Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15, 2013                                                                                March 15, 2013

Applications are in the SMASH office and online at
Dear SMASHing Families,
Big thanks to Jog-a-thon Co-chairs Lillie Schlessinger and Yvonne Lockhart for creating such a magnificent event full of fun, fitness, successful fundraising, and celebration. We enter the last week before Spring Break with some other community-spirited traditions. Wednesday, March 20 we have the Art/Drama Shares by day and Open House by night (See Core News for details). We also have Field Day March 22 thanks to Student Council vision and leadership. We hope you can join where your work and other family commitments allow.
Friday, March 22 is SMASHing Field Day!
In K-8 Community Groups, we’ll have relay races, P.E. games, snacks, and more team building activities.
10:45-11:15       Meet in Community Groups:
Spirit gear/accessories, cheer practice,
Sportsmanship & Cooperation reminders.
11:15-12:45 4 Rotations on the Big Yard
12:45 Whole School to lunch benches

There will be two Site Council Parent Representative openings for 2013-2014. If you are available to take on this site governance role, please submit your 3-5 sentence bio explaining your interest in the position to by Friday, March 22 so that we can share your bio and election ballots in the Friday, April 12th Friday Letter. We have one more Site Council meeting this school year, Wednesday, April 17 at 3:30pm where we will count the ballots and contact the two newly elected SMASH Site Council members.
Truly yours,

It’s time again to think ahead and select the parents to represent you at the SMASH Council for next year. This group of parent, staff and students meet once a month to:
A. To establish and oversee the use of the School Improvement (SI) funds as provided in Section 52012 of the California Education Code.
B. To oversee and assist in the development of the annual School Improvement Plan (SIP). The SC shall Identify areas of need and goals for improvement as mandated by California Ed Code 52014: “Each plan shall be based on an assessment of school capability to meet the educational needs of each pupil, specify improvement objectives, and indicate steps necessary to achieve those objections including intended outcomes.”
C. To maintain periodic analysis of implementation and effectiveness of the SIP. The SC shall analyze and draft an SIP ANALYSIS
based on the actual outcomes of the improvement plan on reports from the SMASH community. The SIP ANALYSIS shall be utilized in development of subsequent School Improvement Plans. California Ed Code 52021 states the SC, “...shall have ongoing responsibility to review with the principal, teachers, other school personnel and pupils the implementation of the school improvement program and to assess periodically the effectiveness of such program.”
D. To provide a forum for all SMASH constituents to communicate their concerns related to the development of the annual School Improvement Plan including areas of need, goals for improvement, outcomes and effectiveness of School Improvement Plans.
E. To communicate the actions and goals of the SC to the entire SMASH community.
F. To ensure that the annual School Improvement Plan supports the goals, philosophy and vision of SMASH as established in the school handbook.
TONIGHT! Fri, Mar 15 - 6-8pm - Core 3 Art Exhibit at SAMOHI Roberts Art Gallery
Wed, Mar 20 - 6:00-7:30pm Arts Share and Open House
Fri, Mar 22 - Last day to turn in kindergarten applications for siblings for 2013-2014 school year.
March 25 - April 5 - SPRING BREAK
SMASH Poker Party (Adults Only) Saturday, March 16 from 4pm to ?
(location and time tbd) $40 Buy In
Marni Ayers Brady at

Thank you for making purchases through the dedicated SMASH AMAZON link! 14 of you have clicked and purchased so far!! Please keep the link on your computer as a "favorite" and earn 5% for SMASH every time you make a purchase. Please share the link with friends and family...

And here's another easy way to make money for SMASH:
Simply sign up for the Sip to Support program at Jamba Juice and earn 10% for SMASH with each smoothie!
Go to  and register for your Jamba Juice Sip to Support Marqeta Card.
  • Be sure to select SMASH as your organization to support.
  • The Card will arrive in the mail in a week.
Happy Spring Break everyone!!
Jamee Tenzer and David Saltzman
Santa Monica Airport ARTWALK
Saturday, March 16 - Noon to 5:00pm
The ArtWalk is from noon to 5 p.m. Admission and parking, for cars and bikes, are free. Parking will be at Santa Monica College's Bundy campus, at Bundy and Centinela.

Meet the resident artists of the airport arts community and discover a unique, creative cultural resource. Explore artist studios, watch artful demonstrations, try your hand at an arts workshop, enjoy live music, local restaurants and food trucks, all in one of LA County’s oldest operating airfields. More than 60 local artists, performers and venues will open their doors to the public free of charge, including: Santa Monica Art Studios and AREA 1 Gallery, Santa Monica College Art Mentor Program and Ceramic Arts, Ruskin Group Theatre, Santa Monica Airport Artist Studios and The Museum of Flying.
Live music throughout the day by the Leftover Cuties.
Food trucks: Dogtown Dogs, Sweet E’s & King’s Road Coffee.
Fix a Leak Week - March 18-24
Did you know the average American household wastes more than 10,000 gallons of water each year from easy-to-fix household leaks? Finding and fixing leaks is as easy as “check, twist, replace”:

CHECK for silent leaks in the toilet with a few drops of food coloring in the tank, and check your sprinkler for winter damage
TWIST faucet valves, tighten pipe connections, and secure your hose to the spigot

REPLACE old plumbing fixtures and irrigation controllers that are wasting water with WaterSense labeled models that are independently certified to use less water and perform well.  For more information visit

City officials are advising residents to stay home, or at least avoid driving, the day of the Los Angeles Marathon, March 17, when major streets will close and the cost to park downtown will go up as up to 24,000 runners are expected to cross the finish line north of the Santa Monica Pier and as many spectators will line the streets .

Street Closures:
The eastbound lanes of San Vicente and all of Ocean will close at 6 a.m. the day of the race. Some sections may be closed as early as midnight. "It's going to be really impossible to cross San Vicente that entire day," said the city's assistant finance director Don Patterson.
Other closures include the California Incline; Main Street from Colorado Avenue to Pico Boulevard; Olympic Boulevard from Main to Fourth Street; and Wilshire Boulevard, Arizona Avenue, Santa Monica Boulevard, Broadway and Colorado each from Ocean to Second Street.

Traffic restrictions will also be in place on streets in the heart of downtown, between Seventh Street and Ocean and Wilshire and Colorado. The closures are scheduled to end at 8 p.m., but will likely be lifted by 5 p.m.

The cost to park in downtown garages 1-9 will increase to $2 for every 30 minutes, or a $20 flat rate. The Civic Center garage is reserved for runners, but any unreserved spots are a flat $25 before      6 a.m. and $10 after.

To get around, officials are encouraging residents to walk, bike or take the bus.
A free Big Blue Bus shuttle is available to the public from 6am to 6pm, offering rides around downtown and to the bus hub on Olympic Boulevard and 11th Street. All Big Blue Bus services will stop at the hub, except for routes 4 and 9, which will not be in service on race day.
From the bus hub, riders can take the Big Blue Bus Rapid 10 to Union Station, transfer to a Metro bus and catch Big Blue Bus Routes 1, 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8. A free Metro shuttle will take riders to the Expo line station in Culver City.
Two free bike valets will be available from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Bike Center on 2nd and Colorado and at Washington Avenue and Ocean. The city says the best streets to ride to and from downtown are:
· From the north: Second, Fifth or Seventh streets
· From the south: Main Street
· From the east: Washington, California, Arizona or Ocean Park Boulevard
Elementary School
Five affordable weeks of non-stop fun, exploring and creating.
June 17-July 19 - (5 weeks, closed July 4)
8:30am - 12:30pm daily
2401 14th Street
$525 for full morning program
Childcare available for an additional fee.
Scholarships available for qualifying students enrolled in SMMUSD for August 2013
Discounts Available! -Sign up by April 15 and pay $500 for the full morning program
Registration Starts on March 18
Online at or
In person at the District Office
March 18 & 19, 8:00am-2:00pm
And 10:00am - 2:00pm thereafter
Resource Recovery & Recycling Division FREE Compost Workshop
Saturday, March 16 - 10am
Virginia Avenue Park, 2200 Virginia Avenue, Patio Room
For more information: 310-458-2223,

It’s high time to gear up!
Saturday May 18, 2013
11:30AM to 5:30PM

SuperSMASH means
Carnival Rides • Games • Live Music • Delicious Food
and an
Amazing Silent Auction

All the proceeds from the auction will go directly to SMASH. And that means:

We need your help to make it a success!

Go to your favorite
stores     •     restaurants     •     salons     •     businesses
and ask for a donation to our Silent Auction.

Be a donor yourself and offer your
services     •     talents     •     goods     •     ideas

All donations are tax-deductible.
Go out and get as many donations as you can.


Naren Desai at 310-666-1680 or
Dan McGee at 310-993-0707 or

Core 1 Celebrates Art!!

Thank you to Julianna, our ARTist in Residence, who has engaged us in Visual Arts with a variety of materials in new and creative ways. Wire, Paper, and Fabric were transformed as we began to smush, bend, wrap, embroider, twist, weave these materials into amazing creations.
           Last week, every child chose one ART study to focus on and to create their own individual pieces – using the techniques and skills and inventive mind-set we’ve been practicing since January. The children drew their plans last week, and are well into developing their pieces.
          Graciela’s group is focusing on individual sewing projects - putting together pillows, embroidering quilts, etc. In Chrysta's room, they are diving into new fashion trends with duct tape, paper, cardboard, and fabric. Candis’ group began by creating characters with wire, then designed sets and developed stories for our characters.
         The children will be sharing their ART pieces on Wednesday, March 20 – during the day 10:30-11:30am and at Open House at 6:00pm. Come see the collective creativity of Core 1!!

More to share…
Congratulations to the Core 1 Partners for publishing their second books in Writing Workshop!! This time our focus was on using “Quick and Easy” words and sounding out words. We are growing thoughtful, independent writers!! Since our books are so short, we would like to share them at Morning Mtg on Tuesday, March 19. You’re invited to join your child with his/her circle group to celebrate their hard work!

Upcoming Field Trips!
Core 1 will be going to the Morgan-Wixson Theater on Thursday, March 21 to see the musical production of Madeline and the Gypsies. We’ll be leaving around 10:30 to take the Big Blue Bus to see the 11:15 show. Please sign and return your child’s permission slip ASAP.
Because of Yellow Group’s cancelled field trip, we are asking for the following suggested donations:
Green Group $10 and Yellow Group $5.
Chaperone sign-up will be emailed shortly via Google Doc. We are limited to 10 chaperones for this trip.

After Spring Break, each Workshop Group will be visiting the Promenade Farmers’ Market.
April 10 – Bigs (form is in this week’s Friday Folder)
April 17 – Partners
May 1 – Mentors

“Reading With Your Child” Parent Dialogue Night - Rescheduled for Thursday, April 11 at 5:45 pm in Core 1
In your child's narrative, you read about the continuum of the Developmental Stages of Reading. Come see how we support these stages differently in the classroom - and at home, how you can meet your child at his/her developmental stage and gently bridge them to the next stage.
This is a night you don’t want to miss! Please RSVP to if you plan to attend. We are asking for at least 20 responses so that our night can be filled with rich discussions and learning. CHILDCARE WILL BE AVAILABLE!!

Will you be home for Spring Break?? Franklin is looking for a home where he can be well cared for over the holiday break. If your family would like to provide a safe and cozy vacation home, please email Candis ASAP to make arrangements.

Candis, Chrysta, Graciela, Nadja & Laura
Can you feel it in the air? SPRING BREAK, we’re almost there! J

Core 2 Homework Part II: We’ve launched our first Mini Independent Research Project, giving the students a chance to practice the skills they learned in Theme with Tamara and Jayme. Just like we go through a series of steps to complete a WW writing piece, we also go through a series of steps to do research: 1.Brainstorming “researchable questions” about a topic of interest, 2. Gathering “Just Right” reliable resources, 3. Finding facts about our topic and putting the information in our own words, 4. Citing the title, author, website, page number, etc., 5. Checking for understanding and thinking about our audience, 6. Putting the facts into a paragraph using transition words, and 8. Adding an introduction and a conclusion.

This is where the homework comes in: We gathered a few resources from the Media Center. Many students will need to find additional resources from outside of school (the library, websites, magazine articles, etc.). As with any computer work, we hope parents will assist their child in finding appropriate, “Just Right” and reliable internet information.
We’d like every student to have at least one internet resource. Please print and bring the information to school on Monday, March 18 so we can use it during class.

*RW HW: Read for 30 - 45 minutes at home every day. Good reading skills, strategies, and habits are the best predictor of school success. *Learn more about your topic by reading informational text—a nonfiction book, website, magazine article, etc.

*WW HW: Write at home for fun. You may work on your free-writing pieces or poetry at home. *Take notes from a book, documentary, interview, or website about your topic.

*Math HW: 3G & 4G - complete your math packets and bring in to school by Friday, 3/22

Spring Break Homework
2 weeks is a long (and much-needed) time away from school. Core 2 will not be giving any official homework, yet students should continue to practice their basic skills while on break.

Reading - Continue reading Just Right fiction and nonfiction books. This is a great time to share books with family and friends hanging out during the break.

Writing - This is a perfect time to use those “real world” writing skills! Start a blog or write letters/emails to friends and family or do research and take notes.

Math - Students can play math games with family and friends, measure ingredients for a new recipe, or work on multiplication facts.

Theme- Now that we all know how to develop questions, do research, and take notes about topics we want to learn more about, the sky is the limit! What are YOU wondering?

We are mixing it up—AGAIN—here in Core 2! After the Break, we come back to NEW ADVISORIES! On the first day back, April 7, students can check the advisory room doors to find out where they should go.

REMINDER: Wednesday, March 20 Art Share/Open House.
            Art sharing at 9-10am and at Open House at 6:00-7:30pm

Have a wonderful, restful, and fun-filled break.
Tamara, Jayme, & Nadja


Gather those pledges! Your child deserves it after all that running!

TODAY from 6:00-8:00 - DISTRICT VISUAL ART SHOW at the Roberts Art Gallery in Samohi's campus,601 Pico Blvd. SMASH is showcasing our puppets! 
For more information:
Please join us for light refreshments and fantastic art!

Mark Your Calendars! Next Year's Overnight Field Trips Parent Meeting, Wednesday, 3/20 in Genie's Room.
5th graders/Incoming 6th graders (Catalina trip) @ 6:30-6:45
6th graders/Incoming 7th graders (Yosemite trip) @ 6:45-7:00

Dramatic Art Share—The Premiere of our Dramatic Arts Puppet Variety Show at 1:15 in the Cafeteria!
Open House—Come see our Dramatic Arts Puppet Variety Show from 6:00-7:30 in Core 3!

6th Grade Hip Hop Share from 2:30-3:00 in the Cafeteria! Did you know your 6th grader had district dance?
~We are requesting a $10.00 donation for each child to cover the cost of Omnivore's Dilemma.
Please check with your child if they have turned in their donation.

~Students are welcome to bring in a cut up 'fractioned' treat to share on Thurs 3/21 (5th and 6th grade mathematicians studied fractions recently). They will be enjoyed while watching the documentary, "What's On Your Plate?" –more info at No nuts please! Less sugar and healthier snacks appreciated!

6G Math with Mimi: Students learn a variety of strategies for thinking about and solving math problems. In our fractions unit, we first focused on solving problems by using diagrams. This helps students understand what the problems are really asking. For example, ⅓ x ¾ could be interpreted as “What is ⅓ of ¾ ?”. ⅓ ÷ ¾ could be interpreted as “How many times does ¾ go into ⅓?” In real life situations like cooking and building, it is often NOT the standard algorithm that we use but our knowledge of basic fractions and numbers and how they relate to each other that really help us to arrive at an answer.Students learned the standard algorithms after they were exposed to using diagrams to solve problems.
6th Grade Math with Erin: Thank you to everyone who was able to stop in on Monday to check out the Geometry Dream Room projects. Many students had worked feverishly over the weekend putting on their final details. If you did not get a chance to check out the floor plans and models, they will be on display at our Open House next Wednesday evening. Next unit: Data!
5th Grade Math with Genie: We are working on rounding decimals and adding decimals as well as turning fractions into decimals using the calculator. We know that ¼ is 1÷4 which equals .25. We have learned several games to practice our ability to add decimals—Decimal Double Compare, Two Fill, and Close to 1. Your child should keep their fraction cards for future homework playing games with them.

Science with Mimi: This week, we discussed the results of our Vitamin C test. Ask your student which drinks are a good source of Vitamin C. We also had a discussion about how much information is available and that we are constantly bombarded with new and /or conflicting information everyday. For example, we learned that Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that any extra Vitamin C that our body does not need is flushed out via our urinary system. However, there is more information that megadoses of Vitamin C can cause different health issues. As in other parts of our Food and Nutrition Unit, we talked about eating a variety of foods in moderation to achieve a balanced, healthy diet.

Social Studies with Erin: Students for the most part have completed their research and begun their books and Food and Culture from their chosen country. The students are preparing beautiful bound informational books about how the food in their given nation relates to the culture, religion, geography, history, etc. of that nation. Please plan to join us on Thursday, April 18 at 1:30 for our International Food Festival in the Cafetorium. Students will be sharing their books, food samples, and other food products from their countries at their food stand. If you have time over spring break, it would be great if you and your child could visit a restaurant or market from their chosen country to get to know the cuisine even better!

Reading and Writing Workshop with Genie: Please read a lot over spring break and finish Omnivore's Dilemma.
Also encourage your child to write in their notebooks. And don't forget to rest and have fun with family and friends!
5G math: Packet #28 due 3/22. No homework over Spring Break!
RW: Finish Omnivore's Dilemma over spring break!

CORE 3 testing information

March 6, 2013
Dear SMASH 6th Grade Families,
SMASH is one of a limited number of schools in the country randomly selected to pilot the Smarter Balanced Assessments this Spring. This is the online assessment that becomes official in the 2014-15 school year, that will replace the current CST paper/pencil multiple choice tests. Darwin, Genie, and I recently went through a training regarding the types of test items and how to administer the online test.

For SMASH, students in 6th grade have been selected to take the pilot test in math April 30, May 1, May 2 and in 7th grade to take the pilot test in Language Arts next Monday and Thursday, March 11 and March 14. The assessment will take about three hours of your child’s time. While SMASH is required to administer the pilot, student participation is voluntary and confidential. Your child’s performance on this pilot assessment does NOT get scored or reported anywhere.

The pilot has been designed to assist Smarter Balance to gather data about:
The implementation of the online software
How the items function and their technical quality
The effectiveness of test administration materials
Areas for improvement prior to the tests becoming operational in 2015.

If you would like more information about Smarter Balanced, please visit the Smarter Balanced website at http:// If you do not want your child to participate in the pilot, SMASH office MUST receive your request by MONDAY, APRIL 29 at 4:00pm.

Your request letter MUST contain the following:
Child’s full legal name, birth date and grade
That you wish to opt your child out of the 2013 Smarter Balance Assessment
Contain the parent/guardian name, signature and be dated no later than March 8


Ben Allen Oscar de la Torre Jose Escarce Maria Leon-Vazquez Laurie Lieberman Ralph Mechur Nimish Patel
Sandra Lyon, Superintendent


       The Core 4 Girls Bike Safety class started on Monday, we fitted helmets, took a pre-test, and got some packets. On Tuesday we watched a pedal smarts video and learned more about bike safety and riding on the street. We finished the class by heading out to the basketball courts and practicing starting and stopping. On Thursday we went down to the bike campus at the beach and practiced how to be safe at an intersection. It was our first outdoor activity and it was a lot of fun! We all did very well and we got to ride back to SMASH on the street. We are excited to continue our class and learn more about being a safe bike rider on the streets.
       This week in art we worked on finishing our art and putting all of our pieces on a post board, to present on Wednesday. In our art class we mainly focused on causes and using advertising to show/express our thoughts. We each choose our cause and used magazines to create collages. We learned a lot about many different styles of art techniques. The Art share for Core 4 is at 11:30 next Wednesday.

Written by Kate, Duncan, and Solal
Darwin Mendinueto -
Kurt Holland -
March 6, 2013
Dear SMASH 7th Grade Families,
SMASH is one of a limited number of schools in the country randomly selected to pilot the Smarter Balanced Assessments this Spring. This is the online assessment that becomes official in the 2014-15 school year, that will replace the current CST paper/pencil multiple choice tests. Darwin, Genie, and I recently went through a training regarding the types of test items and how to administer the online test.

For SMASH, students in 6th grade have been selected to take the pilot test in math April 30, May 1, May 2 and in 7th grade to take the pilot test in Language Arts next Monday and Thursday, March 11 and March 14. The assessment will take about three hours of your child’s time. While SMASH is required to administer the pilot, student participation is voluntary and confidential. Your child’s performance on this pilot assessment does NOT get scored or reported anywhere.

The pilot has been designed to assist Smarter Balance to gather data about:
The implementation of the online software
How the items function and their technical quality
The effectiveness of test administration materials
Areas for improvement prior to the tests becoming operational in 2015.

If you would like more information about Smarter Balanced, please visit the Smarter Balanced website at http:// If you do not want your child to participate in the pilot, SMASH office MUST receive your request by FRIDAY, MARCH 8 at 4:00pm.

Your request letter MUST contain the following:
Child’s full legal name, birth date and grade
That you wish to opt your child out of the 2013 Smarter Balance Assessment
Contain the parent/guardian name, signature and be dated no later than March 8

Ben Allen Oscar de la Torre Jose Escarce Maria Leon-Vazquez Laurie Lieberman Ralph Mechur Nimish Patel
Sandra Lyon, Superintendent

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