10, we will be singing for the residents of the Ocean House (2107 Ocean Ave.). We will be singing from 11:00 to 11:30. You’re welcome to meet us there (to listen), but we also need MANY parents to chaperone our walk there and back. We will leave SMASH around 9:30, eat snack at the beach, sing at Ocean House, then return for lunch by 12:20. This is a long walk for many of the children, and the more helpers we have, the better. If you’re available to chaperone, please sign-up at the Home/School table.
Family Literacy Night is also on December 10.

Candis, Chrysta and Jackie
Candis: Chrysta:

In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, this week the students started reading with partners, another Core 2 student who reads at about the same level. We have been discussing what readers talk about. Each student has a list for spelling resources to use during their writing. We DO NOT expect them to memorize these words. Attached is a copy of this resource for you to keep at home.

In Government, we started a research project. The students are working in teams of 4. They will become experts on the roles of either the President, Vice President, Senator, Supreme Court Judge, or Governor. The goal will be to present to the rest of the class on the researched role so that all of Core 2 will understand the various roles of all these important Government figures. We need age appropriate resources in all these areas of study ASAP.

In Math, the 2nd graders begun a new unit on collecting and representing data. See attached letter. The 3rd graders continue their investigation into multiplication and division story problems from the unit, Things that Come in Groups. They then wrote their own two stories – one multiplication and one division.

In Arts, the children put the finishing touches on their “action” figures. Come Wednesday and see their wonderful creations that they made with Ingrid. A huge thanks to Ingrid! We all enjoyed this project.

WANTED: Parent(s) to work with us by calling to arrange field trips. See Laura ASAP. We are running out of time to book our trips. So far we have none booked. We really do need someone who can spend time during the work day doing phone calls and arranging these trips.

Upcoming dates and events:
Wednesday, December 10, 10:45 – 11:15– arts sharing in core 2
Friday, December 12 – November/December birthday bash, 11:30 – 12:10
- see attached 1/2 sheet if your child will be celebrating
Friday, December 19 last day before winter break
Monday, January 5, 2009 – first day back!

Have a glorious weekend!
Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:

As we move through our math units, covering different areas of math from fractions to geometry to measurement to data, Core 3 is constantly reviewing/using the basic math facts. You may have noticed that your child has been thinking of ways to memorize their addition facts, like combinations of 10 (1+9, 2+8, 3+7…) and their multiplication facts up through the 12. These are necessary building blocks for all mathematics work. The base-ten number system helps us notice patterns. For example, we notice that multiples of 10 all have a zero in the ones place and go up by ones in the tens column (10, 20, 30, 40, 50…). 5 and 2 are also something that most students are able to skip count by easily, which helps them memorize their multiplication facts. 11 has an easy pattern that kids recognize quickly (11, 22, 33, 44, 55…) as does 9 when you write them down. That leaves 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 12.
That’s where relationships between numbers come in. We encourage students to think, “If I know 2 x 6 = 12, then doubling that will help me know 4 x 6 because that is (2 x 6) + (2 x 6) or 12 + 12.” Many students can solve 12 + 12 in their head, which goes back to knowing basic addition facts. The thinking may be slow at first, but eventually it becomes like riding a bike. It’s also the beginnings of understanding algebraic concepts. The concept of distributive property is what the stacking-up-multiplication-algorithm that most of us were taught in school is based. Basic multiplication and addition facts are also needed for that procedure. So being able to see (2 x 6) + (2 x 6) = 4 x 6 = 2 x 12 will help them think through larger problems like 22 x 15. Some ways students could break down this problem down is (22 x 10) + (22 x 5) or if they need even smaller problems it could be (20 x 10) + (2 x 10) + (20 x 5) + (2 x 5) = 200 + 20 + 100 + 10.
Memorizing math facts can take a short time or a long time depending on the individual, but with attention and practice everyone can understand/memorize them. With all the areas of math to cover from fractions to geometry to measurement to data, spending time at home to memorize basic math addition and multiplication facts is helpful for your child’s confidence now and a necessary foundation to the progression of math they will encounter later.

School Board Presentation., Thur, Dec. 11; 5:30. Genie and Core 3 students make a math presentation to the Board.

Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

Continuing the Conversation: A Look at the Narrative Process. Throughout this week in each subject area, the students have taken time to reflect on the skills and activities they have completed in this past semester. They engaged in this reflection using our narrative template. Because we believe middle school students are ready to take ownership and hold themselves accountable to their learning, we feel this is an integral process for them to be a part of as well as understand. This has helped enable them to powerfully converse about their learning during our class time. Our goal is that they will initiate and continue this conversation with you. Please create an opportunity for you and your child to start this discussion in the next few weeks. Next week, we will continue to discuss the narrative process so that it will be a successful and beneficial time for you and your child.

Math! 6/7: Making a Choice and Checking it Twice! We are quite the displayers of information in Core 4! The mathematicians know many ways to show gathered data. These include line graphs, bar graphs, line plot graphs, step graphs, tables, and charts. As confident mathematicians this week, they expanded this understanding of acting as displayers of information. They discovered that when choosing a display for a data set they have to be wise about their selection as every graph is not an apt fit for the found data. Because one of a graph’s purpose involves accurately showing information to an audience, certain display choices are more appropriate than others. The students used strategies to help make stronger choices about their graph selection.

Algebra We are continuing to work thorough Chapter two. Throughout the week, we delved into understanding rates, ratios, and proportions. The students explored this concept and discovered strategies to solve these types of problems and situations. They now use their developed ways to attack the given problems. We are working hard to understand the purpose behind this skill rather than memorizing algorithms such as the cross-multiplication technique. Please urge them to explain their reasoning behind their work.

Core 4 Arts Sharing: Erin/Dian and Kelly/Kristy will be performing out in the community at Safran House at 151 Ocean Front Walk, 1:20-2:00 pm.
Kurt/Ingrid will be conducting an Anti-Fashion Show Parade at 9:00 am
and an expo in Kurt’s room from 11:45-12:15. Come check it out!

Missing Books: Fate of the Forest by Susana Hecht and Forest to Fight Poverty by Ralph Schmidt. Please contact Jake.

Kurt: Kelly:

PTSA news

President’s Note

Dear SMASHing parents!

‘Tis the season!
The Holiday Boutique opens our festivities today, with a preview of next week’s Book Fair in the afternoon. Family Literacy Night next Wednesday during our Book Fair is great fun. These are great opportunities to do all your holiday shopping and support SMASH at the same time. What’s more, these festivities are also a great chance to mix and mingle with other SMASH parents. So stop by and have a waffle at the Holiday Boutique, and check out a few books at the Book Fair.
Holiday Greetings,
David Saltzman and Helga Schier

SMASHing Fundraisers
· Make sure to visit our SMASHing Holiday Fair, TODAY, 11:30AM to 5:30PM.
· Time for our annual Scholastic Book Fair, Monday, December 8 through Friday, December 12. We’ll have a preview during the Holiday Boutique TODAY from 1PM to 4PM. For more information and regular opening hours, check out the website at Please also check out this week’s book reports written by SMASH students. If you can help, contact Ofer Grossman at
· Remember our biggest fundraiser of the entire year: Family Donations? You can contribute to SMASH online. Just go to Pease give what you can! If you’d like to establish a payment plan, forms are available in the office. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!

SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009. Let’s clean up and perhaps paint the shared spaces on campus. We need volunteers and donations (paint, cleaning supplies). Please contact SMASH parent Helga at or John Muir parent Helene Seisay at Watch for future flyers.

SMASHing Meetings
· Our next PTSA meeting is on Tuesday, January 6 at 8:15AM. Let us know ( or if you have other issues, questions, ideas... we’ll put them on the agenda.

Make your

Help us reach our goal of 100% participation.
COMMIT to your child’s SMASH experience.

Log on and give instantly:

-100% goes to SMASH
-100% tax deductible
-Contributions due by December 31, 2008

In these economic times, the best investment is your
children’s future!

Recommended $557.89 per student donation.

Pay monthly! Pay by check! Pay by credit card!
Fill out the form online:
arrange a payment plan and turn in to the office with
your check (made out to SMASH PTSA) or credit card info.

For more info contact
David at or Helga at

ONE for Books

Dear Families,

Our Scholastic Book Fair is coming soon. We hope you can visit the Fair on December 5 (1:00-4:00), December 8 through December 12 (8:00-9:00 and 1:15-3:30) and December 10 (6:00-8:00 pm).

This year, one of our goals is to put more books into the hands of students and on the shelves of classroom libraries. We call it One for Books.

Please donate just $1 and sign the attached Book Slip with your name or child’s name. All signed Book Slips will be displayed at our Book Fair.

All of the money collected goes directly to purchasing more books for our school.

Scholastic will match monetary donations raised with donations of up to one million books to three non-profit organizations dedicated to helping kids and families in need. They include: Kids in Distressed Situations, Inc., National Center for Family Literacy, and the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation.

Please send your dollar and signed paper Book Slip back to school with your child. One behalf our students and teachers at SMASH, Thank You!


Ofer Grossman
Book Fair Chairperson


$1 ONE for BOOKS! $1
$1 Book Slip

From: ___________________________

The SMASHing Times
Friday, December 5, 2008 Book Review

by Barney Saltzberg
Reviewed by Abbie Grossman

I am Abbie Grossman and I read a book called Crazy Hair Day by Barney Saltzberg. Stanley gets all ready for crazy hair day. He wraps, he gels, he rolls, he sprays, just to find out that crazy hair day is next Friday. Today is picture day.
To know the rest you have to read the book. But, I will tell you that the most creative part of the story is the school picture.

by Erin Hunter
Reviewed by Sebastian Schier

Rusty, a cat owned by people (a kittypet), has to make huge decision, to stay as a kittypet, or to go into the forest, become a wild cat and join the ThunderClan cats. He decides to become a ThunderClan cat, but to do that, he must leave his best friend Smudge and never go back to Twolegplace. Although he wants to be a warrior like the cats he met in the in the forest, he has to face off with one of them to become an apprentice. He becomes an apprentice, but that doesn’t mean it’s all over for him. He must also face many other dangers like ShadowClan, RiverClan, and WindClan to survive. But how will he survive the traitor Tigerclaw? Find out more when you read the amazing, blood-thirsty series that will blow your mind away.
Fire alone can save our clan…

by Gordon Korman
Reviewed by Sadie Saltzman

I just finished reading Schooled, and I really, really liked it. Each chapter is told from a different person’s point of view (perspective) and that makes it interesting. It is a story about a middle school aged boy named Capricorn Anderson who has lived his whole life on a commune with his grandmother (a commune is a place where everyone lives together very peacefully and shares, chores, work, food, etc.) He has never been to “real” school, but has been home schooled his entire life. When his grandmother ends up in the hospital with a broken hip, he has to move in with a social worker and go to a regular Middle School. This is where the story really happens! The popular crowd tries to terrorize him, but the opposite happens – instead of being bullied and getting upset, he just doesn’t understand. They try every thing, spit balls, wedgies, stealing his only pair of shoes, putting dead birds in his locker! Pretty soon the bullies are so frustrated because he just never gets upset – and soon they all start to understand that just because you are different, it doesn’t mean you’re bad, or weird or stupid.
I won’t ruin the ending, but Capricorn does some incredible things, including getting arrested!…I think anyone in middle school will like this book because it is all about fitting in, not fitting in and just trying to get through the year. I feel really lucky that I go to SMASH after reading this book, because in our middle school we are all a lot more tolerant of each other’s differences than at big middle schools. I highly recommend this book.

~Eco Gift Festival 2008~
A groundbreaking event offering consumers
one-stop shopping for green gifts!

Eco Gift Shopping for the Family! The Eco Gift Festival presented by Tommy Rosen and the LA Times takes place December 12-14 at the Santa Monica Civic Auditorium. Eco Gift showcases 150+ vendors with earth-friendly gifts, 15 eclectic musical performances, a Children's Stage and a Speaker Series featuring Arianna Huffington.

All SMASH Families who buy tickets on-line will receive a 25% discount on a Weekend Pass to Eco Gift Festival. Go to to buy tickets and when prompted enter discount code: smash. Tickets are $10 per day/$20 per week-end pass; Free for children under 12 and Seniors over 65.

DATES: Friday December 12, Saturday, December 13 - 10:00am-8:00pm Sunday, December 14 - 11am-7pm.

LOCATION: Santa Monica Civic Center -1855 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90401

10% of the profits from the show will be donated to select Los Angeles charities, including GLOBAL GREEN USA.

The Franklin PTA Learning Differences and Parent/Teacher Education Group is pleased to announce our December meeting. As always, our meetings are free to all parents and educators. Please pass on notice of these meetings to interested friends and colleagues, and I urge you to submit our announcements to your local school's paper in order to reach out to as many people as possible.

Ann Payson, Co-Chair of the Franklin PTA Learning Differences and Parent/Teacher Education Group and moderator of the LDPEG Yahoo group

Building a Better Brain: Help Your Child Struggle Less and Do Better in School

Does your child have trouble staying focused, sitting still, or completing a task? Does he or she struggle to memorizing and recall? When it comes to processing or comprehending information, does your child seem slower than other kids? Is your child experiencing frustration or anxiety over homework? No, your child isn't lazy, defiant, or unintelligent.

Educational therapist Bibinaz Pirayesh will speak about the major learning skills necessary for academic success--and how to uncover what may be blocking their child's brain. She'll advise you on how to remove those barriers so the brain can begin to do what it was designed to do: learn efficiently.

Thursday, December 11, 7:00-9:00 PM
Franklin Elementary School Library, 2400 Montana Ave.
RSVP for Childcare to Sheila Spencer at by December 3

With a K through 12 education that spans three continents, Ms. Pirayeshi has been exposed to many different curricula and philosophies of learning. She completed her Bachelors degree at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in Neuroscience and Developmental Psychology in Education with a primary focus on children's development of mathematical thinking. For nearly a decade, Ms. Pirayesh helped with children who were having trouble with reading, writing, and/or math before she founded The Learning Tree, where she now works with kids who also have are having processing and cognitive difficulties.

Learning Differences and Parent/Teacher Education Group, a committee of the Franklin PTA, is a parent resource and support group that meets monthly during the school year to discuss and address the learning differences of all our children. Professionals and experts in a variety of fields are invited to speak and lead discussions at meetings. All parents and teachers are welcome.

Questions? Please contact Co-chairs:
Sheila Spencer (Tel: 310-863-8377, e-mail:;
Lisa Simmons (Tel: 310-576-0018, e-mail:;
and Ann Payson (Tel: 310-394-2881, e-mail:

Core 4 - Dec. 10
Core 3 - Dec. 17

Core 2 - Jan 14
Core 1 - Jan 21
Core 4 - Jan 28
Perform at the Main Street Farmer’s Market
Sunday, December 7.
Meet at 8:30am, show at 9:00 am

June 5, 6 & 7
Annual SMASH Camping
trip at Decker Canyon

Clinics: December 6, January 3, February 7 Time: 12:30-2:00
Where: Westside Family Health Center
1711 Ocean Park Blvd, Santa Monica 310-450-2191

Monday, December 8 is the last day to bring canned and dry foods
Help make it a happy holiday for local families. Especially needed are protein foods, such as canned tuna, salmon, chicken, meat/ vegetarian soups, stews, beans and chili

CREST (K-3rd) has opening !!!
CREST offers before and after school childcare, daily homework time, and a planned curriculum of enriching activities. For information or to enroll please contact Child Development
Services at (310) 399-5865. Subsidies may be available.

Forgot to order school photos?
Saw your child’s ID photo and wished you had a photo for your wall or wallet?
Lifetouch has made it possible to order (or re-order) school photos.
Contact Janice or Wende for details

Santa Monica High School theatre presents the Broadway Musical
at the Humanities Center Theatre
December 5, 6, 12, 13, 19 & 20 Fridays at 8:00 pm Saturdays at 2:00 pm and 8:00 pm
Admission: $10 students, $15 adults - All seats general admission
310-395-3204 x 239

Saturday, Dec 6. 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Santa Monica High - Senior North Lot
Santa Monica High School Viking Marching Band has teamed up with eWaste Disposal, Inc. to offer you the opportunity to properly dispose of and recycle your universal waste! GO GREEN!
Items to be collected are: computers, monitors, TVs, electronic components, printers, shredders, fax machines, speakers, keyboards, stereos, cameras, mice, batteries, calculators, cell phones & batteries, radios chargers, recorders, circuit boards, routers, cables, scanners, copiers
Help the Band get to London. For more information go to

The Young Actors Workshop presents THE BUZZ KODAK HOLIDAY SHOW
Written and Directed by Steve Fife. Cast includes Core 3 students, Eloise, Jasper & Olivia
December 10 at 4:40 pm and December 16 at 6:30 pm
Electric Lodge - 1416 Electric Avenue, Venice (south of California Street)

DID YOU KNOW... you can do all your GREEN holiday shopping in one location this year? Check out the Eco Gift Fest at the Santa Monica Civic Center next week. (Complete details in today's letter, including discounted admission for SMASH families.) During these economically challenging times when we are all more discerning about where we spend our money, supporting GREEN companies and products is all the more important.
Got a GREEN tip or question? Email

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year
January 14, from 9-10 am
February 4 & 18, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery (K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students. Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery (1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)
Applications will be available in January online, at tours and in the main office.

Marina del Rey Boat Parade December 13 at 5:55 pm, Main Channel, View from Fisherman’s Wharf or Burton Chace Park 310-670-7130

Venice Canals Holiday Boat Parade December 14 at 4:00 pm Canals along Dell Avenue, From Venice Beach area, take Washington Blvd make a one-way turn onto Dell Ave. Small boats, canoes, kayaks & costumes

Ventura Harbor Parade of Lights December 19 & 29 at 4:00 pm, parade at 7:00
Ventura Harbor Village, 1575 Spinnaker Dr Carnival rides, music & fireworks 805-642-7753

Redondo Beach Boat Parade December 13 at 5:30 pm King Harbor Yacht Club, 280 Yacht Club Way, Redondo Beach 310-376-2459,


DRUM CIRCLE: Dec. 6-7; Noon-2:30 1300 block of 3rd Street Promenade, Center Court.
Children welcome to participate in a drum circle and create exciting in-the-moment music!

MEET ME UNDER THE FIG TREE: Dec. 7; 3:00-7:00 pm. Fairmont Miramar Hotel, 101 Wilshire Blvd. Enjoy complimentary treats and hot cocoa under the beautiful Moreton Bay Fig Tree. Annual event and silent auction benefiting Chrysalis Foundation. Music, entertainment and a gingerbread city! 310-576-7777 or

GRIFFITH PARK LIGHT FESTIVAL Nightly through December 30, 5:00-10:00 pm
Vehicle Free until December 7, and reopened to cars Dec. 8.

SNOW HILL: Dec. 13-14 10:00 am to 7:00 pm. 1400 block of 3rd Street Promenade.
Come frolic in REAL SNOW and participate in games and contests!

HOLIDAY SING ALONG Fri, Dec 19, 6:30-8:00 pm Music Center Plaza, 135 N. Grand Ave 213-972-3660

TIDE POOL CRUISER: Dec 20-21; 10:00 am to 8:00 pm . 1200 block of 3rd Street Promenade. Experience the Travelin’ Tide Pool touch tank. Make a physical connection with creatures from the sea, including live sea stars, hermit crabs, kelp, sea urchins and sea cucumbers displayed as an example of what constitutes a marine ecosystem.

MENORAH LIGHTING CEREMONY: Dec 21-28; Sundown-8:30 pm . 1200 block of 3rd Street Promenade.

Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Music Center; 135 N. Grand Ave. Multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary holiday extravaganza. See it live or watch the KCET simulcast 213-972-3099

Now through December 20. What was the “Best Gift Ever” that you received? Donate that fond memory gift for one of the kids at the local Santa Monica Police Activities League (PAL). Get that happy feeling and drop off an unwrapped gift for a luck child (ages 6-17) this holiday season.
Donations accepted at: Police Substation: 1433 2nd Street; or at PAL: 1400 Olympic Blvd.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friday Letter 11-21-08

Dear SMASHing Families,
What is the importance of and what are the ways we read to students, with students, have students read by themselves or with each other? [Read Aloud, Choral Reading, Independent Reading, Buddy Reading] Chrysta, Jayme, Tamara, and Kelly lead a parent education morning on Tuesday that had a small but appreciative group of Core 1 through Core 4 parents sharing many AHA moments about reading instruction at SMASH and methods for continuing that deep thinking about texts at home. Here are some of the parent quotes from the meeting:

“It is a good reminder that I need to keep reading aloud to my girls even once they are both older and fluent readers.” [To promote conversations about texts where together the family stops at points and talks about personal connections, key plot points unfolding, other wonderings or observations about the characters, etc]

“I thought choral reading was like when I was a kid and I got sweaty palms looking for what part we would get to when it was my turn around the room. “ [Now it means adults and students reading a passage aloud together at the same time so that students of any age get to hear the true flow and emphasis within a passage.]

“There are SOOO many more things to say besides Sound It Out to help him.” [Useful questions to pose for readers of any age: Can the picture help? What do you know that can help you here? Does that make sense? Does that look right? What word would make sense? Do I know any smaller words inside the bigger word?]

For those who were unable to attend, we plan to incorporate some of these ideas into the Family Literacy Night December 10. Hope to see you there.

Truly Yours,

A special THANK YOU to Kamele’s Dad, Danny Rivera, for donating his professional painting skills to touch up paint our Library/Media Center. Ever since he was originally contracted to paint it two years ago, he has remained dedicated to keeping it a fresh, beautiful reading retreat. Thank you Danny for continuing to donate your skills over time and for giving up precious weekend time to keep our Library so inviting.

PTSA news
President’s Note
Dear SMASHing parents!
It is a Thanksgiving tradition to reflect upon what in our lives we are thankful for. At SMASH, there’s quite a bit to be thankful for…
For our fantastic teachers who show more enthusiasm for their job and more commitment to the welfare of our children than we could ever have hoped… For our two terrific principals who show strong yet caring leadership… For an office staff who always knows which key goes in which lock… For the nurse, the librarian, the custodian, the counselors, the cafeteria staff, all those who quietly make sure that our kids spend their school day in a safe, clean and healthy environment…
For all those parents who chip in when and as much as they can to bring to the school what it otherwise might lack… enough money to make it run and run well, enough hands to get done what needs to get done.
And finally, for the spirit of our school, the spirit of togetherness, for underneath our differences and disagreements, we’re all here for the very same reason… our kids, each and every one of them, crowding the campus, learning, playing, laughing, giving all of us, parents and employees alike, a reason, a good one, to show up here day in and day out.
Happy Thanksgiving!
David Saltzman and Helga Schier

SMASHing Fundraisers
· Make sure to visit our SMASHing Holiday Fair, on Friday December 5, 2008, 11:30AM to 5:30PM. See the flyer in this week’s Friday Letter, or contact Birte Reimer at if you can help and/or if you just want to find out more.
· Time for our annual Scholastic Book Fair, Monday, December 8 through Friday, December 12. We’ll have a preview during the Holiday Boutique on December 5 from 1PM to 4PM. For more information and regular opening hours, check out the website at Please also check out this week’s book reports written by SMASH students, and the book fair inserts in this Friday Letter. If you can help, contact Ofer Grossman at
· Remember our biggest fundraiser of the entire year: Family Donations? It is now possible to contribute to SMASH online. Just go to Pease give what you can! If you’d like to establish a payment plan, payment forms are available in the office. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009. Let’s clean up and perhaps paint the shared spaces on campus: the cafeteria, the stage, the outside bathrooms and whatever else needs beautifying (special thanks to Dan Rivera for painting our media center!). We need volunteers and donations (paint, cleaning supplies). Please contact SMASH parent Helga at or Muir parent Helene Seisay at Watch for future flyers.
SMASHing Meetings
· Our next PTSA meeting is on Thursday, December 4 at 6:30PM. This time we’ll discuss whether we can improve the cafeteria food, make the campus ever greener and how the current financial crisis may affect Santa Monica schools. Let us know ( or if you have other issues, questions, concerns, ideas... we’ll put them on the agenda. Come check it out!

Parent Teacher Student Association

Let the calling, emailing and Google-mapping begin! The all-important, all-school SMASH directory’s here. They’ll be in the front office for pick-up on Monday/Tuesday.

Getting your directories is a self-serve, honor system which frees Janice to do the 3,000 things she does everyday. In the box of full of directories is a list of SMASH PTSA members. Cross off each member name in your family and stash away one copy per member. If you paid $8, you get one copy, $24 means 3 copies, you get the idea.

If, like me, procrastination is your special talent, it’s not too late. Join by filling out a PTSA envelope. They’re in the front office at the bottom of the document stand. Slip in a check to SMASH PTSA ($8 per member) and give it to Janice. Write each member name on the bottom of the list with a check mark to show you got your copies. Offer good while supplies last, on a first come, first served basis.

But don’t forget the other reason to join. PTSA is the largest nonprofit child advocacy association in the nation. It protects the interests of children and provides a powerful voice to speak on behalf of every child. It’s responsible for reduced class size, school lunch programs, after-school care, child safety, insurance coverage for our PTSA events and supports school-funding.

SMASH PTSA fundraisers provide financial support for teachers’ aides, classroom supplies, field trips, music, art and more. This helps us continue and hopefully, expand the activities and programs that make SMASH, well, SMASH.

Join the PTSA and you add to our size. And our size can influence the making of laws, policies and practices in education or legislative. The strength of the PTSA
is in numbers. When you join, you make a difference.

If you have questions please email me at And if you lose my email address, you can always look it up in the SMASH directory.

Susan Alinsangan, PTSA Membership
Helga Schier & David Saltzman, PTSA Co-Presidents
Jessica Rishe, Principal

Teach Your Children
The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

Make it a Family Activity to
Help Feed Local Families in Need

Here’s How YOU CAN HELP:
Create one or more food baskets for a family of four.
Use a laundry basket (available at the 99 cent store) or similar sized box. Include items like instant mashed potatoes, dressing, canned yams and cranberries, canned vegetables and fruits and canned meats or fish; dried milk, rice, beans, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, instant coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, non-diary creamer and sugar. Also appreciated are grocery store gift certificates to purchase a turkey ($15) and encouraging notes. Get creative!

Please deliver all baskets to the SMASH office on Friday, November 21

More Ways to HELP:
Offer to drive food baskets to One Voice and/or St. Joseph’s. We will need some car space and you strong arms to drop them off at their destinations.

Donate non-perishable food items. Can’t make a basket? Or want to do a basket PLUS? You can also donate individual food items. We can create some “community” baskets by combining the donations.

Donate Cash to help buy turkey gift certificates for any baskets donated without them.

Last year the SMASH community fed 28 families for Thanksgiving!!
Let’s Feed At Least 30 Local Families This Year.
Please help us reach this goal by participating in whatever way you can.
Thank you!

For information contact Lynn Dickinson at
or 310-264-97

SMASH Holiday Boutique
& Art Affaire
When: Friday, December 5th
11:30am - 5:30pm
Where: SMASH 2525 5th Street
Corner of Ocean Park Blvd. & 5th Street

Shop for Gifts
Felt Wear
Cozy Scarves
Terrific Togas & Ponchos
To Die For Tie Dye
Original Designer Clothing
Ohhh Baby Clothes
Go Green Plants
Sumptuous Soaps
Lots more

Art Attack
Fine Paintings
Art jewelry

The Sweet Life
Wholesome Homemade Goodies
Spiced Cider

Kids Creation Zone
Tie Dye
Roll Your Own Bees Wax Candles
Spin Art
Bead It Good! Art & Jewelry

Free Admission
Bring Friends & Family!
A portion of all proceeds benefit SMASH
(A Santa Monica public school)

Giving THANKS in CORE 1
In light of the next week’s holiday, Core 1 is talking a lot about giving thanks. We are thinking about the things we love, and these things can be considered “gifts.” We share “appreciations” with our friends during Magic Circle – the things people do for us are “gifts.” We even look at the most basic things in our lives – our families, our homes, our food – and these are “gifts,” too. Not everyone in our world has a life filled with so many gifts, and so we must take time to be thankful. Next week, before we depart for our Thanksgiving holiday, the children will participate in a special Magic Circle to acknowledge and give thanks to the wonderful things in our lives. You’re welcome to join us on Wednesday at 1:00 if you’d like.
In the same spirit, the teachers in Core 1 would like to give thanks to our entire Core 1 community. You work so hard to make sure your child is prepared for every school day.
You have given us an enormous amount of time, thought, energy, and resources in the classroom. And, we are most thankful for your children. They bring the light and life to our classroom every day.
Reminders & Announcements:
November and December birthdays will be celebrated on December 5th. Our celebration will begin at 11:30 and we will share healthy snacks with our lunch afterwards. If your child will be celebrating his/her birthday, please sign-up to bring a healthy treat at our home/school table.
Thank you to Siridyal (Ramrattan’s mom) and Kathleen (Oisin’s mom) for trying to bring a little beauty and organization to our cubby area. We hope you’ve inspired others in our community to help with this, too.
Hmmm… have you seen a big, wooden triangle in the small yard?!? John Varner (Riley and Mackenzie’s dad) is constructing an amazing garden box for the small yard. Soon the children will be involved with painting it and designing the garden. So far, Shai has suggested making a butterfly garden. What do you think?
Singing at Ocean House: On Wednesday, December 10th, we will be singing for the residents of the Ocean House (2107 Ocean Ave.). We will be singing from 11:00 to 11:30. You’re welcome to meet us there (to listen), but we also need MANY parents to chaperone our walk there and back. We will leave SMASH around 9:30, eat snack at the beach, sing at Ocean House, then return for lunch by 12:20. This is a long walk for many of the children, and the more helpers we have, the better. If you’re available to chaperone, please sign-up at the Home/School table.

Candis, Chrysta and Jackie


Nov 26 - 1:30 Dismissal, Playground Access ends 3:45
Nov 27 & 28 - School Closed

Dear Core 2 Community,

In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, our focus has been on looking for wonderings, clues to answer those wonderings, and problem or challenging words. These words can be a problem of decoding or meaning. Sometimes it can be difficult to think of other strategies besides “sound it out.” Here are several others ways to figure out those problem words.
~Can the picture help?
~Does that make sense? Does it look right or sound right?
~What word would make sense there?
~Read back, read forward. Backtrack and try again.
~Read around the word.

In Government, we will be starting a research project. The students will be working in teams of 4. They will become experts on the roles of either the President, Vice President, Senator, Supreme Court Judge, or Governor. They made their preference lists and we will announce the groups soon! The goal will be to present to the rest of the class on the researched role so that all of Core 2 will understand the various roles of all these important Government figures.

In Math, the 2nd graders are creating and solving combining and separating situations. The 3rd graders used their arrays to explore various games with partners and groups.

In Science, the children played “Simon Says” with the various major bones in their bodies. They should know: skull, clavicle, vertebrae, rib cage, humerus, radius, ulna, hipbone, femur, patella, tibia, and fibula.

A parent/parents to work with us calling to arrange field trips. See Laura ASAP.
Levi's Helena will be making candles with the Core 2 Students on Tuesday
afternoon at 1:30pm. If you would like to help, please contact Helena. Thanks!
***Thanks again to Owen’s family for cutting out the fabric for Arts with Ingrid.

~Upcoming dates and events:
Thursday, November 27 & Friday, November 28 – Thanksgiving

Nov 26 - 1:30 Dismissal, Playground Access ends 3:45 Nov 27 & 28 - School Closed
Have a fantastic weekend!
Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:


In SMASHing Arts with Kristy, we are wrapping up our study of Image/Forum Theater. The creative process they practiced through this type of theater helped them act out various issues they noticed in their own communities and come up with possible solutions. In the end, both groups decided to address problems around supplies for animal shelters and animal safety/rights. They will be enacting their solutions by making brochures and gathering supplies to be delivered to local stores and shelters during our final arts class on Wednesday, 12/3. Outside of art class, the students used this information to practice essay writing by using an outline template to articulate a main theory/thesis with supporting ideas. We’ll be sharing all of the work they’ve done during this round of Arts on Wednesday, 12/10—Save the Date! More info to follow…

Science, as you know, kicked off with an amazing two-day field trip with Heal the Bay at the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium. The students learned about the water cycle, our water supply, water usage, and the food chain, which connected beautifully with our theme of Human Needs. We are using the 5th grade California Science textbook to gather background information, as well exploring the textbook format as an introduction to non-fiction reading strategies. We also conducted an experiment that models the water cycle. This experiment led to ideas, theories/predictions, and questions that encouraged their natural curiosities to try their own experiments. Ask your child how the experiment connects to what they learned from Heal the Bay about the earth’s water supply/cycle and what they are still wondering. We will continue learning about local water usage when we visit the SMURRF (Santa Monica Urban Runoff Reclamation Facility) on Monday. We welcome any parent chaperones to walk with us to the beach Monday morning at 9:00.

Brian, the protagonist from our read aloud book Hatchet, has been stranded alone in the Canadian wilderness and dealt with his basic human needs for air, water, food, and shelter immediately. He just started to explore his need for safety, which is the next level of Mazlow’s hierarchy. Ask your child what Brian is experiencing physically and emotionally and what they predict he will “need” next.
Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

Nov 26 - 1:30 Dismissal, Playground Access ends 3:45 Nov 27 & 28-School Closed

Humanities: A few new announcements came out of Humanities this week. Early in the week I (Erin) let the students know that I am expecting another baby. Ajax (3) and Psipsina (5) are excited to welcome a little sister in February. My plan is to take maternity leave and return after Spring Break for our final trimester. Jessica and I are working hard to find a wonderful long term sub to teach the class during this time. The students have been offering me a plethora of name ideas.
On Tuesday I announced the return of our Core 4 reading log. Students are encouraged to read for one hour each weeknight and one hour total on the weekend, although we understand that various outside enrichment activities may affect the amount of reading a student can fit into each given day. Please have your children read for an hour or whatever amount you deem is realistic each evening. These are due along with a two paragraph summary signed by a parent each Tuesday.

Math 6/7: We are displayers of information! Over this past week, the mathematicians moved from acting as analyzers and skeptics of information to being displayers of data. We started by looking at a typical bar graph and then advanced our thinking to discovering side-by-side and stacked bar graphs. Although these graphs seem complicated to read at first, the students soon realized their benefit when comparing related information. We’ll continue to look at other ways to display information such as line graphs and circle graphs next week.

Along with our explorations in class, the students are continuing to work on their Personal Inquiry Project. They now have a folder keeping their accumulated information organized. Thus far, the mathematicians have thought about a survey topic, planned their sample, and created the final draft of their survey. They are now ready to go out into the world and gather information from their planned sample group! Please ask them about their project as it is one they have fully taken the reins!

Algebra: We started Chapter two this week. It involves solving multi-step equations. The students are working hard to grasp these concepts, and they have started to use some of their resources such as the book, website, and their study teams to feel confident about the information. As a reminder, all of their assignments should be written in their log which is in their binder.

Kelly: kelly.kulsrud

Nov 26 - 1:30 Dismissal, Playground Access ends 3:45 Nov 27 & 28-School Closed

The SMASHing Times

Friday, November 21, 2008 Book Review

By Cornelia Funke
Reviewed by Gabriel Schier

Maggie is the main character of Inkheart. Maggie has the power to read characters out of books. When she first finds out she is very excited. But that excitement turns into disaster when a character escapes the boundaries of Inkheart and threatens the land. Will Maggie have the courage to stop this nightmare from happening or will this mysterious character take over the land? I like Inkheart because it has excitement and adventure. I think that people who like fantasy and well written books should read Inkheart because it has fantasy and is very well written.

Planet Earth - Animals of Africa
by Lisa L. Ryan-Herndon
Reviewed by Sammy Grossman

This book is Planet Earth Animals of Africa. If you like animals, this is the right book for you. I won't say the rest, but I will say that the spotted hyena leave their cubs at home for as long as 4 days to track herds up to 40 miles away!

Core 1 - Dec. 3
Core 4 - Dec. 10
Core 3-Dec. 17
Core 2 - Jan 14
Core 1 - Jan 21
Core 4 - Jan 28

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 3:00-3:30 in Core 1
Main Street Farmer's Market Performance
Sunday, December 7

Friday, December 5 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Our 1st Holiday Boutique ! Any parents who want to sell craft, art, handmade items? We are asking that 25% of sales is donated to SMASH. Contact Birte at

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year
January 14, from 9-10 am
February 4 & 18, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery
(K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students.
Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery
(1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)

Applications will be available in January online, at tours and in the main office.

Forgot to order school photos?
Saw your child’s ID photo and wished you had a photo for your wall or wallet?
Lifetouch has made it possible to order (or re-order) school photos.
Contact Janice or Wende for details.


Marina del Rey Boat Parade
December 13 at 5:55 pm
Main Channel
View from Fisherman’s Wharf or Burton Chace Park

Venice Canals Holiday Boat Parade
December 14 at 4:00 pm
Canals along Dell Avenue
From Venice Beach area, take Washington Blvd
make a one-way turn onto Dell Ave.
Small boats, canoes, kayaks & costumes

Get A Start On Holiday Shopping and Help Smash at The Same Time!
Bookstore Fundraising Event This Saturday
at Barnes & Noble at the 3rd Street Promenade.

11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Come join in as children's author Amy Friedman reads aloud an interactive story and also come hear poetry read aloud by 5th graders. Free Pastries will be served.
Contact Alicia Garey for further information 310-396-1145.


DID YOU KNOW … Americans throw away 25% more trash during the Thanksgiving to New Year's holiday period than any other time of year? The extra waste amounts to 25 million tons of garbage. Some ways to reduce waste this holiday season: reduce portions, don’t toss leftovers, use reusable bags even when gift shopping, buy rechargeable batteries, reuse holiday ribbon, and wrap gifts in re-used materials. For more tips and a checklist to measure your own holiday waste, go to:
Got a Green Tip or Question? Send it to:

Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday Letter 11-14-08

Dear SMASHing Families,
At 10 am on Thursday, November 13, students, staff and parent volunteers joined the over 5,000,000 people in The Great Southern California Shake Out, the largest earthquake drill in U.S. history.

We conducted the drill over the P.A. system. The school was given step-by-step instructions on the duck, cover, and hold portion of the drill, and the simulation lasted 65 seconds. The all-clear signal was given, and every class was instructed to evacuate the buildings. It took the entire school approximately 5 minutes to evacuate classrooms, assemble in the designated meeting spot (playground field), account for all students and staff, and prepare the Search and Rescue Teams during our drill.

It was an outstanding display of emergency preparedness by all members of our school community. Thank you for praising your child for a job well done!

If this were a real emergency situation, and not a drill, specific stations would be set for such things as first aid, student assembly area, parent pick up, and communications. It is critical that you know your child’s safety is our number one priority. The school will remain open until every last student is picked up safely from our campus.

Please be aware that your child will only be released to a parent or other individual that is listed on your child’s emergency card. The school will NOT release your child to a friend or neighbor who is NOT designated on the emergency card. Please be sure to update the emergency card so that you have those individuals you grant permission to sign out your child in case of an emergency. If you need to make changes, you must do so in person at the school office. We will not make changes via phone, email or hand-written note.

To help your family prepare for an earthquake or other emergency, please visit This website has detailed information on the seven steps to preparedness. #1 Identify & fix hazards in your home. #2. Create a disaster plan. #3 Prepare disaster supply kits (for home, car & place of work). #4. Identify and fix your home’s weaknesses. #5. Drop, cover and hold on. #6 Check for injuries and damage. #7. When safe, continue to follow your disaster plan. As we prepare as a family, as a school, and as a community, we can prevent disasters from becoming catastrophes.

Yours truly,

If you are unhappy with the photo you receive, please send the complete package with your child on Monday for a re-take. They will not re-take without this package. Order forms for make-ups are available in the SMASH office. Order forms and payment must be presented when photo is taken. Call Janice or Wende with any questions. 310-396-2640

PTSA news
SMASHing Fundraisers
· Save the date: SMASHing Holiday Fair, Friday December 5, 2008, 11AM to 5PM. Please contact Birte Reimer at if you can help and/or if you just want to find out more.
· Save the date: Scholastic Book Fair, Monday, December 8 through Friday, December 12. We’ll have a preview during the Holiday Boutique on December 5 from 1PM to 4PM. For more information and regular opening hours, check out the website at Please also watch for upcoming book reports written by SMASH students, as well as posters and future flyers. If you can help, contact Ofer Grossman at
· Remember our biggest fundraiser of the entire year: Family Donations? It is now possible to contribute to SMASH online. Just go to Pease give what you can! If you’d like to establish a payment plan, payment forms are available in the office. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
· Ever go shopping? Of course you do. Please check out escrip and the many community partners programs from Target, Ralphs, Albertsons and other stores. Don’t miss these easy opportunities to support SMASH while you shop what you’d shop anyway! Just check out the SMASH website at and click on “Support SMASH” for more information.
SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009. Let’s clean up and perhaps paint the shared spaces on campus: the cafeteria, the stage, the outside bathrooms and whatever else needs beautifying. We need volunteers and donations (paint, cleaning supplies). Please contact SMASH parent Helga at or Muir parent Helene Seisay at Watch for future flyers.
SMASHing Committees
· Save the date for our second Parent Ed Morning on Tuesday, November 18, 8:15AM to 9:15AM.
SMASHing Meetings
· Our next PTSA meeting is on Thursday, December 4 at 6:30M. Let us know ( or if you have issues, questions, concerns, ideas... we’ll put them on the agenda. Come check it out!

Make your

Help us reach our goal of 100% participation.
COMMIT to your child’s SMASH experience.

Log on and give instantly:

-100% goes to SMASH
-100% tax deductible
-Contributions due by December 31, 2008

In these economic times, the best investment is your
children’s future!

Recommended $557.89 per student donation.

Pay monthly! Pay by check! Pay by credit card!
Fill out the form online:
arrange a payment plan and turn in to the office with
your check (made out to SMASH PTSA) or credit card info.

For more info contact
David at or Helga at

Teach Your Children
The True Meaning of Thanksgiving

Make it a Family Activity to
Help Feed Local Families in Need

Here’s How YOU CAN HELP:
Create one or more food baskets for a family of four.
Use a laundry basket (available at the 99 cent store) or similar sized box. Include items like instant mashed potatoes, dressing, canned yams and cranberries, canned vegetables and fruits and canned meats or fish; dried milk, rice, beans, cereal, peanut butter and jelly, instant coffee, tea, and hot chocolate, non-diary creamer and sugar. Also appreciated are grocery store gift certificates to purchase a turkey ($15) and encouraging notes. Get creative!

Please deliver all baskets to the SMASH office on Friday, November 21

More Ways to HELP:
Offer to drive food baskets to One Voice and/or St. Joseph’s. We will need some car space and you strong arms to drop them off at their destinations.

Donate non-perishable food items. Can’t make a basket? Or want to do a basket PLUS? You can also donate individual food items. We can create some “community” baskets by combining the donations.

Donate Cash to help buy turkey gift certificates for any baskets donated without them.

Last year the SMASH community fed 28 families for Thanksgiving!!
Let’s Feed At Least 30 Local Families This Year.
Please help us reach this goal by participating in whatever way you can.

Thank you!
For information contact Lynn Dickinson at or 310-264-9703

From the GARDEN CREW Holly, Jeff, and, Walker

We are all part of the great cycle of nature. An easy concept to forget in the daily rush. But one that is essential to our existence. To know how nature works and how we fit into it is a basic knowledge that can benefit all children.

The garden crew does not claim to have all or even a small part of the answers but we have a teaching goal. We would like to see the students of SMASH exposed to the growing cycle by introducing them to the many elements of the garden. With our help, they can learn how seeds germinate, how plants grow, what it means to have healthy soil, what critters (OK, organisms) help create that soil. They can participate in recycling kitchen and yard waste (from home possibly) and that uneaten apple from lunch by composting it in our worm bins. They can begin to think about where our water comes from and how we can find ways to save more of it and even find ways to purify what has been contaminated.

Number 1.
We need VOLUNTEERS TO TEACH. AND TO LEARN along with the rest of us. We need parents or even upper core students who are willing to spend a little time with a small group of students to work in the garden or to pick a subject relating to the garden or sustainability in general. We want to schedule whatever time you may have on a regular basis or not so regular, during or after school hours. You don't have to be a master gardener to do this. Just an interest in seeing your children get their hands into some real good dirt and touching and caring for real live plants. We have some resource material and we can get more. Maybe you have books on gardening, ecology, or conservation that would be useful to start a library.

Number 2.
We want to EXPAND THE GARDEN AREA to give more kids a chance to actually plant something. There is grant money that can go toward improvements in how we interact with our learners and for the construction of new planting beds and arbors and catching water from our roofs. Some of this money needs to be used by January, so we don't have a lot of time to get our plans together. We are looking for input into planning this next phase of the garden plot. WE ESPECIALLY WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE STUDENTS GET INVOLVED IN THIS PLANNING PHASE. After all the garden is for them. In this we need the encouragement of teachers and parents. This new area, adjacent to the existing garden, will be shared with John Muir giving us a chance to make a Green connection with John Muir students, staff, and parents. There are some mighty fine looking empty decks up on the second level of our campus. More place to grow?

Two parts: 1) Plug into the classroom with your favorite subject relating to gardening and work in the garden with a group of kids. 2) Help us design the new garden plot.
So, pitch in, bring your books, your shovels, and your enthusiasm, with the future of your children in mind. Let's grow food together !

The garden crew can usually be found Thursdays after school let out at the gardens. Sometimes I am there by 1:30 for John Muir kids who come to the garden. Come talk to us and lets see what we can do together. We will have sign-up sheets in the office and will try to have a welcome table out on Thursday and Friday after school.
You can call me, Jeff Knight at 310-266-3645 or email at or contact Holly Wright at

"The nurturing of kids interest around organics, sustainability, and the benefits of being outdoors caring for nature are hugely important." Jessica Rishe, SMASH principal

"The rule of no realm is mine, but all worthy things that are in peril as the world now stands, those are my care. And for my part, I shall not wholly fail in my task if anything passes through this night that can still grow fair or bear fruit and flower again in days to come. For I too am a steward. Did you not know?" J.R.R. Tolkein

"No ray of sunshine is ever lost. But the green which it awakens into existence needs time to sprout. And it is not always granted for the sower to see the harvest. All work that is worth anything is done in faith." Albert Schweitzer

Core 1 CELEBRATES their Accomplishments

This week we have had reason to CELBRATE in Core 1! The Partners celebrated their work in literacy and math around storytelling and bookmaking. The Bigs celebrated their work published from their Launching the Writing Workshop unit of study. Both groups shared what they learned with their classmates and "toasted" to their accomplishments. We started with smaller celebrations this time, and look forward to some larger community celebrations in the future.

Reminders & Announcements:
Chrysta was out of the classroom today, on an Educator's Tour at the Growing Place
Please check the cubby area for any work or clothing that can go home. (It's getting messy!)
Singing at Ocean House: Our music teacher, Dian, has been teaching us a number of fun songs, and it's time to share them with our community. On Wednesday, December 10, we will be singing for the residents of the Ocean House (a retirement home near-by). We will be leaving SMASH around 9:30, eating snack at the beach, singing at Ocean House (around 11:00), then returning for lunch by 12:20. This is a long walk for many of the children, and the more helpers we have, the better. This is also a great chance to hear the children sing. If you’re available to chaperone, please sign-up at the Home/School table. Thank you…

Please join Chrysta at the November 18 Parent Ed morning around Reading, 8:15a.m.-9:15a.m.
November 19 is a Pupil Free Day. The Staff will be observing at "Our Community School"
The first SMASH student council meeting is during lunch on November 20. All interested and committed Bigs, are welcome to participate.

Wish List: If you happen to be at Staples, we need Staples brand "One Touch" staplers.

Candis, Chrysta and Jackie

In Reader’s Workshop, each student wrote a list of the Just Right books and are looking for clues to figure out plot or setting. In Writer’s Workshop, the students looked at their circle chart (graphic organizer) to see if they included numerous details.

In Computer Lab the students learned to cut and paste. Ask your child to show you how to see the sites that they looked at this week. Hints: it is a link from the SMASH website. It has to do with typing and our government.

In Math, the 2nd graders match coins with coupons and worked on strategies to figure out addition and subtraction problems. The 2nd graders have homework that is due on Tuesday, November 18. The 3rd graders used their arrays to play Multiplication Pairs. Next week the 3rd graders will be bringing home two activities to play using their knowledge of arrays.

Wanted a parent/parents to work with us calling to arrange field trips. See Laura ASAP.

Thank you to Owen and Susan, who cut out fabric for our SMASHing figure sculptures. A huge thank you to Lydia’s Morgan for helping in Art with Ingrid this week. We love this additional help, so remember it is on Wednesday from 10:30 -12:20.

Upcoming dates and events:
Tuesday, November 18 – Make-up School Picture Day
Wednesday, November 19 – Pupil Free Day
Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28 – Thanksgiving

Have a glorious weekend!

Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:

***Tuesday 11/18, 8:15 – 9:15, Our Parent Education Morning Meeting will focus on the teaching of reading in Cores 1 – 4 at SMASH. Here is some info on how Core 3 focuses on reading***

Most educators think about Reading in two ways: learning how to read and reading to learn. Traditional reading education puts an emphasis on phonics instruction, so students can decode the black marks on the white page (letters/words), which is why phonics books often don’t make sense as stories. You could learn to read a new language or a page of gibberish in the same way. What phonics lacks is an important part of reading--making basic meaning (comprehension). These books don’t give the reader an opportunity to ask “Why?” or make a connection and think, “That’s happened to me.” or “I’ve seen that in another book.” Another focus tends to be on basic comprehension—with concrete/finite answers to questions such as, “What color was her hood?” “Who was in the woods?” or “Where did the story take place?” One reason we read other people’s fictional ideas is to help us grow our own ideas and make connections and change the way we think about the world around us, so it’s important to teach reading strategies to support this deep thinking from the very beginning, alongside phonics and other sound reading skills.

In Core 3, our primary goal is to teach students ways to think about how they read, what they read, and why they read, as well as to learn to love reading by allowing them to read books they choose and actually want to read. We practice thinking deeply about books as we read aloud to them, when they read together, and hope that they will do it in their minds while they are reading independently. They reread; predict; ask themselves questions; infer (guessing what is happening by the clues dropped by the author); retell; make connections to themselves/other texts/the world; and their ideas grow into theories that they can justify through discussion, then prove by referencing the story. Many of our students have said, “I do these without even thinking about it.” Being aware of what kind of reader you are and the strategies you use helps you transfer those skills to other parts of your life. To do this well, a student must be reading effortlessly in a Just Right Book. All readers come across a more challenging text throughout our lives. How do we tackle them? Do we ignore our confusion? Give it to someone else to make sense of it for us (lawyers and accountants)? Do we give ourselves extra time to read it slowly, rereading sentences often, noticing the vocabulary we don’t understand and using the context to figure it out or looking up the word in a dictionary, stopping and recapping what we do understand, asking ourselves questions about the parts that are confusing? Or do we discuss it with others to collectively understand it?

Reading every day is important to growing as a reader so we can practice and use the reading strategies we’ve learned. If your child’s reading log shows he or she can read 10-20 pages in 30 minutes, then they should be finishing a 200 page book in less than 2 weeks. Regularity and volume is important to a growing reader. We want Core 3 readers to read what they want to read, so they can be interested in and think about what they are reading. We want them to think about their reading, so they can transfer those strategies and be analytical thinkers. And we want them to read a lot!

Share your “Readerly” life and what strategies you use as a reader with your child! Come to our Parent Education Morning to see how this reading philosophy looks across the cores and to get more in depth information.
See you there!
Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

We were fortunate to have two informative visits from Planned Parenthood this week. On Monday Planned Parenthood discussed abstinence and how it is the only 100% effective way to prevent STD's and pregnancy. Students brainstormed about what other activities one could do with a boy/girlfriend if they want to choose abstinence (bowling, holding hands, having a picnic, etc.). Students also engaged in role plays, thinking about different ways that they could say 'no' to someone who is pressuring them into something they don't want to do. On Wednesday Planned Parenthood presented a lesson on relationship violence. Students were presented with a variety of scenarios and had to decide whether the scenario represented a healthy, neutral, or unhealthy relationship. Example: A boy/girlfriend buys you a cell phone and calls to check up on you every few hours. The students are very engaged and are learning a lot about keeping themselves both healthy and informed. Please take some time to discuss these topics with your children as they are eager to learn more.

An Informative Note about Progress Reports and Homework:
The weekly progress report includes a list of incomplete, missing, and low-quality assignments, an evaluation on your child’s work ethic in each Core 4 class as well as an evaluation of their performance relative to the social curriculum, CARES. Each Friday your child will receive this report. After discussing this report with your child, we would appreciate your signature, and it should be returned to their advisory teacher on Monday. This serves as a vital communication tool between school and home, and we appreciate your support in using this as a beneficial way to hold your child accountable to their best work in all areas at school.

One aspect of this report that plays a key role in your child’s progress towards future academic achievement is completing the assigned homework. Several reasons exist as to why we are distributing homework and placing a significant emphasis upon it. A main purpose of the homework lies in the idea of practicing, extending, and securing the taught concepts of that day. Because the newly introduced skills consistently build on the prior day’s materials and concepts, it is critical that students have a solid grasp on them. Homework aids in this process. Students can quickly fall behind when they do not revisit important concepts regularly. Often, in-class activities depend on the previous day’s work, including homework. Another reason students are given homework is to help them develop a strong internal work ethic. By holding themselves accountable to understanding the taught information and to finishing a given task with high quality outside of class, it will enhance their work habits and lead to success within the classroom. Promoting time management skills serves as a final reason for providing homework.

Given the expectations that assigned homework and classroom tasks are to be complete by the beginning of the next class day, consequences will accumulate and erode student’s academic success. Thank you for your support as we continue to evolve these accountability procedures.

Thanks for your support!

Kelly’s e-mail: kelly.kulsrud
Kurt’s e-mail:
Erin’s e-mail:

Lifetouch Photo Make-up Tues, Nov. 18 (NEW DATE) If you missed original date or for retakes. You MUST bring original package back for retake

Parent Ed. Mtg Tues, Nov 18 8:15 am in the Media Center (note new location)

Teacher Contract Day Wed, Nov. 19 SCHOOL CLOSED.
SMASH and all district elementary schools.
High School is in session

Minimum Day Wed, Nov. 26 1:30 DISMISSAL

Thanksgiving Holiday Thurs, Fri, Nov. 27 & 28 SCHOOL CLOSED

Core 1 - Dec. 3
Core 4 - Dec. 10
Core 3-Dec. 17
Core 2 - Jan 14
Core 1 - Jan 21
Core 4 - Jan 28

Wednesday, Dec. 3, 3:00-3:30 in Core 1
Main Street Farmer's Market Performance
Sunday, December. 7

Friday, December 5 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Our 1st Holiday Boutique ! Any parents who want to sell craft, art, handmade items? We are asking that 25% of sales is donated to SMASH. Contact Birte at

SMASH ARTS Program still needs donations
Clean white t-shirts (sm, med, lrg), colored lightweight fabrics and small handheld instruments.
Donation box in the office. Thank you!

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year
All tours are adults only except for May 13, 7:00 pm middle school tour
January 14, from 9-10 am
February 4 & 18, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery
(K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students.
Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery
(1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)

Applications will be available in January online, at tours and in the main office.
Dear SMASHing families
For our 8th grade project we will be transporting school supplies to underprivileged kids in Mexico. These kids are just like us, except they need school supplies. This can create great opportunities for them. We need your help to get these supplies. Please bring in used/new school supplies to the office where there is a blue bucket labeled school supplies waiting for you. We know we can count on you!
Thanks, Siena Landay and Poppy Denyer

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year
January 14, from 9-10 am
February 4 & 18, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery
(K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students.
Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery
(1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)
Applications will be available in January online, at tours and in the main office.

Eloise Rollins-Fife, Core 3 is a member of The West Los Angeles Children’s Choir – a multi-cultural group of singing youngsters under the baton of Barbara Silberg, aka “Mrs. Music” (see for more info) This group was lucky enough to sing at a fund raiser for Hillary Clinton as well as on a campaign commercial for Barack Obama.

Now they are trying to get chosen to go to Washington and sing at the inauguration festivities! Ms. Silberg has written a beautiful song using the text of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty and they hope to contribute this to the historical event. She is also working on a second song – a setting of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream” speech.

We are asking for your help. It’s easy and only takes a minute. There is a form available where you can fill out your name and address (everyone in your family can fill one out!) Then FAX it to Senator Dianne Feinstein. Her office is responsible for recommending performers for the inauguration. We need to get at least 1000 FAXES to her office to make an impression. And I say… “Yes We Can!”

To obtain a form, contact Hillary Rollins at Thank you for your time and effort!

DID YOU KNOW … Vinyl shower curtains are made of PVC, which cannot be recycled and which off-gasses harmful, hormone-disrupting chemicals into the home for the entire life of the product? Consider switching to polyester or nylon, as these do a great job keeping water in the shower, last for years, and can be tossed in the washer when needed. Better yet, go “all-natural” with cotton, hemp, bamboo, or canvas.
Got a Green Tip or Question? Send it to:

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