Friday, May 4, 2012

SMASHing Friday Letter


Please sign up in the SMASH office or call Wende or Janice at 310-396-2640 x 0
Children taking 3:00pm CREST classes must be supervised until class begins.
Playground access is available for 1/2 hour for children in grades 1 & 2
 (unless with a sibling grade 3 and higher)
Playground access is available on May 9, 10 & 11 until 3:45 (unless enrolled in a Crest class ending at 4:00)
Dear SMASHing Families,
As I overviewed last week, every year we receive submissions from our SMASH alums now at Samohi seeking a $500 scholarship for college. The alums write an essay about how they were influenced by their time at SMASH and submit some artistic/creative piece.

This week, I share an excerpt from May Claire La Plante’s essay that shows the way her personal passion (in her case it is music) has been nurtured throughout the years and how her SMASH origins fueled her overall intrinsic motivation.

“…Choir and singing in general, is a vital component of who I am now. I could hardly imagine what I would do without it, as making music is such a wonderful and connecting process. My introduction to choir was in Kindergarten, when I joined the ‘SMASH Holiday Singers.’ We had so much fun together, and I discovered how much singing meant to me. Now as a future voice major, I cannot give enough credit to the beginnings I had at SMASH. I have done a lot of development and fine-tuning along the way, but I will never forget my first exposure to choral performance that sparked my will to sing.

The philosophies presented at SMASH were beneficial to my personality and work habits. Without having work be forced on us, I discovered the values of my efforts and became more intrinsically motivated as a result. SMASH’s relaxed environment facilitated the relationship between teacher and student, and I felt that I had a team of mentors who were there to provide a supportive and community-oriented structure. My time there opened my eyes to a whole world of possibilities and creative ways of thinking, and I could not wish for a better start to my education than what I received
at SMASH.”

What might your children say in the future about how SMASH has shaped their lives?

Truly yours,
Flyer was sent home with students today and in today’s electronic Friday Letter.
Flyer must be presented. Souplantation will donate 15% of sales to SMASH.
Brentwood Souplantation, 11911 San Vicente Blvd., 310-476-7080
Wed, May 9 - Fri, May 11 - MINUMUM DAYS 1:30 DISMISSAL- K-6 grade Spring Conferences
Wed, May 9 - 5:00-8:00pm - SMASH Restaurant Night - Souplantation at 11911 San Vicente - must bring flyer
Mon, May 21 - 9:00am - SMASH School Tour
Wed, May 23 - 5-6pm - Site Council Mtg
Fri, May 25 - Deadline to turn in “Are you returning to SMASH?” form
Mon, May 28 - Memorial Day - SCHOOL CLOSED
Wed, May 30 - 8:30am - PTSA Mtg
Thurs, May 31 - Final day for SMASH applications for grades 1-8
Thurs, May31 - 6:00-9:00pm - Spring Music Concert
We are in the process of making plans for next year’s enrollment. It is important for us to know if you are planning on returning to SMASH so that we can provide other children the opportunity to enroll.

If you are planning to attend another school in the district, you must complete and submit an Intradistrict Open Enrollment Application to the district’s Student Permit Office. Applications are available in the SMASH main office.

Please fill in this form and return to the main office by May 21.
_____ YES, we will be returning
_____ NO, we will not be returning

If no, please let us know the reason and where your child will be attending so that we can transfer school records. Thanks.



Child’s Name

Current Grade __________

Parent or Guardian Signature

Presented by the Santa Monica-Malibu Ed Foundation & JAMS Theatre Company
John Adams Auditorium at 2452 16th Street
Friday, May 4 at 7pm
Saturday, May 5 at 2:00pm and 7:00pm
Tickets: $7 Adults and $5 Students
SMASH performers
(Kate Zemke, Zoe Camporaso, Hannah Nicholson, Nathan Meadows and Maya Reimer)
Are in Friday night and Saturday 2pm performances


Wednesday, May 9
3rd SMASH/Muir
Bike/Walk It Day
Leave your car in the garage, in your driveway or on the street,
and hop on your bike, the bus or your feet!
Bike it, bus it or walk it to school,
and everyone will know you’re cool.
Bring a lock!
Leave home early!
And dude, wear a helmet!
Questions? Contact Gabriel Schier (Core 4) at or 310-779-3165


Vote for One


_____ Molly Lague

One vote per student.

Ballots to be returned to the office no later than Thursday, May 10 at 4:00pm

ptsa news
president’s message

Dear SMASHing Parents,

The clock is running on the countdown to SuperSMASH, on May 19, 2012. We have 15 ays to pull it all together. SuperSMASH cannot be successful without the volunteer efforts of the ntire SMASH community. Now is the time for our SMASH family to step up and commit to make ure that this most important fundraising event is a success. The Google Doc volunteer sign-up heets are up and we need every parent to sign-up. SuperSMASH cannot function without the articipation of our whole community pitching in with at least two hours of work at one of the booths, ctivities, or helping with set-up, clean-up and auctions or other areas that needs volunteers to successfully run SuperSMASH.

If you haven’t already, start spreading the word. Games, crafts, food and entertainment. And, please don’t forget to grab a lawn sign. Lawn signs will be distributed next week to put up on Sunday May 13, 2012.

This year there will be an on-line auction along with the silent and live auctions. But, we still need more auction donations because so far we are running behind and have fewer donations for the silent auction than last year. Please don’t let up on efforts to procure more auction donations.
Time is running short.

Please remember that SuperSMASH is our biggest fundraising event of the year. The money raised from this event is very important to sustain the programs, staff and other things, that we are fortunate to enjoy at SMASH. Even though there will be changes to the fundraising by SMASH PTSA, nothing will change for this and the 2012-2013 school year. Our SMASH community must still keep up our effort and volunteer spirit to make sure that our SMASH kids have a great education.
Dan McGee

Could your sunscreen be more harmful than helpful? Believe it or not, some sunscreens formulated for babies/children are ranked highly unhealthful. Visit to explore databases on the safest sunscreens and cosmetics, a shopper's guide to pesticides in produce, and a wealth of environmental research information. Environmental Working Group studies data and conducts their own laboratory tests to discover threats to your health and the environment and to find solutions.

S_perSMASH needs U!

May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19… May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…
We need…
more volunteers
Contact Helga at or sign up online
(check your e-mail in-box for the links)
more donations for our Silent Auction.
Google Santa Monica Alternative Schoolhouse Auction and start bidding!
(or check your e-mail inbox for the link)
people to distribute our posters.
Go pick up a few from the office and post them around town.
people to bake a cake for our cakewalk.
E-mail Yvonne at
canopies and coolers and a grill or two.
E-mail Jessica at
We can’t do it without you!
May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19… May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…May 19…
SuperSMASH is only 2 weeks away
Send postcards to family, friends, neighbors and co-workers!
Pass them out at baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, ballet and music class!
Take posters to your favorite grocery stores, boutiques, restaurants, coffee shops and ask
them to display one in the window.
Pick up a lawn sign
and put it in your front lawn to alert your neighbors.
Postcards and posters are available in the office.
Lawn signs are available in the office and at drop-off starting 5/14.

Lawn signs must be returned to Dan McGee after use.


If you have not had a chance to do so, we invite all Core 1 Parents to
sign up for a conference with their child’s Workshop Teacher
(Candis-Partners, Chrysta-Bigs, Graciela-Mentors).

The conference sign-ups are in the office with Janice. The conferences will be for parents and teachers only.
Each conference will last 20 minutes, so we as that you help us prepare for each conference by completing the
Spring Conference Questionnaire and returning it to your child’s Workshop Teacher as soon as possible.
Spring Conferences will be Wednesday, May 9th through Friday, May 11th starting at 1:30.
Jackie will be supervising the small yard until 4pm for Core 1 students during their conference time.
Keep in mind that your child will be dismissed early all three days and that you will need to make childcare arrangements for those three days.

Partners will be going to the Farmers Market on May 16th.
Please let Candis know if you are available to chaperone. Please make sure you have in your trip slip.

Please check your Friday Letter, this week and next, for upcoming field trip slips.
We will be attending Ocean View Farms Community Garden
The Bigs will go on the 18th, The Mentors will go on the 21st and the Partners will go on the 22nd.

We will be taking the Big Blue Bus for both trips.

and Morgan Wixson Theater for How I Became a Pirate on May 24

The Morgan Wixson field trip slip will go out NEXT week

A group of children have become invested in a magnet study, which has been offered as a “Choice Project.”
The children have been interested in having MORE magnets to explore with.
We would love magnets of any size and shape to continue our study.


Wishlist: Magnets of all shapes and sizes, Method anti-bacterial spray and wipes.

Have a GREAT weekend!

Candis, Chrysta, Graciela, Jackie, and Nadja



Spring Family Conferences start next week. *Please note: Wednesday, 5/9 and Thursday, 5/10 are 1:30 dismissal days* Laura will be doing conferences before and after school Wednesday, May 9 – Friday, May 11. Tamara is available for conferences before and after school (and even during lunch!) from Wednesday, May 9 – Tuesday, May 15. Please sign up in the front office. As you know, your child is an integral part of our student-led conferences, so be sure to set aside this time to give your Core 2 student your undivided attention (turn off cell phones, come rested and snacked-up, and make arrangements for siblings, if possible)

Laura, Tamara, and the Core 2 students have decided to share aspects of their SMASH education that are not on the written narrative report cards for this round of conferences. At SMASH, we strive to give the students choice and voice in their education, whether it’s choosing their own Just Right books to read, authoring free-writing pieces with friends, or voting for the group name. We also hope to develop curiosity, intrinsic motivation, and the habits of life-long learners. We do a lot of this important work outside of Reading, Writing, and Math Workshops.

For this round of conferences, we will be sharing Theme and Projects. This will give the students an opportunity to show you how they use non-narrative/nonfiction reading, writing, and vocabulary skills to explore science ideas, develop questions about history and current events, gather resources and take notes for independent research projects, and organize information to share it with others. We will also discuss how they use CARES during all parts of their day in Core 2.

Reading, Writing, and Math are the building blocks of elementary education, which is why our written reports focus on those three areas. You will be receiving the second written narrative evaluation of your child’s strengths, challenges, and improvements (yes, “one to glow on, one to grow on, and on to go on”) in reading, writing, and mathematics in June.

Highlights of Research on Student-Led Conferences

Student-led conferences are emerging as a way to actively engage students in their learning process, wrote Donald G. Hackmann, assistant professor of educational leadership and policy studies at Iowa State University in an ERIC Digest, “Student-Led Conferences at the Middle Level.” Following are some of the benefits of student-led conferences listed in Hackmann’s article:

* Students assume greater control of their academic progress.

* Students accept personal responsibility for their academic performance.

* Parents, teachers, and students engage in open and honest dialogue.

* Parents attend conferences at increased rates.

* Students learn the process of self-evaluation.

* Students develop organizational and oral communication skills.

For more on student-led conferences, see the article with this week’s Friday papers. We look forward to making the most of our student-led conferences by sharing our questions, “ahas,” and personal passions with you next week!



~Please fill in the overnight field trip slip by Friday, May 11th!

~SPRING FAMILY CONFERENCES THIS WEEK! With SuperSMASH and the end-of-the-year packed schedule, it will be challenging to fit in a conference in the following weeks. Please honor the scheduled time for conferences if you are planning on having one. Sign up in the office with ONE teacher.

~Thanks to our chaperones for allowing us to take the field trip to the Broad! The Broad Theater's show of the National Geographic Photographer was interesting and enlightening and visually amazing!

~Comedy & Improv DVD is now available in class for a $15 donation!

6th gr Math w/ Carrie: We finally got to get back into our fraction/decimal/percent work and we found that...we forgot how to do a lot of it! So… we spent some time this week working in groups to remember the skills we learned prior to State testing. Next week we will delve further into more complicated decimal work.
6th gr Math w/ Erin: This week we had fewer math periods due to the field trip. We continued our study of area and perimeter while designing our floor plans.
5th gr Math w/ Genie: We took our final Growth Patterns Assessment and began our 2nd multiplication/ division unit. We will be exploring different strategies like doubling/halving, tripling/thirding, along with the US multiplication and division algorithms. Ask your child about the old Russian Peasant Algorithm.

Science w/ Carrie: Our investigation of sources of energy continued this week. We are looking at different sources to find out as much as we can. A few tips for doing online research are: use the key words "energy sources kids" in a search engine and you will get age appropriate material, go to and go to SIRS research (the username is SMMUSDE and the password is LIBRARY). There are great articles at age appropriate reading levels. We also did a hands-on investigation to find conductors and insulators. Ask your child what they found out during their testing.

SS w/ Erin: On Monday we reflected on the 20 year anniversary of the L.A. riots/civil unrest. Students watched a short video clip from the LA Times website and we discussed the saying, "It was the straw that broke the camel's back." What conditions were people living in that caused them to finally snap? What was life like for Angelenos in different areas that day. On Wednesday students began research on their Ancient Egypt group projects. Next week we will continue in the research stage and then perhaps move on to working on our poster boards or dioramas. I will be providing the poster board and markers. Students should bring to school any other materials they need for their project by next Friday, 5/11.

RW/WW w/ Genie: Our Poetry Publishing Celebration will be on Monday, 5/7, 11:30-12:25 for Blue and 2:00-3:00 for Orange. Please join us to see the amazing visual art and poetry your child has been working on! If you can't make it to the celebration, your child will share their work during the Family Conference next week.

6G Math: Decimal preview due Tuesday. This is a start to what we will be going into greater depth with. If students do not know how to do everything, that's okay, we will be learning it. This just gives me an idea of where they are.
5G Math: Packet #29 due Friday, 5/11.
SS: Please bring all materials that you need for you Ancient Egypt project by Friday, May 11th.
Writing: Finish Poetry project and think about what you want your independent writing project to be.
Reading: read every day for 30-40 minutes!

Kaiden is collecting the rings that you pop off of your milk and juice cartons when you first open them for a project she is working on. Please save them and bring them to Core 3! A great reusing of a trash item!

Come, listen, and talk with your school principals and counselors at a lively forum about the middle school.
Principals: Jessica Rishe, Dr. Mark Kelly, Eva Mayoral, Suzanne Webb
Counselors: Laura Check, Liz Cowgill, Katie Dehope, Stacy LaDuke, Aimee Stauffer
Saturday, May 19 - 9:00am-11:30am Lincoln Middle School Cafeteria (1501 California Ave)
Why your middle school child is supposed to make you crazy.   What’s the one thing you would change about our middle school?
Safe, Healthy, Engaged, Supported, Challenged

Principals: Jessica Rishe, Dr. Mark Kelly, Eva Mayoral, Suzanne Webb
Counselors: Laura Check, Liz Cowgill, Katie Dehope, Stacy LaDuke, Aimee Stauffer
Saturday, May 19 - 9:00am-11:30am - Lincoln Middle School Cafeteria (1501 California Ave)
Why your middle school child is supposed to make you crazy.
What’s the one thing you would change about our middle school?
Safe, Healthy, Engaged, Supported, Challenged

Tryouts for Samohi soccer program will be held the last week of June
Boys Soccer tryouts will be June 26, 27 & 28 from 3:00-5:00pm at Samohi athletic field
Girls Soccer tryouts will be June 26, 27 & 28 from 1:30-3:30pm at Samohi athletic field
In order to be allowed to tryout, students must complete a medical release form and have it signed by a physician clearing them to participate and complete an emergency information card. These forms are in the SMASH office. For information go to 
Questions should be directed to the varsity coaches:
Boys: Serafin Rodriguez at; Girls: Jimmy Chapman at

Dear 7th Grade Parents,
Please note: 7th graders have two field trips next week related to exploring human impacts in estuaries.
One is on May 9 from 08:30 to Mother's Beach in Marina Del Rey.
The second is on Friday May 11 from 08:30-13:30 to Ballona Wetlands.
The permission slip went home so if you missed the 5/4 return date, please sign and return it on Monday.  
Thank you.—Kurt

Dear Core 4 Families,
I want to give a shout out to Lisa, Mariam, Kathleen and Helga for coming with Core 4 to the Museum of
Tolerance. The field trips this winter and spring have centered on weighty content. The issues of human rights violations, historically and currently, are so difficult to stomach. Yet, the hope we feel when we learn of real acts of compassion, rescue, resistance and heroes inspires us to be our best selves.

Today at The Museum of Tolerance kids were exposed to the Civil Rights Movement, LA Riots in its 20 year
anniversary, the Rwandan Genocide briefly, and The Holocaust. This coupled with the exhibit "Women Hold up Half the Sky", at the Skirball Center in February, give us ample material to launch into a year end Global Summit.

I encourage all of you to discuss the experiences your kids have had on these trips and ask them questions.
Today’s trip was particularly intense, and I have no doubt that talking with them and helping them unpack the day will be rich and rewarding. Also please look in news for current events that highlight courageous and compassionate acts as well as the serious, more inhumane issues going on in our community and around the globe. Kurt coined the unit "The Geography of Hope." This applies to environmental action and human rights/social justice work and is oriented around the positive and the never ending indications of our humanity as opposed to the atrocities ignited by fear and hatred.

In our Global Summit, students have selected a country to be a delegate of, and they will work in small groups
to focus on a global issue. I want this end-of-year focus to motivate us to be world citizens, not paralyzed by the scope
of problems. Your involvement is key in helping the younger minds and hearts grapple with the material.
Please feel free to contact me with ideas for speakers, resources and questions. Your teens are truly amazing
kids. The staff at the museum complimented them on their hearts and minds. Thank you for letting us tackle such real issues in school.
P.S. A SHORT Holocaust reading/viewing list if kids are interested: Number the Stars, Lois Lowrey
The Diary of Ann Frank; Schindler’s List

8th grade art project reminder: If you would like to suggest a music lyric or quote for the art project, be sure to bring it to school by this Monday, May 7.

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