Friday, November 13, 2009

NOVEMBER 13, 2009 November 13, 2009
Dear SMASHing Families,
I look forward to learning together Tuesday night (11/17 6:30pm in Cafetorium) as Dr. Charlotte Reznick helps us look at guided imagery and other tools to help our children “handle fears, worries, and self-doubt…develop self-esteem while creatively tackling problems.” (Jack Canfield, coauthor of The Success Principles and Chicken Soup for the Soul series).

Wouldn’t we all wish to give our children of any age the ability to soothe their upset feelings, calm themselves down, or get rid of headaches?

In my own household, my husband Mitch and I burned CDs of us reading bedtime stories that our boys can play when they are anxious and struggling to fall asleep: an idea inspired by Dr. Reznick’s work.

There is much for all of us to learn about “the healing power of your child’s imagination” so come ready to participate and explore together.

Truly yours,

You may have noticed - SMASH and John Muir staff are now using parking passes. Only cars displaying the pass may park in the 5th Street lot during the school day. Visitor parking is available only in the 6th Street lot.
Both lots will be available to everyone for after school activities and meetings.
We are sorry for the inconvenience - but parking needs to be available to staff. Cars in the lot without a pass are subject to a tow.

A community report on student initiatives
And district-wide progress in our
Santa Monica-Malibu Public Schools

Tuesday November 17, 2009
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Malibu High School Library
30215 Morning View Dr, Malibu 90265

Wednesday November 18, 2009
6:30pm to 9:00pm
SMASH/John Muir Elementary Cafetorium
2525 5th St Santa Monica 90405

Pam Brady, Immediate Past President, California State PTA
Ralph Mechur, President & Berry Snell, Vice-President, Santa Monica-Malibu Bd of Education
Tim Cuneo, Superintendent, Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District
Teacher and Student Panel Discussion
The entire community is welcome A reception and refreshments will follow the presentations

The fun has arrived! Be sure to check your Friday Letter attachments for the (1st Annual) SMASH BASH Catalogue. It lists all of our upcoming family-hosted SMASH BASH parties and events. Some events are for Families, some just for Kids, and some are Kids, and some are just for you—our SMASH Grownups who just might need a night (or day)out for some good conversation and food. We have something for everyone!
SMASH BASH “spots” will be sold on a first come, first served basis at the SMASH BASH Sign-up Coffee on Friday, November 20 at drop-off (8:00-9:00am) and pick-up (1:00-2:00pm) in the Small Yard.
Payment MUST be received when reserving your spot (even if the event isn’t until June) so BE SURE TO BRING
THOSE WALLETS! We accept Visa or Mastercard, cash or checks.
For more information contact Marni Ayers Brady at
The Book Fair is coming
Sneak Preview December 4, 12:30 – 4 (during the Holiday Boutique)
Book Fair December 7 – 11, 8 – 8:30 & 1:30 – 3:30
Literacy Night December 10, 6 – 8
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ofer Grossman at
Holiday Boutique & Art Fair
December 4, 12:30 – 5:30
If you are interested in selling your art (jewelry, scarves, art work and the like),
please contact Birte Reimer at
FLU NEWS Local H1N1 (Swine Flu) Clinics
Sat, 11/14 & Sun 11/15 Westchester Rec Ctr; 8740 Lincoln Blvd, Los Angeles 9:00am-5:00pm
Sat, 11/14 & Sun 11/15 Baldwin Hills Rec. Ctr; 5401 Highlight Pl, Los Angeles 9:00am-5:00pm
Sat, 11/14 & Sun 11/15 Bradley-Milken Youth Ctr; 1772 E. Century Blvd, Los Angeles 9:00am-5:00pm
Priority is given people who: are pregnant, between 6 months and 24 years old, have chronic health problems or
compromised immune systems and are between 25-64 years old, are health care workers, live with or care for childrenyounger than 6 months old. Vaccine clinics may reach capacity earlier than expected and close earlier than the posted hours. If you are NOT in an H1N1 priority group, please wait to get vaccinated until vaccine supplies increase.
On November 14 the UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy, along with Earth and Space Sciences, will
have a free public event celebrating the studies of Earth and outer space!
There will be lots of hands-on activities, science talks about Saturn and aliens, planetarium shows, dinosaur fossils
and cool science demos!
Exploring Your Universe will run from 1-7pm and people can come for all or part of the day! They will have
science demos, astronomy lectures, planetarium shows, workshops, and telescope viewing! Parking is not free, $10 for the day, but all activities will be free. There will not be food provided, but it can be purchased close by, and sack lunches are welcome. Many buses run to UCLA and their schedules are posted on our website.
For info contact or visit
On Facebook
They are available to all PTSA members. If you are now yet a member, envelopes are available in the office.
Membership is $8 each. PICK YOURS UP IN THE SMASH OFFICE!
Bring in the General Foods Box Tops for Education coupons. Earn money for our school. You can find them on
General Mills products, such as cereals, bread products, cake, muffin, frostings; Gogurts, chex mix, Ziploc boxes,
and Kleenex products
Notes from Nurse Sandy
Almost all flu cases at present have been caused by the pandemic H1N1 virus.
Many people fear they may get the flu from the pandemic H1N1 vaccine.
However, the vaccine does not cause the flu. You may experience symptoms, like mild fever, after being vaccinated because:
  • Your body is developing immunity.
  • You might have been infected with the flu before your vaccine started working (it takes up to 2 weeks for the vaccine to work).
  • You might be infected with a different type of infection than what you were vaccinated against.

· Wash Your Hands Frequently
Colds and flu are easily spread by direct contact, so washing your hands often is one of the best things you can do to stay well.
Wash hands with soap and warm water, rubbing hands together for 20 seconds – long enough to sing "Happy Birthday" twice.
· Take a Sauna
There’s some evidence that people who take saunas once or twice a week get half as many colds as those who don’t. Breathing in the sauna’s hot air may kill cold and flu viruses. Or relaxing in a sauna may simply reduce stress and improve sleep.
· Don’t Skimp on Sleep
Adults who get less than seven hours of sleep a night may be three times more likely to get a cold. So make it a priority to get seven or eight hours (or more) a night. Older children and teens need more than eight hours a night.
· Carry Hand Sanitizer
Hand sanitizers are a good alternative when you can't wash your hands, like when you get off a crowded bus or are in a grocery
store -- anywhere germs are out and about. Use hand wipes or gels that contain at least 60% alcohol.
· Clean Your Keyboard
Cold and flu germs live longer on hard surfaces such as plastic or metal than on skin or fabrics. Clean shared items such as phones and computer keyboards at work and home with alcohol wipes or a virus-killing disinfectant.
· Take a Water Bottle to Work
Drinking water helps flush toxins out of your system. Carry water in a reusable .75 liter bottle and drink throughout the day. How much do you need? If your urine is light yellow or colorless, you're drinking enough. If it's dark yellow, you need more fluids.
· Label Your Glass
Sharing is caring, but cold and flu season is not a good time for families or roommates to share glasses or utensils. Label the cup or glass of each person in the house, especially if someone has a cold or flu.
· Ride a Bike
Exercise 3-4 days a week boosts your body’s natural ability to fight infection. Taking a brisk walk or bike ride outside provides an added benefit: a dose of fresh air, away from the rooms where germs circulate.
· Eat Green and White
A cup of low-fat yogurt a day may reduce your chance of getting a cold. Dark green, leafy vegetables are packed with antioxidants and vitamins, which boost your immune

· Watch Out for Severe Symptoms
Seek emergency treatment if you or your child have trouble breathing, severe or persistent vomiting, fever for more than three days, or extreme irritability; or if flu symptoms get better but then return with fever and cough.
· Ask Your Doctor About Antiviral Drugs
If you have swine flu (H1N1) or seasonal flu, you can ask your doctor if you should take antiviral medicine, which can make the illness milder and shorter. These drugs work best when you start taking them within the first two days of symptoms.
· Drink Hot Tea
Hot tea offers some of the same benefits as chicken soup: inhaling the steam relieves congestion, the warm liquid soothes your
throat, and it keeps you hydrated. Green tea and black tea are also loaded with disease-fighting antioxidants.
· Cover but Don’t Stifle Sneezes and Coughs
Coughing and sneezing help clear mucus from your airways. But to avoid spreading germs, sneeze and cough into a tissue. If you don’t have one, use your upper sleeve or elbow. Throw the tissue away and wash your hands right away.
· Be a Homebody
Wait at least 24 hours after your fever ends (and you stop taking any medicine to bring down your fever) before you go back to
work or send kids to school. This gives anyone who's sick a chance to rest and keeps them from infecting others.
· Flush Out Your Nose
Nasal irrigation -- rinsing your nasal passages with salt water -- helps clear nasal congestion and removes virus particles and bacteria. Use a saline nasal spray or neti pot filled with 1/4 teaspoon each of salt & baking soda dissolved in 8 oz warm water.
· Soothe a Sore Throat With Honey
Sip a cup of warm water with honey to quiet a cough or relieve a sore throat. Or try this sweet solution: Steep a tablespoon of lemon juice in two cups hot water, stir in a spoonful of honey, cool, and gargle. Don't give honey to kids under 2.
· Snuggle Up in a Blanket
Keeping warm lets your body use its energy to fight viruses. But overheating your room can be dehydrating. Use a cool mist humidifier or vaporizer to moisten air and relieve congestion
· Turn on the Shower
Steam can ease congestion and a stuffy nose. Use a humidifier or sit in the bathroom with the door closed and a hot shower running, and inhale the steam. You can also heat water on the stove and inhale the steam -- be careful not to burn your nose

Ptsa news
Don’t forget the family donation drive:
Last few days to do some Greenraising!
Deadline: Monday, 11/16.
Shop recycled wrapping paper, water bottles, lunch boxes and so much more.
Go to
and choose Santa Monica Alternative School House as your affiliate.
40% of all sales benefit SMASH.
Parent Ed Night
Tuesday, November 17, 6:30PM – 8:30PM
Come hear Dr. Charlotte Reznick speak about
Details in flyer attached.
is a unique fundraiser consisting of events hosted by parents throughout the year.
Sign-up coffee bash FRIDAY, 11/20 in the small yard.
Contact Marni Brady for more information.
Details in flyer attached.
Don’t shop for the holidays until you’ve been to our annual
Holiday Boutique & Art Fair
December 4, 12:30 – 5:30
If you are interested in being a vendor/artisan, or want to volunteer at the event,
contact Birte Reimer at
Our annual Book Fair is coming.
Friday, December 4 – Friday, December 11.
Literacy Night (PJ PARTY!!!) Wednesday, December 9.
Reading Around the World
Check out the book review in this week’s Friday Letter.
Contact Ofer Grossman @ if you can help.
Our next PTSA meeting is on Wednesday, 12/2 at 6:30PM. Come join us if you have issues to discuss, questions to ask, ideas to bring to life or just want to know what’s up.
The Book Fair is coming.
Friday, December 4 – Friday, December 11
“Reading Around the World”

Our students will be supplying flags and decorations relating to countries of their interest.
Stop by the book fair to see the multicultural display.

This year, we have also asked the teachers to make recommendations
as to books they have enjoyed and recommend.
Come check out these lists for holiday gift ideas.

We still need the help of some creative volunteers
to set up and decorate the Book Fair on
Thursday December 3, after pick up.
Childcare at the playground or a nearby park
will be provided for younger children.
Please email Ofer Grossman @
The SMASHing Times
Friday, November 13, 2009 Book Review
By Valerie Hobbs
Reviewed by Giulia Trevellin

Sheep is about a dog named Jack experiences with other
that learned how to heard sheep. people. I thought this was a great
Jack was taken away from his book and would recommend it to
family and had many people that love dogs.

Don’t shop for the holidays until you’ve been to our annual
Holiday Boutique &
Art Fair
December 4, 11:30 – 5:30
We are presently looking for vendors and artisans
who have something unique to offer at the sale.
If you are interested in selling your creations (jewelry, scarves, art work),
please contact Birte Reimer at
Students are welcome to sell, too.
Crafty kids could get together to host a sales table.
We’ll see you there.
Vendors fill out a vendor’s agreement, and are responsible for their own set-up and clean-up.
PTSA receives 20% of vendor’s gross receipts.

Parent Teacher Student Association
The SMASH Phone Book is here!
Your golden ticket to a copy of the Phone Book is a SMASH PTSA membership. If you haven’t already joined, it’s not too late. Pick up a PTSA envelope at the office. Submit your check ($8 per membership), payable to SMASH PTSA, and grab your Phone Book. You get one Phone Book for each membership you purchase.

5 More Great Reasons to Join the SMASH PTSA

1. Be in the know. The PTSA helps you keep up with what’s happening at SMASH. You’ll find out what you can do to make a difference for your child and to make SMASH an even better place.

2. Make connections. Whether you attend PTSA meetings and events or just link in via e-mails, through the PTSA you’ll connect with others who share your concern for our kids and their education. The PTSA is a way to meet other SMASH parents and build relationships.

3. Hone your skills. In the PTSA, you’ll have the opportunity to use what you know, try new things, and develop your skills.

4. Speak up. The PTSA is a forum for exchanging ideas. Your membership can be a means to effectively suggest changes and to be involved in making them happen. Through the PTSA, you can be a more effective advocate for your child and all our children.

5. Be a role model for your child. Through your involvement in PTSA, not only will you help your child and all children receive a better education but you’ll show your child how much you value education. You also will teach your child about giving back to the community.

Questions? Email Catherine Lerer (mother of Molly McGee/Core 2 and Sadie McGee/Core 1) at
Catherine Lerer , PTSA Membership
Helga Schier & David Saltzman , PTSA Co-Presidents
Jessica Rishe, Principal

Parent Ed Night
Tuesday, 11/17, 6:30PM to 8:30PM
Charlotte Reznick Ph.D.
Nine Tools for Success
Can you calm a four-year-old’s nightmares, a six-year-old’s fright of the first day of school, a nine-year-old’s terrible temper, or an eleven-year-olds chronic headaches? In this rich visual and hands-on presentation, author, child educational psychologist, and UCLA Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, Dr. Charlotte Reznick shares how to harness the healing powers of your child’s imagination.

The workshop will introduce you to nine simple imagination tools that help your child:
¨ Love, accept, and appreciate himself
¨ Reduce pain and heal other physical ailments
¨ Overcome fears, such as fear of the unknown, abandonment, doctors, disasters, and dying
¨ Deal with bedtime issues such as insomnia and bedwetting
¨ Cope with death, divorce, and other losses
¨ Handle anger, hurt, and frustration
¨ Achieve success at school and in sports
¨ Live peacefully with siblings and parents
If you'd like to transform the lives of the children you love, if you’d like to help them access their innate
wisdom and intuition… then join us.

Charlotte Reznick, PhD, specializes in helping children and adolescents develop the emotional skills necessary
for a happy and successful life. She is the author of the LA Times best selling book, The Power of Your
Child’s Imagination: How to Transform Stress and Anxiety into Joy and Success (Perigee/Penguin, 2009).
A child educational psychologist, UCLA Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology, author/producer of
several therapeutic relaxation CDs for children, teens, and parents, Dr. Reznick maintains a private practice in Brentwood. Visit

We need volunteers to coordinate
a potluck for this evening.
Please contact Ken Downing at


SMASH Site Council Agenda
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
In Attendance: Laura Sherman, Liz Grossman, Nina Furukawa, Michael Tenzer, Duncan Mugalian, Kelly Kulsrud,
Olivia Sparling, and Bradley Freericks
Absent: Jackie Boyd, Chrysta Wyse, Jessica Rishe, Candis Berens
Agenda Adopted: Moved by Liz Grossman, Seconded by Bradley Freericks Approved
Approve minutes of last meeting: Moved Liz Grossman, Seconded by Olivia Sparling, Approved
Community participation: None
Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
Student Reports
¨Olivia Sparling: Writing Workshop—published Personal Narratives and now working in the Realistic Fiction genre where using many strategies to plan the story; Reading Workshop—continuing to study characters and log in independent reading time into their Reading notebooks; Math—5th graders working with fractions and the various operations;
They also took a field trip to the Santa Monica Aquarium; Core is continuing to make beads for the Holiday Boutique.
¨Bradley Freericks: 8th grade focus; Algebra—finished first unit and took a test; They are now reflecting on the past; Science—trying to improve work with community safe routes to school; 8th Grade Trip to Camp Hess Kramer—Ropes course activity stood out the most because of the amount of team building involved. It also was challenging because you were acting outside of your comfort zone. Also, they participated in the “Leap of Faith” which helped represent them taking the risk to reach their goals.; Involvement in the Haunted House for the SMASH and the Halloween Carnival.
They were able to carry out some ideas, and there were some that did not get to instill. Humanities—creating their own culture in small groups; They are now working on artifacts that match their culture, which will then be buried for other cultures to find. Once found, the artifacts must be interpreted by other groups. Reading Workshop—Working in book clubs where they were assigned books that involved social issues; Trying to grow empathetic with the characters by making deep connections to the characters and their relationships.
Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited to the following):
-PTSA: Garden report—selling compost at the Bake Sale; They also reported how the budget cuts are impacting their work; Also, they talked about ways to “landscape” the circle at the front of campus. Smash Bash Party—fundraiser and community building event; signups for that take place November 19. Rummage sale made $4800.
-Student Council: No reports at this time
Old Business
None to report
New Business
Principal’s Report: (Review two proposed new goals: see handout)
--Answered questions posed by group involving the allotted amount of money and referral program
for the School Climate/Counseling Services
--Reviewed the School Climate/Responsive Classroom goal and stated the yearn to continue this
Motioned by Michael Tenzer; Seconded by Nina Furukawa. Goals approved.
Voted to move these goals.
Community participation: none
Adjourn: Liz Grossman motioned and Kelly Kulsrud seconded

Magic Circle: In a community filled with forty-six 5 to 7 year-olds, we are constantly working on our relationships. The children are trying on new ways to negotiate friendships and use their words to get what they need. We have Magic Circle almost every day after lunch, where the children share special moments that they enjoyed with their friends (appreciations) as well as moments they didn’t like (concerns). We have also role-played many different situations to generate discussions and reflections about issues that affect our whole community: rough play, finding a place in line, pushing v. using your words, including v. excluding people, saying and responding to “Stop!” etc. Magic Circle is the time when the children can fill-up their “tool box,” so that they have a variety of ways to resolve conflict on their own.

Here are some examples of concerns at Magic Circle this week:

“I like you as a friend, but I don’t like it when I get fouled in soccer and you keep playing.”

“I like you as a friend, but I don’t like it when you were taking my hat. I need you not to take my hat.”

“I’m sorry that I said you couldn’t be part of our group at lunch. I didn’t mean to say that.”

Feel free to stop by any day after lunch to join us with Magic Circle. Having Magic Circle regularly gives
us a quiet, focused time to think about our actions and relationships. This is also something families enjoy
doing at home – sometimes right before bed or at the dinner table.

Birthday Bash: November and December birthdays will be celebrated on Friday, November 20 during lunch. Our ceremony will begin at 11:45, and we will eat our lunch and birthday snacks around 12:00. If your child is celebrating his/her birthday in November or December, food/drink sign-ups will be on the Home/School Table (in the Magic Garden). Please bring a small, healthy snack for 46 students. Suggestions are posted near the Home/School Table. Family and friends are welcome.

Reminders & Announcements:
- Library will continue on Monday. Please remember your library book!
- Another 4-day week coming up! No School for the children on Wednesday, November 18.

Candis, Chrysta and Jackie

Reminder: Wed, Nov 18 - District Teacher Contract Day - NO SCHOOL

Dear Core 2 Community,

Are you looking for new and exciting books to read? The Scholastic book order forms are due on Monday, November 16. Andrea, Clara’s mom, will be coordinating book orders this year. If you have any questions, you can e-mail her at Happy shopping!

The 2nd grade mathematicians practiced solving problems that separate amounts. Some strategies they have used include counting back, decomposing numbers before counting back, using related facts, drawing pictures, using the hundreds chart, and creating number line segments. The 3rd graders continued their exploration into rectangles (now known as arrays) and their dimensions.

A new project has been started in Core 2: The Snail Rescue Project. It all started when two Core 2 students discovered snails in the recycling bin during Community Snack. They rescued the snails and have taken on the charge to house them and to care for them. They are researching to learn about snails’ development by observing the snails and reading books about snails. They have engaged in ethical debates about when and how to release the snails.

Our next Stars of the Week presentation will be on Wednesday, November 25. The Stars will be: Alie and Trent. Our community snack will be provided by the Stars. We use 46 forks, napkins and plates each week, and we need donations. We prefer the sustainable, starch-based products that can be composted.

Wish List: We need 10 sets of chess men to go with our 10 chess boards

Dates to remember:
Monday, November 16 Scholastic Book Order Due
Wednesday, November 18 Pupil Free Day
Wednesday, November 25 Alie and Trent’s Star of the Week, 9:00

Have a wonderful weekend!

Reminder: Wed, Nov 18 - District Teacher Contract Day - NO SCHOOL

This week, we have been discussing Break and Lunch concerns. Some things students have noticed include:
*play fighting/rough play/real fighting with different rules for girls and boys
*food and trash on the ground/food fights
*people mooching food and money
*people not listening to “stop” words or following rules
*people being excluded/cliques
*people not using empathy or apologizing
*bullying—big kids taking balls, money, food from younger kids
*teasing and rude language
*trouble sharing space with John Muir students

In class, we are also revisiting our Guidelines and Logical Consequences to remind students of the expectations--and to encourage them to carry that behavior out onto the yard with them. In Magic Circle we introduced ways to share our concerns with others, stand up for our “stop” words, get help from adults when people don't listen or hurt each other with words, actions, or their bodies. This is a time and place to work through issues with friends and classmates, as well as a way to practice so that kids can use these skills on their own. One way is to participate during our whole group Magic Circle and speak about an idea or concern to the whole group. We encourage kids to speak up (in a general way). Another way is to have a Mini-Magic Circle, which is a way for students to work through issues privately with friends and classmates--with or without adult support.
Magic Circle uses positive language and a series of steps to help kids start with something positive, share what they don’t like about a situation (rather than a person--no one responds well to personal attacks), and explain what they need and why:
1. I like…
I notice…
I appreciate/understand…

2. I don’t like it when…
I’m concerned about…
I worry that…

3. I need…
I’d rather…

As teachers, we Reinforce the guidelines before we start, Remind the students of the guidelines as needed, and, finally, Redirect students who don’t follow them. After that, we apply Natural Consequences, such as running out of time for something, or Logical Consequences: 1) You break it, you fix it, 2) Loss of Privilege, or 3) Take a Break. The consequences vary depending on how many people are not following the guidelines. There’s a big difference between a few people not following a guideline or misusing materials/time and over half the group doing the same thing. These are not punishments, but are the consequences for not following the guidelines. As we see it, everything we do is a privilege—and there are consequences for not using our privileges wisely.

Genie and I, along with Jessica and the Core 4 teachers, will follow up these discussions by going out at break and lunch next week to observe and monitor the kids, and acknowledge the positive things we see happening on the yard and remind everyone that we are here to support them. And they should always let adults know when important things or ongoing issues occur--that's the only way we know!

Ask your child the difference between 1 – 5 people vs. 5 – 15 people not following our guidelines.
Tamara, Genie, Malaika
Reminder: Wed, Nov 18 - District Teacher Contract Day - NO SCHOOL

Parent Partners: It is time to think snow! Yosemite is calling and adventure awaits a fortunate team of SMASHing scientists. This trip is designed for 7th grade students; however, 8th graders who did not get the chance last year are very welcome. Repeating students from last year (program will vary) are also welcome but these folks will be last in the scholarship eligibility. Speaking of scholarships….

Community Wide Trip Costs and Scholarship Discussion: We have no scholarship money at this point and things are unlikely to dramatically improve despite consistently good efforts on the part of many students to fundraise and some continuing grant awards, so I need some guidance from the community as to how we shall proceed.
We have always proceeded on an “everyone goes” basis because I was able to raise the money to support this approach. Given that this ability to have a pool of scholarship money in advance is no longer true, we need your feedback in order to decide whether or not we need to cancel this trip program.
· Shall we mark up the cost of each trip up enormously and use the proceeds as scholarships?
· Any one know an angel investor? I am diligent about grant seeking and several apps are outstanding, but more effort in this area is an obvious partial solution!
Please email me with your feedback on this issue as I need to start sleeping at night instead of thinking about money and fundraising. My intention is to resolve these questions before the winter break. Let me know if these trips are important to you and help me brainstorm in the middle ground between complete cancelation of these opportunities and denial of services due to cost. As Janice says “we are small but able.” Lets prove this again!

Guided Investigations: We are finished translating games into science and are now starting to design simple game-like experiments that investigate three parameters of personal health and wellness: Aerobic Capacity, Flexibility, and Upper Body strength. This messy creative business involves a lot of risk taking, enormous opportunities to learn science inquiry skills and glorious failures. Please join your child in designing an investigation that is S.M.A.R.T. during your weekly signing of their science notebook. Ask your children about what S.M.A.R.T. means and use this guideline as a filter to insure excellence.

Wed, Nov. 18 - District Teacher Contract Day - NO SCHOOL
Wed, Nov. 25 - MINIMUM DAY - 1:30pm Dismissal
Thurs & Fri, Nov. 26 & 27 - Thanksgiving Holiday - SCHOOL CLOSED

Enjoy the Weekend
Kurt, Kelly & Bailey

Reminder: Wed, Nov 18 - District Teacher Contract Day - NO SCHOOL

Tues, Nov 17 - 6:30-8:30pm - PTSA Parent Ed Night
Wed, Nov 18 - Teacher Contract Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed, Nov 18 - 6:30-9:00pm - State of Our Schools - SMASH auditorium
Fri, Nov 20 - Coffee at drop-off and pick-up, in the small yard - SMASH BASH Party Sign-Ups
Wed, Nov 25 - MINIMUM DAY - 1:30 DISMISSAL
Wed, Dec 2 - 6:30-8:00pm - PTSA Mtg - Media Ctr
Fri, Dec 4 - 12:30-4:00pm - SMASH HOLIDAY BOUTIQUE & ART FAIR
Mon-Fri, Dec 7–11, 8:00-8:30am & 1:30–3:30pm - SMASH BOOK FAIR
Thurs, Dec 10 - 6:00-8:00pm LITERACY NIGHT
Tuesdays through December 1, SMASHing Holiday Singers, 3:00-3:30 in Core 1.
Performance at Sunday Main Street Farmer’s Market on December 6 at 9:15-9:45 am.
WEDNESDAY BAKE SALES - Healthy Treats & Fun Items Sales start at 2:30 pm (Muir dismissal)
CORE 1 December 2
CORE 2 January 6
CORE 3 December 16
CORE December9
Now through Jan 31 - Santa Monica ICE rink - 10am-10-pm daily; 10am-midnight Fridays & Saturdays
5th S & Arizona Ave, Admission, including skate rental $10

Nov 14-May 30 - Skateboard Evolution & Art in California - The California Heritage Museum -
Main St & Ocean Park Bl - Wed-Sun 11:00am-4:00pm . Featuring Skates, Scooters and hundreds of skateboards, tracing the evolution, art and development of the California skate culture. $8 General Admission; $5 Seniors & Students; Kids under 12 Free (under 12 MUST be accompanied by an adult)

Sat, Nov 14 - 1:00-7:00pm - Exploring Your Universe - UCLA Kinsey Pavilion

Nov 27 & 28 - Noon-4:00pm - Make a Merry Memory with Santa - 3rd Street Promenade
Bring your own camera for photo opportunities. Santa is dog friendly

Sat, Dec 5 - 5:00pm - Light Up The Season with 94.7 the Wave & Brian McKnight
3rd Street Promenade will light up for the holidays.

Dec 5-14 - “Best Gift Ever” PAL Gift Drive. Drop off unwrapped gift or cash donation for children ages 6-17. Gift drop locations: SMPD Substation 1433 2nd St (between Santa Monica Blvd & Broadway)
Police Activities League 1401 Olympic Blvd (Memorial Park)

Dec 11-18 - Sundown - Chanukah Menorah lighting ceremony every evening of Chanukah
1300 block of 3rd Street Promenade

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