Thursday, December 11, 2008

Friday Letter 12-12-08

Dear SMASHing Families,
As our SMASHING Arts Program vision statement says, “Art is important. It empowers students to create art pieces/performances to communicate their thoughts, feelings, fantasies, and knowledge…We want all students and faculty to enjoy expressing themselves through a variety of art forms that are integrally linked to the curriculum.” This week we had incredible Arts Sharings exemplifying the above vision in every Core. Core 1 students, guided by Dian’s guitar, songwriting, and vocals, creatively and joyfully expressed themselves as they sang and brought cheer to the elder residents of Ocean House. Core 2 students, guided by Ingrid’s teaching, animatedly shared the process they went through designing then building sculptures of figures in action. Core 3 students, guided by Kristy’s knowledge of PlayBack Improvisation theater, demonstrated the transformation from improv skits based on issues of concern to them to community service helping animals in need of adoption. Core 4, guided by all three teaching artists, sang songs written around Saffron House elders’ stories of political influence and activism, performed improv skits based on the elders’ experiences and feelings, and held an “Anti-fashion Show” complete with originally designed t-shirts based on community issues they care about.
THANK YOU to the talented team of Dian, Ingrid, Kristy, and Arts Coordinator Marni for leading ALL students to these sharings where arts skills, critical thinking, and curricular tie-ins occurred!
Ingrid has decided that juggling both classroom and arts teaching is an unmanageable set of responsibilities at this time, so we say special thanks for the wonderful trimester she just finished and embrace her as a fully focused classroom instructor. We welcome our new visual teaching artist Julianna. Julianna is experienced working with all ages in public schools and at Otis doing curriculum based arts projects, murals, community gardens, and more. She looks forward to getting to know the SMASH families in January.
Additional thanks to the Book Fair buyers and team of parents running the “store” led by Ofer. We hope those who attended the Family Literacy Night enjoyed yourselves. Finally, if you want to be bedazzled by our students’ mathematical thinking, look for our school board presentation on the district web site.
Have a happy Winter Break

Reflective Parenting Workshops
Available to all SMASH and John Muir parents
Offered by Family Service of Santa Monica
This innovative 10-week workshop series provides parents with a reflective parenting model, which views all children’s behavior as meaningful communication that can be understood. This reflective capacity lies at the heart of sensitive, effective parenting, which research has demonstrated is an effective way to help parents strengthen relationships with their children. Workshop to begin in February (dates to be determined).
Goals of the Workshop: Increase confidence in parenting. New ways to think about children’s behavior. More manageable and effective interventions for difficult behavior.
To register contact Kristen Lemon, LMSW, CLAD
at Family Services of Santa Monica 310-451-9747x2204

Align Center
PTSA news
Happy Holidays!
SMASHing Fundraisers
· Make your Family Donation online. Go to and give what you can! To pay by credit card, check or cash, or to establish a payment plan, please see Janice in the office. For more information, see this week’s flyer. SMASH depends on you! Thanks!
· Our Holiday Fair made $2K! That’s fantastic! Thanks to everyone who helped make it happen!
· Our Scholastic Book Fair was great fun, put books in the hands of our children and into the classrooms… and it made money! We’ll report actual numbers ASAP.
SMASHing Activities
· SMASH/Muir Spirit Day, Saturday, January 24, 2009. Let’s clean up and beautify the shared spaces on campus. Volunteers and donations are dearly needed. Contact SMASH parent Helga at or John Muir parent Helene Seisay at
SMASHing Festivities
· Save the Date: Annual potluck dinner on Diversity Night, January 15, 2009.
SMASHing Committees
· The Health Committee has formed a loose network of parents from SMASH and John Muir interested in working on improving the cafeteria lunches. If you wish to join that group, contact SMASH parent Conor Libby (Core 3 Lola Libby Bleser’s dad). The committee organized a presentation by, a company providing healthy, organic and tasty food for children. Feel free to check out their website:
· The Gardening Committee is working with SMASH and John Muir parents and teachers, and hoping to work with CREST to bring learning about growing food to our campus. If you want more information, please contact SMASH parents Holly Wright (Core 3 Rhu and Core 2 Joe Steedman’s Mom) or Jeff Knight (Core 4 Rose Colter-Knight’s dad).
SMASHing Meetings ·Our next PTSA meeting is on Tuesday, January 6 at 8:15AM.

Dear SMASH Community,
In the spirit of the season of giving, SMASH PTSA is reaching out to you for continued support through our FAMILY DONATION fundraiser.
This holiday season will be unlike any in recent history. Although we will start the New Year full of economic uncertainty, we also share high hopes for real and positive changes at home and around the world.
One of the most valuable and everlasting presents we give our children is education. And SMASH is among the greatest gifts of all. But as a public school, we will not be spared the effects of these hard times. California’s budget cuts are likely to be drastic, and so our PTSA needs more than ever to raise the funds for Teacher Assistants, Field Trips, Teacher Education, and the Art and Spanish programs. This holiday season, help SMASH navigate these hard times towards an ever brighter future.
We have good news to report about our current fundraising efforts. The family donations are coming in, and we are proud to announce that we are just over halfway to our goal of $50,000. In past years, the family donation drive ended in December, but this year we must not stop until we reach our goal of 100% participation.
We are extending the deadline to the end of the May. Drop your check in the office, opt for a payment plan or pay by credit card online at The recommended donation is $557.89, but many families are contributing less.
If small donations can elect a president, they can also support a school. This year, it’s the giving that matters, not the amount.
Thank you for your dedication to SMASH. We wish you all a joyous holiday season.

SMASH Site Council Agenda
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
6:30 pm Core 2
Adopt Agenda

Approve minutes of last meeting

Community Participation

Reports and Announcements (regular agenda items)
Principal’s Report

Students Reports

Community Organization Reports (to include but not limited
to the following):

Student Council


Old Business
Site Improvement Plan
Approve School Site Plan

New Business

Community Participation (if applicable)


Peace and Love from Core 1
Thank you to Miriam Schulman from the Natural History Museum, who visited Core 1 on Friday to tell us all about spiders. This was inspired by some of our students who have been studying spiders in Core 1. Miriam shared a fun slide show, and then we were able to look at all of her spider friends. We even held some spiders!! Please look for pictures and more details about this event in the classroom next to the Home/School table.

Friday, Dec 19 will be a special day for celebrating PEACE and LOVE in Core 1. These Winter Festivities will include special holiday projects all day long. This is a great day for moms and dads to join us – especially since this day often includes food preparation. If you can come for a portion of the day, please let us know. We will conclude with a candle-lit (no flame) Peace Ceremony at 1:00. All families are welcome!!

Reminders & Announcements:
Friday, December 19 is our first school spirit day. Come to school wearing your favorite SMASH gear.
The circle groups will be switching teachers after Winter Break. The Diving Shark Stars will start with Candis in the mornings, and the Flittering Butterflies will start with Chrysta. This may feel different at first, but the rest of the day will stay the same.
Happy Holidays!!
Candis, Chrysta and Jackie

This is the last Friday letter before Winter Break so there will be a lot of information you need to read in this letter. When you return , you will have a new group for advisory. Look for a letter in the mail to let you know.

In Reader’s and Writer’s Workshop, this week all the children read and discussed their Just Right books with their Core 2 reading partner and their Core 4 Learning Time partner.

In Government, we learned how to highlight information and take notes from a non-fiction source. We need age appropriate resources in all these areas of study, especially about our Governor's role ASAP.

In Math, the 2nd graders classifying information based on physical characteristics. The 3rd graders began How Much Would You Save? This sheet of work will be sent home to finish. Please remind your child to return it by Tuesday, December 16. The 3rd graders will be bringing home all their work from the unit Things That Come in Groups. In these papers will be a packet of work for them to do over the Break. It is due back on Tuesday, January 6, 2009. After Winter Break the 3rd graders will begin a unit called Flips, Turns and Area. See attached letter.

In Arts, the children shared their “action” figures with the SMASH Community. In Writer’s Workshop, they wrote individual letters of appreciation to Ingrid. A huge thanks to Ingrid! We all enjoyed this project. After Winter Break Core 2 begins an Arts rotation with Dian for music.

Thank you to Isabel and Bailey’s Darlene and Nathan G.’s Alison for volunteering to arrange field trips. Please contact them, if you would like to help.

Stop by and check our hook area for any “missing” sweaters, jackets, backpacks, etc. After Winter Break we will be giving them to a charity.

Upcoming dates and events:
Friday, December 19 -- SMASH Spirit Day, wear your SMASH gear.
And last day before winter break
Monday, January 5, 2009 – first day back!

Have a glorious weekend!
Laura, Jayme & Nadja

Laura’s e-mail:
Jayme’s e-mail:

In Core 3 we write daily, which leads students to regularly ask, “Does it have to be in ‘book’ spelling?” To which we usually reply, “It’s more important to get your thoughts down.” “Do the best you can.” “Use the resources in the room.” “Don’t worry about spelling until you are editing.” etc. Which leads parents to ask, “How/when do students learn to spell?” Children learn to spell from reading and writing. Books, along with exposure to print in their lives (billboards, labels, interactive media, etc), help them continually see words spelled conventionally. They also learn to spell as writers. If reading is a passive way to internalize how words are spelled, writing is an active way to try out what they have learned. It is a time to write words they know how to spell and attempt to spell less familiar words. Children notice when words look right and begin to use what they know, as well as learned patterns or rules that exist (albeit inconsistently--which is one of my demon words!) in our English language, to help them spell. It’s important for them to understand that there is no spelling rule that works every time.

In Core 3, we teach spelling in a variety of ways, keeping in mind how different children learn and their developmental levels. We have a wide range of spellers, which is typical. A good speller to us is not necessarily someone who can spell all words correctly all the time. Individuals with photographic-type memories are naturally good in spelling. For us, a good speller is someone who doesn’t “cop out” in their writing because they don’t know how to spell beautiful so they use the word nice instead. They write beautiful the best way they can (byutfl, beyoutefull, beutiful). Inconsistencies can actually be a sign of thoughtful spelling, not always carelessness. A good speller utilizes the patterns and rules they’ve learned, sometimes incorrectly. A good speller is a risk-taker who uses different strategies and resources to check their spelling. A good speller knows when a word doesn’t look right, and may or may not be able to correct it independently. Have you ever written a word a few different ways to figure out which way looks right?

At SMASH, we want students to create their own understanding. In all subjects, including spelling, we often start by guiding students through an issue or problem, so they begin noticing patterns, which allows them to form and test theories on what they noticed. Then as teachers, we show them common spelling rules. At this level, we know it’s hard for all students to gain mastery, but we do expect students to be more aware. Sometimes this awareness is uncomfortable, as students realize they are misspelling words. This is only one way to teach spelling strategies to the whole class, which we do in Writing Workshop during editing--linking spelling to the purpose of publishing writing. Another way is more individualized spelling instruction, through small groups and one-on-one conferences. Students can then focus on personal ‘demon words’ or learning spelling strategies that they specifically need.

Families can help students become better spellers by encouraging your child to read a lot and write a lot and by reading and writing in front of your children--sharing when you don’t know how to spell a word and how you know it’s not correct and the strategies you use to find the conventional spelling. Playing word games like crossword puzzles or Scrabble or Boggle or games in the car bring spelling into their lives in a fun way. As your child is working on their Personal Narrative stories over the break, keep in mind that thoughts come first--spelling comes later and should never get in the way of the ideas.

Check out the Core 3 page on the SMASH website for an interesting article on spelling.

No Friday Letter next week! Look for a note from Genie and Tamara about Winter Break suggested reading, writing, and math homework next week.

Have a happy, healthy, restful break!
Tamara, Genie, and Malaika

*Smash “Gear” Day, Friday, December 19—show you SMASHing pride!!!*

Math: 6/7:Put a Lid on It! - No, we are not asking the mathematicians to be quiet, but rather that our Statistics and Data unit is coming to a close! Next week we will explore our last type of display, a pie or circle graph, and then put the final pieces of our Personal Inquiry Projects together. In our Personal Inquiry Project, the mathematicians are ready to make a decision about what type of graph to use, determine conclusions about their data by using their statistical tools (mean, median, mode, and range), and carry out their designed plan of action. Through this independently driven project, the students have been a part of a meaningful experience where they were able to transfer all the taught concepts to a topic they were interested in. Please ask them about their choices that they have made throughout this project! At the end of the week, we will share these projects as well as have a celebration to reflect and to show our excitement about all that we have accomplished!

On the Math Narrative, you will see the various behaviors that we concentrated on throughout this semester. For example, one of the behaviors includes “Mathematicians organize and display information”. These are the areas assessed, and the areas that the students have reflected on. The Math strands or standards that these behaviors fit in are also listed. As stated in last week’s letter, please encourage your child to continue the conversation that we started in the classroom from these narrative pieces. Please let me know if you have any questions upon receiving the Narrative.

Algebra: We finished Chapter two this week. The last part of the chapter involved solving multi-step equations when two variables were present. We also explored formulas and their differences from other equations. The students discovered that formulas work with measurable quantities. On Tuesday, the mathematicians will take their next test. Throughout the unit, we have worked hard to monitor our study habits. Please encourage the students to review these habits of mind as they prepare for the test.

On the Math Narrative, you will see their homework grade (an average of all their homework assignments) as well as their test grades. Please be aware that this narrative may look a bit different than the other Core 4 narratives because it is the only graded class. I am always available to chat if you have questions or confusion!

Super Secret Lined Paper Peeps Advisory: Your sweet children are a gift to the world. Please join us during advisory activities and see them in action. Thank you and happy holidays to you and your loved ones. I will be in Tahoe enjoying the high county and taking some quiet time.

Last Letter of 2008
Enjoy Winter Break!

Kurt, Kelly, Erin & Karin


Skirball Hanukkah Family Festival
Sun, Dec. 14 11:00-4:00 (details in letter)

Site Council Mtg
Wed, Dec. 17 6:30-8:00 pm

SMASH Student Council
Spirit Day: SMASH Pride Day
Fri, Dec. 19
Wear SMASH attire. Details in letter

CREST Winter Enrichment Classes
Begin 1-5-09 Sign up now
Brochure given to students today
for info: or 310-458-8540

Winter Break
Mon, Dec 22 - Fri, Jan. 2
Return Monday, January 5, 2009!

Sunday, December 14, 11:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Come to the Skirball to celebrate this Jewish holiday with music, storytelling, puppet shows, art-making, and more activities for the whole family! Everyone is welcome to participate in this fun-filled festival featuring:

•Live music performances by The Stein Brothers •Balloon-twisting by Addi Somekh and Suzanne Haring •A Hanukkah puppet show with Jenny Nissenson •Storytelling by actors from the Screen Actors Guild Foundation •An interactive Hanukkah play in the museum galleries •Art-making workshops with fiber artist Constance Bracewell & performance artist Marcus Kuiland Nazario •Tours, exhibitions, game room, toddler room, an archaeological dig, food, and more!

$10 General; $7 Seniors and Full-Time Students;
Free to Skirball Members and Children under 12
Please note: Noah's Ark at the Skirball™ will be closed during the Hanukkah Family Festival.

Begin January 5 - Space is limited! Brochure sent home today. or 310-458-8540

Wear anything that shows your support for SMASH!!!
You could wear a SMASH t-shirt, sweatshirt, hat, jog-a-thon shirt, superSMASH button.
Or be creative! How could you show SMASH pride?! Make a shirt, hat or button?
Decorate your shoes? Wear SMASH colors –orange or blue?
Thanks for your support—and see you in your SMASH Gear!

Our holiday concert was fun and many families were there to cheer us on.
The Core 1 and Core 4 singers also did a great job at the retirement homes.
Isn’t it a blessing when we can bring joy to others through music? Love, Dian Andrews

Cabrillo Whalewatch - Daily December 26-March
Whale Fiesta - Sunday, January 10:00am - 4:30pm
Cabrillo Marine Aquarium,
3720 Stephen M. White Dr., San Pedro, CA 90731

Santa Monica High School Choir Winter Concert: Motus Perpetuus IV
This concert is titled Motus Perpetuus IV and it is Samohi's fourth annual winter concert of perpetual motion. Students sing from all corners of Barnum Hall continuously and as soon as one group ends, another one begins. In this type of concert there is no applause until after the very last choir performs.
Please join us at this concert on Thursday, December 18th at 7:00 PM in the beautiful, newly restored Barnum Hall--tickets are $10 for adults and $5 for students and seniors (purchased at the door)

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