Friday, January 16, 2009

Friday Letter 01-16-09


Dear SMASHing Families,
My headline of the week reads “Principal Inspired by Student Insights About Their School.” I eavesdropped upon our Core 4 tour guides as they spoke with visiting parents during the first school tour of the year Wednesday morning.
· “People, you know kids and adults, know us really well at SMASH. They find ways to get us excited about what we learn because they know what we like.”
· “I am a really great musician now. My teachers make sure I get to concentrate on my instrument and with my subjects too. They know how important music is to me.”
· “Math is fun. We play games to learn and I understand a lot.”
· “We get to be reading buddies with the little kids. They get excited to see us and I love being with them.”
Ask your child what they would say if they served as a tour guide for SMASH. Hopefully their answers will also make you smile.

Thanks to Dylan’s Elaina and everyone who collaborated with her to create a SMASH Diversity Night full of collages, family origin research papers, family trees, important quotes, yummy dishes, fun music, and lots of good socializing!
Truly Yours,

We are looking for parents to help put the yearbook pages together digitally. We need volunteers to work on Core pages (Cores 3 and 4 only needed) as well as SMASH event pages (like Halloween, Jog-a-thon, etc.). If you can help, please contact Carrie at It's not too early to start - share your creative talents!

We Are the Future airs Live at 8pm on Disney Channel on Monday 1/19/08. It is a 90 minute show with appearances and performances by Jamie Foxx, Miley Cyrus, The Rock, Shaq, Jonas Brothers, Keke Palmer, Usher, George Lopez, Corbin Bleu, Demi Lovato and of course Dr. Biden and Michelle Obama.
Right now we have 2 SMASH pieces slated for the show but a lot can happen between now and Monday
If people have DirecTV it may air at 5pm - so set your TIVO’s

UCLA Venice Dental Clinic Saturday, February 7 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
323 Lincoln Blvd (Lincoln & Rose), Venice 310-392-4103
FREE Fillings, FREE Exams, FREE Sealants, FREE X-Rays, FREE Cleanings, FREE Treatment

Friday, February 13, 2009 is National Have Lunch with your Kids Day
The Health Committee invites you to participate in your child's school day by joining them and their friends for lunch. SMASH lunch time is 12:20 p.m. Bring a lunch from home or explore the SMMUSD hot lunch and Farmer's Market Salad Bar offerings. Make it a fun and educational experience Questions to discuss: What foods do you like to eat and which are best for your health? Where does your food come from? How much refuse and recycling is created each lunch-day? What parts of the school lunch do you like and dislike? We hope to see you there! For more information, please contact

Author Talk, Slideshow and Book Signing
January 31 2:00-4:00 pm Santa Monica High School, Barnum Hall
Greg Mortenson stumbled, lost and delirious, into a remote Himalayan village after a failed climb up K2. The villagers saved his life, and he vowed to return and build them a school. "Three Cups of Tea", both the adult and young readers editions, and the picture book, "Listen to the "Wind", recount Mortenson's unforgettable adventure and the inspiring true story of how one man is changing the world, one school at a time. Expanding on his promise and dedicating his life to building literacy and peace, Greg Mortenson has established over 78 schools, bringing education and hope to over 25,000 children in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
Contact: Sharon Hearn, Children's Book World; 310 559-2665
or buy tickets online at

SMASH Jog-a-thon Questions & Answers

Question: When is the Jog-a-thon?
Answer: Friday, February 27 from approximately 8:30 to 11:30 am.

Question: What happens at the Jog-a-thon?
Answer: All the student athletes will run or walk laps to raise money for SMASH.

Question: How long is a lap and how many minutes will the students run?
Answer: Since SMASH’s field doesn’t have an official track, a ‘lap’ is as long as we say it is J. We mark out a course on the day of the event and children run the course for 20 minutes (separated into different groups to avoid a Pamplona “running of the bulls” situation).

Question: How many laps will my child run?
Answer: It depends. A fast runner might complete as many as 60 laps - a good walker might complete 20.

Question: Are parent welcome?
Answer: YES! Parents are needed now as volunteers and are always encouraged to join in as runners or spectators. There will be music and refreshments for the kids and it is a great way to spend some time exercising with your child.

Question: What do volunteers do?
Answer: Volunteers help both before and during the event to handle everything from setting up the course, to serving food/water to athletes, to counting laps and final accounting.

Question: How does my child submit a design for the t-shirt competition?
Answer: Simply have him/her draw the design (black/white or color) on an 8 ½ by 11 piece of white paper. Include his/her name and turn it into the office by January 26.

Question: What about t-shirt sponsorship?
Answer: T-shirt sponsors are very important. They pay for the cost of the t-shirts so that all students/teachers get a free Jog-a-thon shirt. Corporate sponsors donate $150, $200 or $250 and SMASHing sponsors donate $25, $50 or $100. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. As a token of appreciation for their support, the t-shirt sponsor’s name will adorn the back of the shirt*

Question: How can I find out more? How do I volunteer?
Answer: Contact Lillie Schlessinger,
or Darlene Flanders,

*Please use the form below for making t-shirt donations and return to the office with your cash or check made payable to SMASH PTSA by no later than February 2:
Sponsorship: Corporate ___$250 ___$200 ___$150
SMASHing ___$100 ___$50 ___$25
Name (as you would like it to appear on the t-shirt):________________________
Child’s name (so we know who you are!):________________________________
Size preference for complimentary t-shirt: ___XXL ___XL ___L ___M ___S (All sizes are adult sizes since all students will already receive a complimentary t-shirt. If you specifically want your complimentary t-shirt to be a child’s size, please note this.)

PTSA news
SMASHing Needs
· We’d like to establish lasting relationships with our alumni families. There are so many ex-SMASH students and parents out there who would like to contribute to the school. We’d like to tap into this resource. We are looking for a volunteer to handle alumni relations (e-mail list, occasional mailings) Please contact Helga at or 310-828-8421. Thanks!
SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009, 9AM to 2PM. Volunteers and donations needed to work on the garden and to clean up the shared spaces on campus. For more information, see the flyer in this week’s Friday Letter or contact SMASH parent Helga Schier at or John Muir parent Helene Seisay at

SMASHing Fundraisers
· Make your Family Donation online. Go to and give what you can! To pay by credit card, check or cash, or to establish a payment plan, see Janice in the office. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
· Save the Date: Jogathon, Friday, February 27, 2009.
SMASHing Committees
· The Gardening Committee will have lots of things to do for us on Spirit Day, January 24, 2009. Please come ready to help digging and planting. This is a fun educational activity for our kids!
· Save the Date: The Parent Ed Committee will host a joint SMASH/Muir Event on innovative and non-fearful Safety Training with Safely Ever After ( on Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 6:30PM. Food and Childcare will be provided. See the flyer in this week’s Friday Letter
· Friday, February 13, 2009 is National Have Lunch with your Kids Day. The Health Committee invites you to participate in your child's school day by joining them and their friends for lunch. SMASH lunch time is 12:20 p.m. Bring a lunch from home or explore the SMMUSD hot lunch and Farmer's Market Salad Bar offerings. Make it a fun and educational experience Questions to discuss: What foods do you like to eat and which are best for your health? Where does your food come from? How much refuse and recycling is created each lunch-day? What parts of the school lunch do you like and dislike? We hope to see you there! For more information, please contact
SMASHing Meetings
· Our next PTSA meeting is scheduled for Thursday, February 5 at 6:30PM.


Keeping Our Children Safe
presented by Pattie Fitzgerald, founder, Safety Ever After, Inc.

Date: Wednesday, February 4
Time: 6:30 PM Dinner
7:00 p.m. Presentation
Location: SMASH/Muir Cafetorium

Certified Child Safety Educator, Pattie Fitzgerald, will be presenting a 90 minute, informative workshop for parents and caregivers interested in learning how to effectively talk to their children about personal safety in an easy, non-fearful manner. Ms. Fitzgerald’s programs have been presented at several SMMUSD schools including: Grant, Roosevelt, Franklin, Webster, Pt. Dume, JAMS, and Lincoln Middle School.

· The ineffective reality about “stranger-danger”
· Protecting kids from people they: “know, don’t know, or know just a little bit”
· Establishing and modeling appropriate physical and personal boundaries
· Information on Megan’s Law in California
· The Super-Ten “Safe-Smarts” Rules for Kids and Grownups
· 10 Prevention Tips for every parent
· 10 Most Common Lures and Tricks
· 11 Red Flags and Warning Signs
· How to spot a “Tricky Person!”
· Recognizing “thumbs up & thumbs down” situations

This event is free to the Muir/SMASH Community.
The SMASH 8th Grade will be providing childcare for a nominal fee for school aged kids.
Please make your childcare reservation in the office.

Reflective Parenting Workshops - Available to all SMASH and John Muir parents
Offered by Family Service of Santa Monica

This innovative 10-week workshop series provides parents with a reflective parenting model, which views all children’s behavior as meaningful communication that can be understood. This reflective capacity lies at the heart of sensitive, effective parenting, which research has demonstrated is an effective way to help parents strengthen relationships with their children. Workshop to begin in February (dates to be determined).
Goals of the Workshop: Increase confidence in parenting New ways to think about children’s behavior More manageable and effective interventions for difficult behavior
To register contact Kristen Lemon, LMSW, CLAD at Family Services of Santa Monica 310-451-9747x2204

First annual
SMASH/John Muir Spirit Day
January 24, 2009 9AM to 2PM

We’ll dust, we’ll scrub, and we’ll paint. We’ll also work in the garden. We’ll have coffee and pastries and pizza and a little fun. Please bring cleaning supplies (think green) and tools (think mop, broom, sponge, paint brush, rake and stuff).
For more information, contact SMASH parent Helga Schier at
or Muir parent Helene Seisay at

SMASH Site Council Minutes
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 6:30 pm Core 2
In attendance: Laura Sherman, Daniel McGee, Candis Berens, Jackie Boyd, Jessica Rishe, Kezia Miller, Gigi Lewis, Cesia Morataya, Naomi Miller-Altuner, Emma Green, Liz Grossman, Malaika Boyer
Absent: Tracy Saltzman, Tamara Mugalian, Jayme Wold, Kelly Kulsrud
Agenda Adopted: Moved by Dan McGee. Seconded by Kezia Miller
Approve minutes of last meeting:
Minutes approved with the following amendments:
Holiday Boutique brought in $2,000.00.
Liz Grossman and Henry Schlessinger were in attendance.
Holly Wright was not in attendance
Jila and Jeff Knight were not absent
Moved by Jessica Rishe, Seconded by Dan McGee. Passed by Jackie Boyd.
Community Participation: none
Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
Principal’s Report
- Diversity Night on 1/15; school-wide projects & pot-luck
- Book club focused on Reggio philosophy is beginning with SMASH and Muir teachers
- Family Work Day on 1/24 to improve the garden, cafeteria, bathrooms, and other spaces
- 3 teachers are attending district-sponsored DART training
- Group of parents have met with food services to discuss organic food options. They have agreed to possibly make changes to our a la carte menu and salad bar.
- Kurt Holland was able to obtain funds for the Yosemite trip through a grant given by the organization.
- Had our first school tour today.
Students Reports
-Core 3 is working on science. Went on a trip to Ballona Wetlands, focusing on water. Emma Reading, Core 3 is reading the Boxcar Series.Cesia: Writing:Starting to collect ideas on realistic fiction. Focusing on people that we know and their characteristics. Arts: Gigi: Working on pinch pots focusing on human needs. Second part, turning the pinch pot into animals. Naomi: Math: just started 3D geometry. Henry: Math 5: starting fractions and breaking up fractions.
Laura: thanking students for giving reports.
Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited to the following):
PTSA-see principal’s report
Student Council- Tamara not present. But they will play a part on Family Day on the 24th. Family dance coming up. Laura: reminder of a school spirit day.
Old Business: none
New Business Candis- subcommittee discussion
Community Participation:
-Laura:We have to begin thinking about elections.
-What sites or newstation should SMASH view the day of the Inaugural Speech?
-Michelle Obama- Kids for Obama, taped on Friday (the 9th), Please watch on Disney on Monday at 7pm.
Next meeting on February 11 at 6pm. Laura moved, Candis seconded, motion passed.
Adjourn-Jackie moved. Dan seconded.

We would like to feature some of our children’s thinking during our project time in the mornings. This week, Jackie began a Construction Group, which focused on using shapes to represent other objects. The children realized that one constructed building could be seen in many different ways. When Jackie built a simple block construction, here are some examples of what they saw:
Zion – “I see the letter T.”
Shai – “I see three T’s. Here, here, and here.”
Eleanor – “I see an airplane.”
Josh – “It’s a boat with a sail. See? Like this.”
The children continued by constructing their own models, which they represented with blocks and sketches. We hope to post some of our photos on our blog at

Reminders & Announcements:
It is apparent during our library trips that many of the children need support finding and returning library books. Please help your child keep track of his/her book and return it every week (even if it is to renew). The Flittering Butterflies go to the library every Tuesday. The Diving Shark Stars have a library trip every Wednesday. The children are welcome to return their books early – just look for your circle group’s library basket. Thanks!
Our next fieldtrip has been planned by our Animal Habitats group. They have researched a field trip to the Los Angeles Zoo to find out more about how to care for animals and what different animals need to make them happy. This field trip is scheduled for February 24th. More information will be given in next week’s Friday Letter.

Happy 3-Day Weekend!!
Candis, Chrysta and Jackie
Candis: Chrysta:


Student-led conferences are coming in February. Your child’s conference will be with their original advisor from September. More info in future letters.

In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop: Each child begun a “How to Story”, explaining step-by-step directions to complete an action or activity. In reading, the children were talking about the setting and their wonderings. We will begin a new Reading Unit next week! Look for further details next week.

In Social Studies this week: In Government, we continue planning the presentations (in Core 2) and researched more information on each small group’s area of study. In Family Studies, the origin of their family’s last names information was turned into an exhibit at Diversity Night. We hope you had a chance to see it last night!

In Math, the 2nd graders finished their comparing/classifying data unit and began our geometry unit. There is math homework that will be due on Tuesday, January 20. They will be looking for shapes at home.
The 3rd graders played Tetris on their old Gameboys, hand held games, or with dice. Ask them how to play with dice so that you could play it at home.

In Arts, for music this week the children learned a new warm up, Frida Little and Lita Little. They created original lyrics to the tune of “Oh, Susannah” and learned Australian and Japanese songs. Dian would like to have music from the countries of your family’s origins to have connections to the each student’s own culture. It can be on a separate CD or on the original CD.

Thank you for a successful field trip to UCLA. Is your child still singing music from the Barber of Seville? Catchy tune, eh?

Upcoming dates and events:
Monday, January 19 – School Holiday, no school
February Student Led conferences
Tuesday, February 24 – field trip to Weather Station at UCLA, more info to follow
Friday, February 27 – Jog-a-thon, more info to follow. Start building your endurance!
Friday, March 6 – January, February, and March Birthday Bash – more info to follow

Have a SMASHing 3-day weekend!

Laura’s e-mail: Jayme’s e-mail:

Hi Core 3 Families!

Thanks to all the parent chaperons that were able to join us on our Ballona Wetlands fieldtrip!

We have started our new writing unit, Realistic Fiction! We spent this week just exploring characteristics of people and book characters we know by making lists of how people look, how they act, and their habits —good or bad. We took this week to think, observe, and explore the details and nuances of personalities, which make characters interesting. As writers, it is our job to capture and enfold these characters in a story. You should have noticed your child writing a lot in their notebook this past week as they collected ideas and explored characters. We also have been studying a short story called “The Pudding Like a Night on the Sea” from the short story collection, The Stories Julian Tells by Ann Cameron, because good writers study other writers’ craft.

We will continue to work on our Realistic Fiction Short Stories by choosing a character, developing him or her and then choosing a plot and setting and developing those parts as well. All of this before we even draft! Realistic Fiction is a place for students to demonstrate all they have learned about good narrative writing—slowing down the heart of the story, showing details instead of telling details, dialogue, internal thinking, pulling the reader into the feeling and the moment of the story. But instead of writing about something they know well and experienced in their lives (small moments and personal narratives), they are going to have to create a rich character and story. This is the challenge. For some students, this is an exciting unit where their creative juices can flow and they’ll have to reign in their ideas to keep their stories clear. For other students, this is a difficult process since having to ‘make up’ a character and plot seems abstract and uncomfortable.

Stories are an important part of growth and knowledge. Individuals learn from each other and their experiences and their stories. This is why reading stories is so vital. Fiction writing is that place where in a writer’s perfect world he or she can create characters, plots, dialogue and resolutions that need to be shared with others. We hope our Core 3 writers will find that need to write—to share a story. And we hope that through writing fiction, they will also learn to be better readers of fiction.
Enjoy the 3-day weekend!
Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

We had a wonderful 3 days immersed in poetry. 100% of the students presented a poem at our first (of hopefully many) "poetry slams"! Many of the poems were original works by our budding poets! We traveled to the California Heritage Museum on Wednesday to see the stunning watercolors of Milfred Zornes. We have been inspired to look at the ordinary as extraordinary and to seek out our dreams and passions and follow them. I look forward to diving into Ancient Greece next week, looking at the birth place of democracy as we have the inauguration of President Obama on Tuesday.

The 6th and 7th grade will participate in Wall Works, a large scale art instillation project at Santa Monica Museum with renowned artist, Elias Sime from Ethiopia. We will spend all morning there on January 28 making a large mixed media canvas piece.

8th grade families: We will begin a new book Monday, January 26. Please purchase Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. Borrowed from the Santa Monica Library and old copies are fine. If purchasing, buy the most recent edition if possible.

Ciencia: Bears, coyotes, and snow play! As I write many of our children are learning wilderness navigation, experiencing the moonlight calm of a mid winter Sierra meadow and achieving at tasks previously beyond their limits. Please see: Also please join me over in the next few weeks for some student created presentations to see how this exciting environmental education program works. With the children who did not join me in Yosemite, we also had big serious fun. Thursday we ventured to JAMS and watched as the Danish National Gymnastics team performed amazing athletic feats. Friday we are off on an urban hike to explore some off our local wonders. Please drop around the classroom any time and check out the exciting work that is happening. I love having parents around and it is really good for our learners despite the occasional message to the contrary that middle school age peeps throw out.
Enjoy the 3-Day Weekend!
Kurt: Kelly: Bailey:

Mon, Jan 19 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observed. SCHOOL CLOSED
Sat, Jan 24 - SMASH/John Muir Spirit Day, 9am-2pm
Mon, Jan 26 - Last day to turn in Jog-a-thon t-shirt design
Mon, Feb 2 - Last day to turn in Jog-a-thon sponsorship donation
Wed, Feb. 4 - Parent Ed Mtg. “Safety Training” 6:30 pm. Food/childcare available. Details in Friday Letter
Thurs, Feb 5 - PTSA meeting -6:30pm.
Fri, Feb 13 - National Have Lunch with your Kids Day
Mon, Feb 16 - Presidents’ Day—SCHOOL CLOSED
Fri, Feb 27 - Jogathon!


JANUARY Core 1 - Jan 21 Core 4 - Jan 28 FEBRUARY Core 3 - Feb 4 Core 2 - Feb 11 Core 1 - Feb 18 (1:30 dismissal)
Core 4 - Feb 28

SMASH School Tours for 2009-2010 School Year

February 4, 18, & 25, 9-10 am
March 25, 9-10 am Last Tour Before Kindergarten Lottery (K application deadline 03-31-09)
May 13, 9-10 am
May 13, 7:00 pm for middle school students. Students entering 6th, 7th & 8th grade may attend with parent.
May 27, 9-10 am - Last Tour Before 1st-8th Grade Lottery (1st-8th application deadline 05-31-09)

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