Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Letter 03-13-09

Jog-a-thon ‘09
ALL pledges
are due
Please drop off your pledge envelope with check or cash in the office.

Dear SMASHing Families,

It was Arts Sharing Wednesday Part I this week (to be followed by Parts II and III the next two weeks!) We all owe special thanks to Tamara for the arts curriculum and sharings coordination she manages to eek out time for in order to make these dynamic experiences possible!

For those who missed the Core 2 and Core 4 (Kurt’s Advisory) singers at Wednesday’s assembly, ask your child about the audience smiles provoked by the “soup soakers” or the attentive listeners inspired by the multiple part harmonies. Core 4 also visited our Senior friends at Saffran house. Thank you to our dedicated, enthusiastic Dian for teaching our singers!

Core 4’s (Kelly’s Advisory) exhibition of prints with a table for demonstrating various printmaking techniques including stenciling was a huge success. They passed along their creative vibe to the rest of the school community, making a special Cross Core connection to Core 1 students who have been investigating graffiti artists. Thank you to our photo-documenting, exhibition organizing, committed Marni for supporting arts curriculum and sharings!

Core 3 gave demonstrations of their clay work, weaving, crocheting, and new paper reed making. One demonstrator said, “This is great showing them how to do what we both love [weaving].” Core 3 students have expanded their arts exposure of crocheting and weaving by making purses, water bottle holders, by finding random moments of crocheting during school lunch. SMASH has run out of yarn because the kids are all borrowing it, using it, and making great use of it! Thank you to our versatile, talented Julianna for teaching our artists!

Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this Tuesday, March 17, 8:15-9:15am Parent Education Math Morning in the Library and Wednesday, March 25, 8:45am Arts Assembly Part III in the Cafetorium. We have invited School Board members to join us for both of these events so please attend to 1) learn more about your child’s math instruction and see the wonderful Drama videos they’ve prepared and 2) answer questions Board members might have about SMASH.

Truly Yours,

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year

March 25, 9-10 am
March 30, 9-10 (just added) Last Tour Before K Lottery (K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students. Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery (1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)

Book Drive!!!
Donated books can be dropped off in the Office March 9-19

If You would like to help deliver the books and paint murals on Saturday March 21- call Sarah (Marlowe’s mom) @ 310 210-3428
My name is Marlowe Leal. I am having a book drive For my 8th grade project. The books that SMASH collects will be donated to a school that does not have enough reading material. I would like to try to make a difference and help kids get more access to books. Please bring your new or used books to the SMASH office from March 9-19. I will collect the books and deliver them with an organization called Access Books to Montara Avenue Elementary school on Saturday March 21. If you’d like to come help or have any questions please email me at Donated books should be for elementary school aged students. Thank you.

PTSA news brief
SMASHing Committees
Parent Ed Morning, Tuesday, 3/17, 8:15AM, media center. Get a hands-on introduction to the way math is taught at SMASH. School Board member Joe Escarce will join us. Please come and show your support for SMASH.
SMASH.SMASHing Fundraisers
Save the Date: SMASH movie night, 4/24 and 5/15. Drop off your kids at SMASH for a movie and take a day off from parenting. Core 4 students will watch your kids. More info to come in Future Friday Letters
Make your Family Donation online. Go to and give what you can! To pay by credit card, check or cash, or to establish a payment plan, see Janice in the office. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
Believe it or not, SuperSMASH is coming up! Mark your calendars: Saturday, May 30, 2009.
SMASHing Alumni
Terry Michaels, a SMASH graduate from 1977, will handle our alumni relations. Terry will host a Facebook network as a meeting place for past and present SMASHing students and parents. Until the network is up, please contact Terry at for more information.
SMASHing Meetings
Our next PTSA meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 1 at 6:30PM.

SMASH Site Council Agenda
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 - 6:00 pm Core 2
Adopt Agenda
Approve minutes of last meeting
Community Participation
Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
Principal’s Report
Students Reports
Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited
to the following):
Student Council
Old Business
By Law changes -- membership
New Business
Site Council Elections
Community Participation (if applicable)

Bike Safety Class
Offered By Officer Navarro

Santa Monica Police Department
March 18 & 25 & April 1 at 3:30 PM
At Edison Elementary - 2425 Kansas Avenue, Santa Monica

Three (1 Hour) Classes will include:
Classroom Instruction---Learn the Rules of the Road
School Yard Obstacle Course & Bicycle Inspection
Street Ride with Santa Monica Police Officers
Participants will earn Bike Safety ID Card
Parents Strongly Encouraged to Participate

Bring Bicycle and Safety Equipment on 2nd & 3rd Class
Complimentary Loaner Bikes and Helmets Available Upon Request

Email and Sign up for the class---Provide Name, School, Grade, Age
Get Ready to Have Fun!
Core 1 Movie Premiere on Wednesday, March 18!
Core 1 will debut the movie we made with Kristy Pace, the drama teacher!
Please come and join us as we celebrate on Wednesday at 8:45 a.m.! We will:
*Walk the “red carpet”!
*Watch our movie together, Foursome the Spider, in Core 1…Starring our children!!!
*Celebrate all the hard work and learning we experienced with Kristy this trimester

YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN COPY OF THE MOVIE! We are pre-ordering copies of the movie at the event for only $7. Profits will go to support the arts program. For those of you who can’t make it, we will put order forms in next week’s Friday Folder. (Chrysta’s brother is duplicating the movies for us at cost. Thanks for supporting SMASH, Ryan!)

Feel free to let you children dress up “fancy” for the event, if they like. It is a movie premiere, after all! The movie will be shared with the whole SMASH community the 25th, but you will get a SNEAK PEEK next week!!!

Check out the Core 1 blog archive (January) titled “What's all ‘The Drama’ about in Core 1?” for photos of us making the movie.

Full Day Kindergarten will begin on Tuesdays and Thursdays after Spring Break. The Partners will still be dismissed at 1:30 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. While the rest of the district continues with part-time kindergarten throughout the school year, we like to gradually introduce longer school days to the children. While many of the Partners will benefit from this longer day, there may be a few families or children who find it too difficult. It is not required that Partners stay past 1:30, so if there are any concerns, please let us know. This is just an extra benefit we try to provide. Please take this into consideration as you make after school plans after Spring Break. Please feel free to share any questions or concerns.

Mark your calendar! Important March/April Dates:
Wednesday, March 18 – Core 1 Movie Premier 8:30 – 9:15 am at SMASH
Friday, March 27 – January/March BIRTHDAY BASH! If your child was born in January or March, we hope you can join us! We will start at 11:30 a.m. Please sign up at the parent table to bring a snack, if your child was born in these months.
Tuesday, March 17 – St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, 8:30-10:30. Please join us as we run special projects! Please sign up at the parent table if you are planning on joining us. And don’t forget to bring in your Leprechaun trap and one potato, please! If we could have the traps by the 16th, to set out the night before…that would be wonderful!!!
Friday, April 3 – All School Beach Day! More details to follow.

Have a DAZZLING weekend!
Candis, Chrysta and Jackie


Dear Core 2 Community,
Information on Field Trips to Santa Monica City Hall: The Oompa Loompas had a great time! Thank you to those parents that joined us. On March 19, The Pancakes will be leaving SMASH around 8:45am, walking to City Hall, and returning to SMASH by lunch. Parent volunteers are needed for The Pancakes’ trip. Permission slips are not needed as this is a walking field trip.

Math: The 3rd graders have moved from using the non-standard measures of baby steps and giant steps to using inchsticks. A typical school ruler can be visually confusing to many students because of the profusion of lines. Although the ordinary foot rule is a good tool when students understand the concept of measurement and see a need for fractional markings, the simpler the better at the beginning. For this reason we use the inchstick as an appropriate measuring tool. Inchsticks are foot-long measuring tools marked in whole inches only with alternating colors of the inch squares that make counting easier. Later students will be able to deal with simple foot rulers. Fractional parts of an inch will be introduced gradually when the students are ready. Working with whole inches before introducing fractions give students a firm base for their understand of measurement. Gradually they will come to see that halves and fourths of an inch sometimes add useful information.
The 2nd graders are exploring symmetry. They cut out symmetrical shapes, used mirrors to help them draw symmetrical pattern block shapes, and played “Draw and Copy” with partners. Look for symmetrical objects around your home or neighborhood. On Monday, let Jayme know what you have found!

Did you see our “facial hair” at the assembly? Thank you Ian and Ian’s Glen and Zelina for supplying our moustaches (soup soakers) for our Arts Sharing on Wednesday.

Thank you to Core 3 for teaching Core 2 how to make pinch pots, paper reeds, weaving, and crochet during Arts Sharing on Wednesday. Core 2 would like to teach each other some of these skills and . .

Now we need left over yarn from your last unfinished scarf for crochet and weaving, crochet hooks, and newspaper for paper reeds.

The Potato Parade is here! Check out the flyer in this week’s papers!

Wish list: plastic spoons for our Bake Sales and Birthday Bashes

Upcoming dates and events:
Tuesday, March 17 – Core 2’s Annual Potato Day Parade, 10:30am
Wednesday, March 18 – Arts with Kristy begins
Thursday, March 19 – Laura’s Advisory, the Pancakes, to City Hall,
Tuesday, March 24 – “All About Books” publishing celebration, 9:15 in Core 2, more info nextweek.

Have a stupendous weekend!
Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:
***The SMASHing Arts sharing was fabulous! If you weren’t able to attend one of the student-led workshops, please have your child teach you how to make a clay pot, weave, crochet, or make a basket from newspaper reeds. They should be bringing home all of their work today—check it out!***

A well-known Australian educator, Brian Cambourne, studied students and how they learn and came up with seven conditions of learning that he applied to reading and writing (but the ideas can be applied to any person learning anything). They are Immersion, Expectation, Demonstration, Use, Approximation, Engagement, and Response. We looked at how/if these conditions are present in Core 3:

Immersion is important to the learning process--so a child should be immersed in rich language with print all around them, at school and at home, for reading and writing. In Core 3, we create areas for each subject full of lessons, student work samples, and resources. We also try to get out of the classroom to learn about topics in the real world (The Ballona Wetlands, an art museum, an animal shelter) as often as possible.

Expectation refers to the environment where adults hold beliefs that children will acquire the skills to read and write and grow at developmentally appropriate levels. In Core 3, the students are aware of the social and academic goals in each area, as well as their own personal goals. We check in with them on their progress to reiterate and reset goals informally on an ongoing basis individually and as a group.

Demonstration is a key component to learning because children need opportunities to observe models of the way written language is used in daily life. We often use mini-lessons and conferences as times to model or coach students and try to highlight the strategy we are teaching in each subject. If in immersion, students learn organically, it’s in demonstration where teachers can be explicit, “Try this…, Good writers use…, Did you notice how…, This student thought this…”

Use is the practice that children need, which is why they need to read and write daily at school and at home. In C3, students will observe mini-lessons and/or the teacher demonstrations, but the bulk of an academic period is spent allowing students to use what they already know, because they know so much, and practice incorporating what they’ve just learned. Cambourne focused on literacy, but use is important in all areas, whether it’s music or math.

Approximation is the important condition where all children should be free to make attempts at language mastery as they move closer and closer to conventional reading and writing. This part of learning pushes a child toward something more challenging, with the security of knowing that it’s okay if it’s not perfect, yet (or ever!). So they are encouraged to try out the demonstration along with all they already know and use. Our approach to spelling is a perfect example of students employing approximation.

Engagement refers not only to the opportunities children need to try reading and writing activities on their own, but also to allow them to read and write what interests them. Choice is really important to learning in all areas, which is why we want students to choose their own Just Right book and writing topic. If there isn’t a choice about the topic, then we frequently utilize choices of partners/groups or ways of learning and demonstrating information. We’re always trying to think of ways to make school more engaging.

Response is feedback from knowledgeable people, which we accomplish with our constant individual conferring, checklists, reflections/assessments, conferences, and narrative report cards. Studies have shown that written feedback on student work is not an effective way to communicate learning goals. In short, they don’t read the comments closely enough, or with enough understanding, to use them effectively. High school teachers use this method as a way to reach their numerous students, but elementary teachers are fortunate enough to have our students with us for the whole day, allowing us to really support them through working beside them, talking to them, asking and answering questions, pushing them,, and then checking back in with them. We are constantly listening in on conversations and observing studying habits. And it’s through these multiple ways that we assess, adjust, and plan what should happen next in each area.

***Parent Education Morning—Tuesday March 17, 8:30-9:15. This month’s topic is Math at SMASH. If you are curious about how your child is learning math, this is the gathering for you!***
Tamara, Genie & Malaika
6/7 Math: The Bottom Line (Ray, Point and Plane!)
Throughout this past week, the mathematicians have used the geometric ideas that Greek mathematicians introduced to further their understanding of geometric properties. Because the mathematicians have spent time collecting information and growing ideas about the Greek mathematicians, this background knowledge helped progress our discussion to a more advanced level. Line segments, rays and planes were introduced at the beginning part of the week. The mathematicians discovered how these types of lines are seen outside in our world as well as on tools such as maps. Parallel, perpendicular, and skew lines were also discovered, explored, and formally taught toward the latter part of the week. The mathematicians practiced working with these types of lines in two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects. Next week we will explore angles and their many relationships. Understanding and increasing the mathematicians awareness of these properties will help them categorize, sort, and work with both two and three-dimensional shapes, the next part of our unit.
Understanding scatter plots, trend lines, and arithmetic sequences were the focus of this past week. To start this discussion, we gathered our own data in a popcorn activity. Ask the mathematicians to describe this activity and how it helped them grow their knowledge about scatter plots. Chapter four’s test will be next week. PLEASE encourage students to ask clarifying questions on their homework to ensure understanding. Because Algebra continues to build on previously learned skills at a RAPID pace, it is essential that the mathematicians consistently monitor their learning and understanding. I look forward to seeing them deepen this habit of mind.
Setting Our Boundaries
As a part of our Advisory discussions over the past two weeks, we have been deeply invested in talking about and understanding personal space, physical space, and verbal boundaries. They are discovering that to have healthy and positive relationships boundaries must be respected. Through these conversations, students are also discovering tools they can use such as actions and words to ensure that these boundaries are being respected. Please ask your child about these discussions to ensure that they are growing their understanding and practicing them in their lives.

All students are preparing for an oral presentation of a Greek intellectual for Monday and Tuesday. They need a visual aid and should dress in a chiton (Greek toga) for the presentation as well. The chiton can be used again on March 31. Wednesday we go to the Getty Villa. PLEASE TURN IN PERMISSION SLIPS AND $5 to pay for the district bus Monday along with the signed progress reports!!! If you are a parent chaperoning... please come to school by 9:15 and you also must sign a permission slip. We are all gearing up for a GREEK PANATHENEA! A Greek festival honoring 7 Greek deities. Students are in groups preparing altars, cheers, prayers, art and a play to honor their specific god or goddess. the festival is March 31. All are invited. We will have a pot luck Greek Luncheon and students will come dressed Greek. Let me know if you would like to help set up and coordinate the lunch. Thanks for all your support, Bailey
So Sorry About Summer School
Core Four Parent Partners: Most of you received an unexpected, impersonal, and erroneous letter informing you that your SMASHite must go to summer school. Put simply, this letter was a mistake in communication and procedure at the district’s central office; here at SMASH we regret the surprise many people experienced and any strain imposed on your family life. After conferences where we thoughtfully discussed the successes and goals for your child, we completely empathize and understand your distress. Sorry partners! We would like to reassure you that if your child did need summer school or some other academic intervention you would hear this directly, personally, and proactively from your advisor or the Core Four team. Should we believe that a student needs work over a break we normally will arrange a personalized learning plan in collaboration with the student and their parents. This approach has resulted in a fine balance between enjoying summer breaks and our shared desire for academic growth or remediation for one of our beloved SMASHites. Please email Kelly and Kurt if you need any more information or would like to explore using some of the summer to support academic achievement.

Dear Core 4 families,
Hi, I’m Jo Sutton, (Cole Kastner’s Mom) and I am a Certified Holistic Health Counselor. I will be teaching an eight-week class called the HEALTH AWARENESS and FREEDOM PROJECT for Core 4, beginning on April 28.
My curriculum will be based on integrating ‘whole food’ awareness, understanding emotional and physical cravings, shedding light on the powerful use of calories, food portions, revealing the agenda of food advertisers for financial gain and most importantly, the power of educated choices that provide the possibility of freedom to have a healthy, joyful life.

I am requesting financial assistance for materials and support, a suggested donation of $15 per child would be so helpful. If anyone is moved to contribute more, I would be so grateful.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me at
Feel free to look at my website for more information.
My phone number is (310) 488-4881 You can send your check addressed to SMASH PTSA or cash in an envelope and your child can give it to their advisory teacher. Thank you so much.
I so look forward to enlightening your children about the powerful use of food. Please feel free to sit in on any of our classes, Tuesdays 9-10am, I’d love to have you.
Jo Sutton, CHHC

Mar 2-26 - Ed Foundation Raffle ticket sale
Tues, Mar 17 - 8:15 - 9:15am - Parent Ed Mtg:Math - in Media Center
Wed, Mar 18 - 6:00 pm - Site Council Meeting - in Core 2
Wed, Mar 25 - 8:45 - Arts Assembly, Cores 1 & 4
Thurs, Mar 26 - last day to turn in Ed. Foundation Raffle Tickets
Wed, Apr 1 - 6:30pm - PTSA Meeting
Fri, Apr. 24 & Mar 15 - SMASH movie nights
Fri, May 8 - Family Dance
Sat, May 30 - SUPERSMASH!
Fri & Sat, June 5 & 6 - SMASH Camping Trip

After you sell a packet - bring back the stubs with the completed form for a chance to win an I-Pod! Raffle prizes include: $2,000 cash scholarship, MacBook laptop and iPod Touch & $100 in iTunes. Winners will be announced at Stairway to the Stars concert on March 27 at the Santa Monica Civic Center. Raffle proceeds go to grants for Santa Monica-Malibu district teachers for class enrichment

MARCH Mar 18 Mar 25
APRIL Apr 29 Apr 22 Apr 1
MAY May 27 May 20 May 13 May 6

Fun Things to Do!

Sat, March 14 - 10-11:30 am - Yoga in the Park - Palisades Park (Ocean & Palisades Ave) Start your weekend off right with an energizing and rejuvenating yoga class in Palisades Park, overlooking the ocean. All levels are welcome. Bring a yoga mat and an open heart. All classes are donation.
Sat, March 21 - 11:00am to 4:00pm Music Center Plaza A Taste of Dance (Tickets on sale at 10:30, first class begins at 11:15) Taste test a variety of dance styles at just a dollar each 20 minute lesson .(Cash only) No experience necessary. Come sing, dance, play music, and tell stories downtown. 135 N. Grand Avenue in Downtown Los Angeles. Parking available in Music Center garage for $8 Active Arts at the Music Center; 135 North Grand Ave. LA, 213-972-3660

Sat, March 28 - 1-5pm Santa Monica Airport Avenue Art Walk FREE FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! Airport Avenue (between Bundy & 23rd Street) Come explore the SMC ceramics studio, works by SMC Arts Mentor Program students and many galleries, artists’ studios and theaters along Airport Ave. Festive afternoon with live music, readings, children’s theater, art sales, refreshments and more. or 310-434-3000.

PLEASE being in your boxtops ! This is a simple way to make cash for SMASH activities and supplies

DID YOU KNOW…soft, cushy toilet paper is KILLING our forests? To acquire that “ultra soft” sensation, companies have to strip virgin fibers from live trees – thereby killing them. As reported in the news recently, the Kimberly-Clark company has been chopping down trees from an ancient boreal forest – part of a 10,000-year-old ecosystem – just so consumers can have softer toilet paper, facial tissues, paper towels and napkins. To keep our forests stay alive, switch to recycled toilet paper– and consider using cloth napkins and clean up towels. BONUS: You’ll be amazed at how much $$ these changes will save you.
Got a Green Tip or Question? Send it to Marni Brady:

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