Friday, October 23, 2009

OCTOBER 23, 2009

John Muir/SMASH Annual Halloween Carnival
Friday, October 30 - 1:30 to 3:30 pm

NEXT WEEK IS HALLOWEEN! This year we will celebrate Halloween on Friday, October 30 All students, parents and siblings are welcome to our Carnival. We would like to remind everyone that children are allowed to wear costumes to school as long as they follow these guidelines:

· All costumes must be appropriate for school (your child must be able to do all of the school activities in whatever they are wearing.
· NO MASKS - we need to see their faces
· NO WEAPONS of any kind

· Children must be picked up from the Carnival NO LATER than 3:30 pm
· Core 1 students need to be picked up from class and supervised by an adult at Carnival
· School rules regarding costumes, masks, weapons and candy still apply.
· NO PLAYGROUND ACCESS. All CREST enrichment classes will be held
· CREST and CREST Childcare are NOT attending the Carnival. If you plan to have your child attend, please make arrangements in advance with their CREST instructor. The SMASH office cannot make any decisions regarding CREST arrangements.

Donate Food and Drinks! We want to feed the community! Core 1…drinks (individual water/juices), Core 2…side dishes, Core 3…desserts, Core 4…hot dog buns.

No time to shop/cook/bake? Contribute $5 (envelopes in all Cores and the office). Drop off donations on Friday, 10/30 by 8:30AM.

Donate extra $$$ toward Small Prizes! We can no longer hand out used toys. Please donate extra $$$ for small prizes, so that we can still hand out prizes to our witches and goblins. Our resident witch (she’s waiting in front of the office) will also gladly take donations small NEW toys. Thank you!

Volunteer! Decorate (8:30AM and thereafter), set up (12:30PM), help in the kitchen (12:30PM), serve food (1:30PM), and/or clean up (3:15PM). Contact Helga Schier at 310-828-8421,, or drop off your contact information with our witch in front of the SMASH office.

In the name of all our little and not so little witches and goblins: THANKS!

Dear SMASHing Families,
I cannot do justice to the two hours Superintendent Tim Cuneo shared with us at the Wednesday night meeting, but I feel compelled to write some highlights of the conversation for those who were unable to attend.

Superintendent’s Unique History as Educator and Business Entrepeneur:
From televised science teacher to real world humanities/PE/arts learning coordinator for students traveling abroad

From Principal/Assistant Superintendent/Superintendent in Northern California to Executive Director of educational-corporation joint ventures where CEOs supplied both the funding and the donated expertise

From textile business owner in Thailand that donates profits sponsoring a Thai school/elephant nature park/English language school for the animal caregivers to photographing festivals around the world

Tim Cuneo clearly has varied experiences and says that he wants to bring connections between schools and the surrounding organizations to SMMUSD.

SMMUSD Goals and How to get involved

1. Tim’s Goals for SMMUSD
Carry out a strategic planning process from now until May where key ideas are examined at public meetings, where a 5 year direction for SMMUSD is set. After May, we should be able to answer the question, “Are the monies we’re spending and the initiatives we are pursuing in support of agreed upon ideas in the strategic plan?”
How to Get Involved
Look for strategic planning public meeting dates in the Friday Letter and have good SMASH attendance and voice in these idea generating and revising meetings.

2. Goals
Student Achievement:
How do our students do once they leave our schools?

A task force for SMM found that 6th-12th grade boys, are not succeeding, what are we doing to address that finding?

How are we addressing the 6 major areas addressed in the special education synthesized report from 08-09?
How to Get Involved
Attend monthly SMASH Site Council meetings or read the minutes as Language Arts and Math studies on our graduates are developed and shared.

Participate on the SMMUSD Task Force looking at this.

Attend the Special Education Parent Forums throughout the year.
3. Goals
Implement the latest research about successful Middle Schools
Other elementary schools will focus on transitions from 5th to 6th grade. SMASH will focus on vertical articulation from 8th to 9th grade.
How to Get Involved
Attend School Board meetings where findings are presented throughout the year

I know I’ve likely reached your maximum attention span so next week, I’ll share Part II from the meeting: Helpful Budget-related Contextual Facts and Questions Asked by SMASH Parents with Superintendent responses.

Hope to see you at the Halloween Carnival next Friday, October 30 1:30-3:30. We would appreciate parent supervision help of the children on the field, at the lunch benches, and in the cafeteria in addition to our staff supervision. In order to keep it a safe and fun event, students may not be in any other areas of the school. Please read the rules and guidelines flyer in today’s Letter.
Truly yours,

Fri, Oct 30 - HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL 1:30-3:30. NO Playground Access. CREST classes ARE in session. See rules and guidelines flyers in today’s Letter.

Wed, Nov. 4, 8:15am - PTSA Mtg.

SAVE THE DATE: Tues, Nov 10 - SMASH night at California Pizza Kitchen, 210 Wilshire Bl. (between 2nd & 3rd Streets) 20% of funds to go to SMASH

WEDNESDAY BAKE SALES - Healthy Treats & Fun Items
Sales start at 2:30 pm (Muir dismissal)
CORE 1:December 2; January 13; February 10
CORE 2:November 4; January 6; February 3
CORE 3: December 16; January 27; February 24

CORE 4: December 9; January 20; February 17

Look for your catalogue with today’s Friday Letter Attachments!


SMASHing Holiday Singers Tuesdays, 3:00-3:30 (in core 1) October 27—December 1 w/Dian Andrews

ICE SKATING in Santa Monica-OPENING CELEBRATION Tuesday, Oct. 27, 4-7pm. 5th & Arizona, $10

Santa Monica Symphony; Allen Robert Gross, Music Director & Conductor FREE ADMISSION Sunday, November 1, 2009 7:30 pm; Santa Monica Civic Auditorium; Main St. just north of PicoTchaikovsky: Symphony No.2 “Little Russian”; Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.2; Revueltas: 'Caminos' Sculthorpe: 'Kakadu'; Bring the thrill of live symphony to your school-aged children!

EDLive! benefit for Santa Monica-Malibu Education Foundation November 16 - 7:00 pm
Barnum Hall at Santa Monica High School; 601 Pico Blvd
When Cirque Comes To Town; An exclusive look inside Cirque du Soleil (with artistic and technical staff as well as Cirque pioneers) Tickets: $20 Adults; $10 Students; $50 VIP (VIP ticket includes preferred parking, reserved seating section, Meet & Greet with guest speakers)

Would you like to find out if they qualify for a program like Medi-Cal or Healthy Families?
The Venice Family Clinic now offers walk-in hours to help you.

Simms/Mann Health & Wellness Center: 2509 Pico Bl, SM
Tuesdays: 3:30-6:30pm and Thursdays: 8:30-11:30 am

Venice Family Clinic; 604 Rose Ave, Venice
Mondays: 1:30-3:30 pm and Fridays: 1:30-3:30pm

Please call Wendy (not our SMASH Wende) at 310-664-7509 to see what documents you need to bring

Please be advised: There is NO skateboarding, scootering, and riding of other equipment outside the front gates between the two parking lots before and after school. Many students have been reminded of the danger of riding while car and foot traffic is heavy at drop off and pick up, yet they continue to endanger themselves and others.

Students who ignore multiple reminders will have their skateboards or other equipment held in the front office until their grown up either comes to collect it or calls in to speak with the Principal.
Please help us reinforce this safety message. Thank you.

Ptsa news
Don’t forget the family donation drive:
Our annual SMASH/Muir Halloween Carnival is next Friday, October 30, from 1:30PM to 3:30PM. We desperately need volunteers,
particularly people to go shopping and to help prepare and set up the food. Contact Helga at 310-828-8421 or We’ll also need $$$ donations so we can feed the entire Muir/SMASH community. Look for envelopes in your child’s classroom.

Greenraising, our annual wrapping paper sale is here. Shop recycled wrapping paper, water bottles, lunch boxes and so much more. Contact Debbie Dempsey at
Last week’s Rummage Sale, Car Wash and Bakesale made about $4500.
Sincerest thanks to everyone who helped make it such a success.
SMASH Bash is here! A unique fundraiser consisting of events hosted by parents throughout the year, SMASH Bash is designed to be eclectic and meet different and differing tastes. Sign-up coffee to come soon. Contact Marni Brady for more information.

New and exciting fundraiser
The SMASH Parent Business & Talent Resource Directory
is a listing of SMASH parent businesses, services and talents.
All SMASH parents’ businesses, services, talents, and even a parent’s employer’s business, can be included in the directory.
SMASH families will receive a free copy of the Directory.
Suggested donation per listing: $25.
Pay an additional amount to place
a full-page ad ($100), half-page ad ($75) or business-card ad ($50).
Funds raised support SMASH PTSA.
Contact Catherine Lerer at 310-717-8057 or
or Jeff Jarow at 310-395-2663 or

California Pizza Kitchen Night on Tuesday, November 10. Come join us for a night of fun and good food at CPK on 210 Wilshire Blvd., Santa Monica, CA 90401. More details to follow.

Our next PTSA meeting is on Wednesday, 11/4 at 8:15 AM. Come join us if you have issues to discuss, questions to ask, ideas to bring to life or just want to know what’s up.

Parent Teacher Student Association

6 Great Reasons to Join the SMASH PTSA

1. Be in the know. The PTSA helps you keep up with what’s happening at SMASH. You’ll find out what you can do to make a difference for your child and to make SMASH an even better place.

2. Make connections. Whether you attend PTSA meetings and events or just link in via e-mails, through the PTSA you’ll connect with others who share your concern for our kids and their education. The PTSA is a way to meet other SMASH parents and build relationships.

3. Hone your skills. In the PTSA, you’ll have the opportunity to use what you know, try new things, and develop your skills.

4. Speak up. The PTSA is a forum for exchanging ideas. Your membership can be a means to effectively suggest changes and to be involved in making them happen. Through the PTSA, you can be a more effective advocate for your child and all our children.

5. Be a role model for your child. Through your involvement in PTSA, not only will you help your child and all children receive a better education but you’ll show your child how much you value education. You also will teach your child about giving back to the community.

6. Membership gets you the SMASH Phone Book. That little book with contact information on all SMASH students and parents. What Core is so-and-so in? Who’s our Core Rep? What’s so-and-so’s mom’s name? It’s all there. Pick up a PTSA envelope at the office. Enclose your check ($8 per membership), payable to SMASH PTSA, and leave it at the office.

Questions? Email Catherine Lerer (mother of Molly McGee/Core 2 and Sadie McGee/Core 1)

Catherine Lerer Helga Schier & David Saltzman Jessica Rishe
VP-Membership Co-Presidents Principal

SMASH Family Business & Talent Resource Directory
Support the SMASH community & let it support you.

Are you a hairstylist? Potential walking buddy? Accountant? Parent with great healthy lunchbox ideas? Contractor? Graphic designer? Knitter? Photographer?
Own your own business or work for someone else?
Are you a stay-at-home entrepreneur with a special skill?
Tired of people asking what you do for a living?

While at the same time supporting a SMASH fundraiser!

What is it? The SMASH Family Business & Talent Resource Directory is a listing of SMASH family businesses, services and talents, and parents’ employers’ businesses.

What’s the purpose? Encourage and enable networking among SMASH families by providing an easy way to learn of and patronize our community’s resources. A great way to advertise what you do. All SMASH families will receive a free copy of the Directory. Most importantly, it’s a school fundraiser. What it’s not: an invitation to hit up parents for freebies.

Who can submit listing? SMASH family members, SMASH staff members and their spouses.

What type of businesses can be listed? Businesses, services, or talents, or an employer’s business. Established enterprises, new businesses and home-based services are welcome!

Cost to list? Suggested donation for each basic listing: $25. You can pay an additional amount to place an additional full page ad ($100), half-page ad ($75) or business card ad ($50). Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Where does my money go? Funds raised support the SMASH PTSA, which provides financial support for SMASH teachers’ aides, classroom supplies, field trips, music, art, and more.

How submit listing? Return completed form and check, payable to SMASH PTSA, to SMASH office by 11/6/09. Or use Paypal. If placing additional ad, email it to by 11/6/09. Or email the copy and logo to Nikki, and Core 2 dad Ross Furukawa has graciously offered to build the ad for you.

Specs for ads:
Full page: 4.5 wide by 7.5 tall
Half page is: 4.5 wide by 3.25 tall
Send a pdf, 300 dpi or greater
Black and white
Questions? Contact Catherine Lerer at 310-717-8057,
or Jeff Jarow at 310-395-2663,

SMASH Family Business & Talent Resource Directory

By 11/6/09, return this registration form to office with check, payable to SMASH PTSA.
To pay online, go to:, click on the DONATE TO SMASH link on the left. In the paypal “Purpose” box, enter “SMASH Business Directory”

SMASH Parent Name(s):________________________________________________________

Name of Business:_____________________________________________________________

SMASH Parent-Owned Business? (Yes or No) _______________________________________

Category: (painting, architecture):________________________________________________

Business Address:_____________________________________________________________


Description of business/services/talent: (not to exceed 50 words): _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Besides the basic listing ($25 suggested donation), I want to place an additional ad in the directory: ____full page ($100); ____half-page ($75); _____business card ($50). Total enclosed__________.


Kalani Horst Kiyohara Save money and keep your pets at home while
1223 Sunset Ave. you are away! In Santa Monica, Kalani can stop
Santa Monica, CA 90405 by multiple times per day; most weekends and

Cell 310-483-6323 school holidays she can move in and spoil your
Home 310-396-4421 pets extra, if you prefer. (Local references available
SMASH sibling-owned business

Interior Design
Suzana Palaic A full-service interior design firm specializing
Suzana Palaic Interior Design in high-end residences, outdoor rooms, vacation
2010 3rd St., #103 homes and executive offices.
Santa Monica, CA 90405
310-392-9928 รพ SMASH parent-owned business


THANK YOU for your participation in Fall Family Conferences. It was a wonderful opportunity for us all to get to know each other better; to get questions answered; and for your child(ren) to share what they are experiencing in Core 1.

TINY TOWN LEGO PROJECT GROUP: The LEGO Group got a visit from a dozen Tiny Town Folk. These LEGO people asked the group for a place to live. The group jumped right to the challenge. Between dramatic play between "good guys" and "bad guys" they decided they need to build a "marriage place," completed a pyramid, vehicles, ships and have elected a LEGO person mayor. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO "SPONSOR" MORE TINY TOWN FOLK TO COME TO CORE 1, WE ARE COLLECTING DONATIONS. Thank you to Cole's family for sponsoring this group of folk. I'm able to get them from "Ebayland". This last batch cost $20. Cash or checks made out to "cash" would be amazing...or how Lucca describes Tiny Town, "Awesome!" FAIRY/PIRATE PROJECT GROUP: To help support the play/movie the Fairy & Pirate Project Groups are creating, we need help with storyboards. If you are in the business of creating storyboards, and would like to help us out, Please talk to Candis or Chrysta. We are currently working on character development and storyline to prepare for our Drama class with Kristy in December.HALLOWEEN is next week!!Children are welcome (but not required) to wear their costume to school on Friday, October 30th – the day of our Halloween Carnival. Here are some helpful hints and fun events happening on Friday:1. Costumes – The children may wear their costumes to school as long as they do NOT wear masks or bring weapons of any kind. Costume pieces that can be easily lost or destroyed are discouraged, too, since it will be a long day. Their costumes must allow them to participate in regular classroom activities. Costumes are by no means mandatory, and the children are also welcome to wear their regular school clothes. 2. Core 1 will be going on a Halloween Community Walk 9:00 – 10:00 on October 30th. We will parade down Main Street and return to school in time for snack. Chaperones are needed and sign-ups are by the Home/School Table.3. Between 10:30-12:00 Core 1 will have a Harvest Festival with different fall crafts and projects. We would love some extra help during this time as well. Sign-ups will also be at the Home/School Table. We have many creative parents in Core 1! If you have a project in mind that you would like to plan, prepare and lead, please let us know via email to Chrysta by Tuesday.4. The SMASH/MUIR Halloween Carnival will begin at 1:30 following dismissal. Please make arrangements for your child to be accompanied by an adult in order to attend the carnival. CREST will not be attending the carnival, and playground access will be canceled for the afternoon.5. Please do not send in candy to distribute to the children before, during, or after Halloween. There will be PLENTY of treats everywhere, and we hope to encourage healthy eating at school. Thank you!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!Candis, Chrysta &

Dear Core 2 Community, October 23, 2009
Our Fall Family Conferences are finished for another year. The conference is one piece of our assessment process and a vital one for communication between teacher and families. We now have a deeper understanding of your child and her/his family. Thanks for this opportunity!

In Reading Workshop, each child may check out one book from the Core 2 Library. Hearing and Vision testing was conducted in the Media Center this week, so we couldn’t visit. We will be visiting the Media Center Thursday, October 29 where they may check out 2 books. All books stay at school unless checked out by their advisor. Thank you to all the families that have been supporting reading at home and helping your child filling out the homework sheet. We have attached this week’s worth of reading homework.

In Writing Workshop, we continued with our unit – small moment personal narratives. This week’s focus was on checking for end marks (. ? !) and adding internal thoughts to our story. We added details about the setting in our sketches and with words.

Math: The 2nd graders are continuing to solve word problems in a math community. This week we tried solving a new problem type. Some mathematicians in our group have called it division; however, the common language we are using is “fair sharing” or “ ____ shared by _____.”
The 3rd graders continued working on Things That Come In Groups by using their skip counting charts to answer questions and to figure out the solution to story problems. IF YOU HAVE NOT RETURNED THE CUT OUT ARRAYS (given out at our forum) PLEASE FINISH CUTTING AND RETURN on MONDAY. I received some of the arrays, but need all of them to launch this activity!

Our next Stars of the Week are on Wednesday, October 28. They will be: Zelda and Nico.

Our patio beautification project is taking off. Thanks you to Giulia and family volunteering to refinish our wooden, outside bench. Thanks to Claudia, Carissa’s mom, for leading the gardening project.

Dates to remember:
Wednesday, October 28 – Zelda and Nico’s Star of the Week, 9:00

Friday, October 30 is our SMASH/Muir Halloween Carnival after school. Yes, you may wear a costume to school. Make sure it is one that you can participate in your regular school day. Reminder, no masks, weapons, or very scary costumes at school or the Carnival (remember there are itty-bitties at SMASH and Muir). Please read rules and guidelines in today’s Letter.

Tuesday, November 3 – walking field trip to Aquarium at the Santa Monica Pier, 8:45 – 12:30. Parent volunteers needed, see Graciela or Laura. Sign up sheet outside of Core 2. More info in next week’s Friday letter.

Laura: Graciela:

Core 3 will take our first field trips over the next two weeks!

Thank you for turning in your child's walking permission slip! This permission slip allows us to go on community walks/field trips within walking distance without having to get another permission slip signed. Permission slips will go out for any field trips when a school bus will be chartered or we will ride on the Big Blue Bus or we will go to a place for a sponsored visit--like the aquarium, the pier, the farmer’s market, the Apple Store, The Broad Theatre, etc. for liability and safety purposes.

Our first walking field trip will be Tuesday, October 27 from 10:15-11:30. We will practice our field trip guidelines, which are similar to our classroom guidelines, and are even more critical to follow for the safety of all the students. Students need to practice CARES, especially cooperation, responsibility and self-control in case there is an emergency or a change of plans and to demonstrate our ability to listen to and follow the guidelines of other people/institutions. We will leave at the break bell and each advisory will walk to a neighborhood space to eat their snack, clean up after themselves, play a short organized activity, and then walk back to campus. We need at least three parent chaperones from each advisory for this short trip.

Our next field trip will be to the Santa Monica Aquarium where we will participate in a Heal the Bay presentation/activity. The Olympians will go on Monday, November 2 and The Awesome People will go on Wednesday, November 4. We will walk to the Aquarium (located under the Santa Monica Pier) leaving campus at 8:45 to attend a 9:30-11:30 presentation. They will have a few minutes to eat a quick snack before the presentation and then we'll walk back to campus in time for lunch at 12:30. The experts at the Aquarium will share different project ideas the students may want to explore during project time in the future. The Aquarium trip will be an educational, hands-on learning experience--and it’s right in our own backyard! We will need 4 parent chaperones from each advisory for this field trip. Please sign and return the attached field trip permission slip by Friday, October 30.

Field trips are a privilege. The students have learned that even scrap paper can be taken away if not used properly or abused. The walking field trip will allow your child to practice the citizenship skills they know are necessary to ensure a fun and safe trip for everyone in preparation for our aquarium trip. We know the students are ready and eager to earn and keep the privilege of taking trips into our community.

Please email us and let us know if you are interested in chaperoning for either/both field trips.

Friday, October 30 is our SMASH/Muir Halloween Carnival after school from 1:30 to 3:30. You may wear a costume to school. Make sure it is one that you can participate in your regular school day. Reminder, no masks, weapons, or very scary costumes at school or the Carnival. Please read rules and guidelines in today’s Letter. Tamara, Genie, and Malaika ghwang@smmusd


Parent Partners: Thank you everyone who joined us these past weeks for a conference. We appreciate your partnership and support in this work! The world offers few joys greater then talking about the kids you have raised, they are gifts to the world and we appreciate you sharing them with us. We wanted to answer a few questions that parent partners have asked, to review our homework hopes, and to offer ample shared opportunities in your child’s education.

Communication: How to communicate with each of us has been a frequent question that has several answers for each teacher: For Kelly, it is best to use email. She checks her e-mail once daily to effectively respond to parent queries. Kurt also uses email and checks once a day early in the morning or at lunch. Please expect a one-day delay before getting a reply. Both Kelly and Kurt encourage drop-in visits, after signing in as a visitor in the front office. Kurt has arranged Wednesdays in a manner that enables parent drop-ins to the science room anytime during the school day. Please drop around! You might have to wait a few minutes as he finishes working with a student on something, but you can count on having a brief check-in and a fine opportunity to see how well your child is doing. For some real fun make the visit a surprise; your child with love you for it…

Homework: Ahhh, the joys of homework. The two intentions behind our respective homework approaches is quite simply the creation of high school ready work habits, and to review concepts/ processes/ skills that have been taught. New ideas need review and reinforcement before a learner may realize the benefits of classroom learning activities.
Kelly usually provides daily homework for you and your learner to relish. As a result, be sure to have a regular place and time for them to do about 30 minutes of work per day on math concepts or skills. As discussed in the Core 4 Forum, she will provide an “Exit Card” routine on Thursdays where the students do one problem that reviews the strategies learned that week. This “Exit Card” will be attached to the Progress Report on Fridays and allows you to talk with your child about the math work done throughout the week. Kurt is asking parents to review, discuss, and sign student’s daily pages once a week. He encourages you to go deep with this conversation asking them to explain “key concepts,” explain diagrams, and forge connections to our “guiding questions.” Please initial each page after you have reviewed the work.

More Opportunities for Achievement: As always our community is “small but able” (to use Janice’s phrase) and the frequent question of how you might best support your child’s academic achievement using your own talents, interests, and abilities is one we want to help answer. During the sometimes challenging middle school years of your children, it is not always easy to determine how to support them. Naturally, this varies depending on your child. One way to support them is learning the curriculum goals in each major subject and regularly pointing out the connections to your child’s life. This is a demonstrated positive. Another way is to encourage your child to ask clarifying questions during class. This act has been proven to raise retention rates from around 15% to nearly 50% and is critical to their achievement in modern public school environments. Finally, and despite your child’s pushback to the idea, you should drop around and visit school on a random basis to see how things are going. Experience is the only true teacher, and this way you’ll have a shared experience with your learner. Hope this helps, come see us!
-Kelly and Kurt
6th graders had a lot of fun in Catalina, while also learning science concepts about the Pacific Ocean and animal wild life in Catalina. We did many fun activities such as, taking beautiful hikes up rocky mountains, snorkeling night and day, spotting wild animals, rock climbing, dissecting squids, and a lot of fun team building activities. We had a lot of great experiences that we will remember forever.
With all the fun we had we got to know each other as artistic, smart, fun and strong human beings. We could not have this great experience with out all the great parents so we would like to thank you. We would also like to give a huge shout out to John Varner, Lynn Dickenson and Ivy Bleser for being fun awesome chaperones. -Sophia Torres-Ulrich and Mackenzie Varner

Kurt: Kelly: Bailey:

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